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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Does the phase end in one hour or two? And where is everyone?
  2. I wouldn't mind the question being me and Iris either. It would confirm for me, at least, her alignment.
  3. If that's the definition of OMGUS, I guess I OMGUSed. I try to act scummy enough that the mafia don't want to kill me, but townie enough that the town doesn't want to lynch me. It's a hard balance to get and I tend to err in the too scummy side. We don't need majority to lynch? Cool. Still, we need to consolidate. 3 and 2 are too close. Also, Eclipse, who do you find scummy? You don't find Shinori scummy, you don't find me scummy, and your last couple votes have been just prodding other people.
  4. Elieson - 2 (Balcerzak, Rein) Shinori - 3 (Camtech, Subieko, BBM) BBM - 1 (Shinori) Bizz - 1 (Eclipse) Rein - 1 (Kay) Subieko - 1 (Rapier) Scorri - 1 (Elieson) My vote is on Shinori, not Elieson. Also, it's 9 to lynch, a couple hours left for the phase end, and the largest wagon we have at the moment has only 3 people in it. Come on, guys. Marth, Kay, I see you guys lurking. And Bizz, if you're not going to be there for phase end, can you vote for someone before leaving?
  5. But again, the principle is the same. I'm not suspicious of him for being suspicious of me, but for being suspicious of me for a dumb reason.
  6. But this is Fire Emblem, not Final Fantasy. I don't generally go for LTC, but grinding is boring and annoying. Or do you Arena abuse or Tower Abuse all your characters up in the GBA games? And his point about starting with E ranks when reclassing is valid, although I maintain that that's the fault of the specific classes some characters got more than a fault of the system as a whole.
  7. Correct me if I'm wrong, but an OMGUS is voting for someone for no reason other than that they voted for you. I voted for Shinori not because he voted for me, but because his vote followed logic that didn't make sense to me. I'm not disagreeing with his metagaming, I even made a post earlier than that saying yes, scum!Elieson tends to act differently. But I don't believe that meta should ever be the basis of one's argument, because anyone skilled enough can easily use meta opinions about themselves to project a different alignment than they are. At most, it should be used as backup. You can't just wave off behaviour that you'd find scummy in someone about whom you had no prior knowledge using meta. There was absolutely no point to this. I'm not sure Bizz is even here. Is prodding her really useful at this point in the phase?
  8. Really? Let's take this Gym Leader by Gym Leader. Roxanne: Torchic needs to be evolved and a higher level, Mudkip does not. Plus Mudkip hits Sp. Def and Combusken hits Def. Mudkip wins Brawly: Mud Shot and Double Kick have roughly the same BP (not enough of a difference for it to really matter). Tie, because Marshtomp and Combusken actually have the same base Atk and Combusken has lol 5 higher base Speed. Plus, Machop is slower than both of them, and Meditite and Makuhita like spamming Focus Punch and Vital Throw respectively to make any slight lead in Speed useless. Wattson: Marshtomp wins for being Ground type. Flannery: Marshtomp has SE Water and Ground STAB, and Flannery's pokemon are even slower than Marshtomp, so Combusken's higher Speed doesn't make a difference. Advantage Marshtomp Norman: Combusken wins due to SE Fighting STAB. Winona: Combusken deals well with Tropius and Skarmory, but gets destroyed by Altaria, who has both Earthquake and Aerial Ace and resists both of his STABs. Marshtomp has only 1 less base speed than Tropius, so if it's at a good enough level, it should be able to OHKO Tropius with Ice Beam, although I'm not sure. But Ice Beam is also good for Altaria, and lets Marshtomp hit Pelipper neutrally, which Blaziken can't do without resorting to Strength or something. Marshtomp wins Tate + Liza: Blaziken gets hit by Psychic, while Swampert pulls out Surf to hit 3/4 of their pokemon for SE damage, although it's weakened because it's a Double Battle, and Light Screen will probably go up. Even then, Swampert wins. Wallace/Juan: Blaziken doesn't do well against all the Water moves. Swampert wins Sydney: Blaziken wins with SE Fighting STAB. Phoebe: This should really be a tie, but I'll give the win to Blaziken for better offence. Glacia: Blaziken can handle the Glalies fine, but has trouble against the Sealeos and Walreins. Enough that this goes to Swampert. Drake: Swampert wins with Ice Beam while more than half of Drake's team is busy walling both of Blaziken's STABs. Steven/Wallace: Blaziken wins against Steven, but Swampert takes the cake against Wallace, so we'll call this a tie. I see more blue than red. Also, even when Torchic wins, it's important to note that Mudkip is never at a position where he's useless. Maybe inferior to Torchic, but always capable of pitching in. Several times, however, Torchic is not just inferior, but actually a bad choice to bring to the battle. Additionally, Mudkip has only one weakness and can cover it well with Ice Beam, much better than Blaziken who has to resort to Thunderpunch to hit Water and Flying types (available only in Emerald), and has no way to combat Psychic types. Finally, you're overhyping Blaziken's offensive lead. It's got only 10 base Atk more than Swampert, and only 5 more Sp. Atk than Sceptile. Beats Swampert by 20 base Speed, but Sceptile beats him by a whopping 40 base Speed. Swampert might be slow, but Blaziken has barely average Speed, if that. BTW, Ice Beam is available at the Game Corner. No need to wait for the Abandoned Ship.
