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Everything posted by BBM

  1. So there are only 2 mafia but everyone dies with the Hinimizawa Syndrome by N3?
  2. Okay, so then it doesn't make sense for Bizz to be targeted for both a Nightkill and to be targeted by the Poisoner (unless there are two mafias). So it's probably more likely that the mafia attacked Bizz N1, couldn't get through, and then sent a Hitman after her N2 to ensure the kill the second time through. And the Poisoner targeted Bal N1 and he died N2. Well, we'll see with the flip on Kay.
  3. Rules (adapted from Fire Emblem RTUs) - Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly. You can troll a bit, but no CATERPIE HAS STRING SHOT 10/10. +/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly. - Votes are made out of 10. You cannot rate a pokemon above 10 or below 0. - The rating topic will be updated whenever I feel like it, but I will try to allow at least 24 hours for each topic. They will generally be updated at around 10 PM EST. - A pokemon being inferior relative to another pokemon does not explicitly reduce their rating. - We are rating ingame performance only, up until the Elite 4 is beaten the first time. - Evolution lines get condensed, so treat Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venasaur all as one pokemon. Weedle/Kakuna/Beedrill: 2.44 Ekans/Arbok: 2.57 Rattate/Raticate: 3.20 Pidgey/Pidgeotto/Pidgeot: 5.00 Caterpie/Metapod/Butterfree: 5.21 Pikachu/Raichu: 5.94 Spearow/Fearow: 6.21 Charmander/Charmeleon/Charizard: 7.80 Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venasaur: 8.25 Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise: 9.36 Never used this guy either. I need to use more pokemon.
  4. 1)You pick for Horace, not me. 2)Remember, Harken and Karel get drafted as a pair twice. So you're basically giving Horace Harken, not Karel. Sharpy, you can take Wil.
  5. Cam, take Fin for Ayra.
  6. BBM

    Draft Minimafia

    Sorry guys, I was out and just came back. Yes, I meant if Proto flips town, not if Proto flips scum. I am still feeling the Proto lynch more than anything else. I really don't think we should lynch Manix. This suicidal thing seems stupid, but not scummy. Maybe it is WIFOM, but why would mafia post that? And scum!Manix (or really Manix in general) isn't someone who tends to use WIFOM a lot. And as for my activity, that's distressing. I thought I'd been fairly active this game and that I'd been giving my opinions consistently. I'll try to step it up.
  7. Aere, what is your role exactly? Do you use your BPV for yourself, or do you give it to someone else? Because you said that Rein targeted Bizz. I'm going to keep my vote on Manix because Kay is already past majority.
  8. Nobody is dead? Mafia idled their kill or Subieko is scum. But I know I'm not the scum, and if Manix is scum and Psych is not, then Psych would have said that Manix and Helios are the same alignment. If Psych is scum, then he could have pushed an easy mislynch yesterday after bussing Iris. ##Vote: Subieko
  9. Heath with Nini's Grace only needs to be like level 11 on average to survive a round. It's pretty possible.
  10. meheheh thank you Horace. Technically, if you never reset the game at all, Ayra gets jealousy over everyone except Aideen and Fury, BUT let's hope Cam has to reset at least once. 500/7 is around 78 turns of them having to stand by each other, and I'm pretty sure that's more turns than 1+2+3 take.
  11. It looks like he wanted to be shot. But two roles that both need to die to get information seems fishy.
  12. I followed you on Scorri, but I posted reasoning for my D2 vote on Marth in N1.
  13. BBM

    Draft Minimafia

    My vote is probably going to stay on Proto, because he's the only one who's actively seemed scummy. Rothene, and to a lesser extent Blitz, have been just mostly inactive. I'll get on them later, but lynching them D1 won't do much.
  14. So if you know someone else who's beaten the game, they can send you the Keys right at the beginning? CHALLENGE MODE, here I come!
  15. I really don't think that someone would be told if they were Poisoned. Think about it, it basically tells you one of the mafia roles right off the bat. You might say that Bizz lowering the stages of the Hinimizawa Syndrome by 3 implies there is a Poisoner, but I think the Syndrome happens by itself (accompanied by a mafia Poisoner who speeds the process along). Otherwise there would be no need for "stages" of the Syndrome. Bizz's role would just have been to remove the Syndrome entirely. I'd like to see Manix and Aere post more.
  16. Uh well they won't help you with LTC much anyways. And besides, I did say I'd help you with Magic Swords!
  17. Don't worry, I am planning on giving you a magic father so that they can better use Magic Swords.
  18. Wait, so what does Pikachu dispose of easily? Fishermen? Bulbasaur does that easily too, even with only Razor leaf. Bulbasaur is your best pokemon against Brock and Misty (and if you tell me level 10 for Brock is grinding, I will shoot you). He's still better than Pikachu against Surge and they're about the same against Erika, but Bulbasaur resists and can also lay down more status moves than Pikachu. I guess Pikachu wins Koga, Sabrina, and Blaine by virtue of not getting hit for SE damage/being able to hit neutrally, but he isn't amazing against them by any means, and then he loses at Giovanni. A win at Lorelei for Pikachu, but Bulbasaur takes the cake against Bruno. Pikachu wins against Agatha but they're the same against Lance. And although we should be assuming raising a pokemon if we're rating it, and this falls under the Not X rule, Raichu is outclassed by Zapdos as soon as you get it, while Venusaur is your best grass type should you ever need one (although I you probably don't).
  19. Damnit I was hoping I'd get Fury. Uhhh... Aideen and Lachesis?
  20. BBM

    Shining Force Mafia

    Damnit Marth, why did you have to go and give us away?
  21. SFM is different because Bizz was like KILL ME AT YOUR OWN RISK and I was mafia and hate namekilling
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