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Everything posted by BBM

  1. No, I'm thinking Kay is the Town Safeguard who screwed my epic bodyguarding powers over. Mafia Safeguard is OP as shit and considering there are multiple kills going around, a super strong mafia is unlikely.
  2. BBM

    Draft Minimafia

    My randomvote is on Manix, so I'm going to remove it and vote for Blitz, because this depressing "lynch me if you want" attitude from Manix is new, and I don't think he's pulling some WIFOM. ## Unvote, ##Vote: Blitz
  3. I think I get it. At the start of the game, all the townies had a varying, hidden level of the Syndrome. Every cycle, this level increases. Once it reaches some level, they go mad and gain the ability to kill. If this is so, losing Bizz this early was pretty disastrous.
  4. I made a typo there. I also heard back from Illuminate; I would have been informed if I was roleblocked, which I was not. So Kay is probably the SG, because if she has some Doc piercing killing ability I would question why nobody died N1.
  5. Yeah, I meant to say mafia there, not ninja. BTW, I was on Eclipse N1.
  6. 2) should read "and Kay is mafia"
  7. Okay, I'll claim. I'm the Town Doctor. The fact that I was on Bizz last night and she still died implies one of the following things: 1)Kay is a Safeguard and the mafia have a Ninja who performed the kill on Bizz. 2)I was roleblocked last night and Kay is the Ninja.
  8. Okay, both me and Kay visited Bizz? Why vote me over Kay? I'll tell you guys my role and its implications if you want. I'd rather not before I ask the mods a question though.
  9. Possibly, or they both targeted the same target N1, who was Doctored. Also, what does Bizz's role even mean? What's this Hinamizawa Syndrome?
  10. Ahhhhh you almost made me second guess myself Helios. Psych, ask if Manix and Subieko are the same alignment this night. You'll probably die, but just in case Subieko decides to kill Manix. Let's get our actions in as quickly as possible.
  11. BBM

    Draft Minimafia

    No, I mean that's what I told the people who said I was too quick to vote, that votes can be changed easily, but they still kept on saying that I was overreacting.
  12. Krom can't marry Anna anyways, so it doesn't matter. It's Soiree, Sumia, Mariabel, and FeMU you have to watch out for.
  13. BBM

    Draft Minimafia

    That's what I said. >_> But whatever, Blitz will see my concerns and respond to them either way when he gets on.
  14. Also, the grace period ended almost 5 hours ago. Where are teh mods?
  15. BBM

    Draft Minimafia

    Eh, people say I'm too quick to vote so I thought I'd hold off it. Also, Prims, monkeys make a much bigger mess of your pots and pans then herons.
  16. You can't do that, because Olivia is recruited in Chapter 12 and Krom is paired automatically at the end of Chapter 12, before you access the world map. You basically have just that map.
  17. I didn't really have an option, lol, considering that 75% was the very highest I could get, and that was only to do 10 damage.
  18. Hey, someone else. Another reason I think Helios is scum- two protective roles seem weird considering the mafia only had one nightkill and both the 3rd parties could kill during the day.
  19. They'll probably tell us the release date an hour after the conference.
  20. Othin, would you say that keeping Krom apart from his other potential partners for Krom x Olivia is unrealistic on Lunatic?
  21. I move Hector up, Ninian dances, he moves up and kills a Monk with the Iron Axe equipped. On EP, the Sniper and Lloyd attacked Hector (boss quote number 1). So does the Myrmidon, who is left with 1 HP. Turn 2 starts, and Legault finishes the Myrmidon. Priscilla heals Hector and Ninian gives Hector Nini's Grace. Now this is where the restarts begin. Eliwood on a fort survives the ORKO with 1 HP, but has only a 62% chance to hit and deal 12 damage (boss quote number 2). If this attack misses, restart. Then Hector attacks Lloyd with the Brave Axe. He does 21x2 at 30%. At least one of these attacks must hit. If they both connect, Lloyd dies. If they both miss, restart. If only one hits, Florina then has to hit Lloyd at a 75% hit rate. If this misses, restart.
  22. But if you can't actually change the difficulty for the main story, only for postgame, then there won't be any data for a more difficult/easy main story, in which case you're doing your own stuff, which you could do with any of the games.
  23. I thought Jailer was just the town version of Kidnapper, and they did the exact same thing.
  24. BBM

    Draft Minimafia

    I'm pretty sure her vote on Blitz is a random vote. Come on guys, who's looking the most suspicious/townie? I think Blitz is looking a bit scummy, because he started discussion about the roles and stuff. I'm not saying he's rolefishing, but at the same time, it's not a conversation that would really lead to anything fruitful. He also prodded a couple of other people to speak, but other than one-liners here and there, never really said anything himself. I don't have much of a read on anyone else, but I think Bizz is townish, because from what I remember of the one game I read where she was mafia, she tends to tunnel, which she's not really doing here.
  25. Lol, my plan required like 10 resets because Lloyd ORKOs everyone on my team except for Slim Lance!Florina.
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