  9. 1) My vote should still be on Shinori, so he has 2 votes. 2) We need to consolidate on somebody. Except I don't know how many people are online right now. I really don't think we should lynch Subieko. My lynch priority goes Shinori>Rapier>Cam>Elieson at the moment. I'd rather not lynch Elie either, he's just there because those are all the players I have any level of scum read on. I'd be fine with any of the other three. I'll keep my vote on Shinori atm, but I'll switch it to Cam if he doesn't post something worthwhile within an hour or so.
  10. This guy. Literally the only bad matchups he has all game are May's Grovyle and Wallace's Ludicolo. He is possibly the best starter (ingame) of all time. 10/10
  11. I don't think you need to claim atm Subieko. Guys, what do you think about Shinori's Town Kidnapper claim?
  12. When characters have to build up from E rank in FE13 after reclassing, that's not the fault of the system as much as how it was implemented, where some characters had no reclass options where they could keep their original weapon rank. What if you replaced one of Callum or Donny's options with Cavalier? Or one of Richt's options with Dark Mage? It's the exact same system, but with less grinding required.
  13. What? When did I defend Elieson? I moved off him after a bit because I decided that Shinori's reaction was scummier than Elieson's actions.
  14. 8/10. Her STR is meh and will let her down, and her 1-2 range is rather shoddy. But her skills and skill activation are great, and she makes good use of Adept, and is pretty good at ORKOing once she gets going. She also caps SPD quick enough that even 1 or 2 BEXP levels ought to get her to her Tier 2 STR cap.
  15. While what Cam did is good and helpful, it's not original thought and shouldn't be something that makes him townie.
  16. If all scummy things can be explained away by "he made a mistake", how do we find scum at all? Just wait for cop results? >_>
  17. Also, although I'm not really sure of Subieko, I don't like how quickly this bandwagon is building on her.
  18. How the hell is voting for someone who does something I find scummy overreacting? I keep asking that, and people just keep saying, lol you're overreacting. Explain to me, seriously. Or is my attitude now what you're saying is an overreaction? These are Shinori's reasons for thinking Elieson is town: 1) he attempted to start discussion, and 2) meta states that scum!Elieson wouldn't make that post. To 1), I responded that not all discussion is beneficial to the town, and the discussion that Elieson attempted to spark definitely was not. However, I recognized that Elieson's motives might not have been scummy, so I removed the vote. 2) is what you are saying is only "one of the reasons". It is half of Shinori's argument. wtf is this? Kindly do not assume that I am mafia before I even flip, and kindly do not assume that I am getting lynched this phase when there are what, two or three votes on me?
  19. Rules (adapted from Fire Emblem RTUs) - Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly. You can troll a bit, but no CATERPIE HAS STRING SHOT 10/10. +/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly. - Votes are made out of 10. You cannot rate a pokemon above 10 or below 0. - The rating topic will be updated whenever I feel like it, but I will try to allow at least 24 hours for each topic. They will generally be updated at around 10 PM EST. - A pokemon being inferior relative to another pokemon does not explicitly reduce their rating. - We are rating ingame performance only, up until the Elite 4 is beaten the first time. - Evolution lines get condensed, so treat Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venasaur all as one pokemon. Charmander/Charmeleon/Charizard: 7.8 Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venasaur: 8.25 Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise: 9.36 Uhhh... incredibly annoying to get to a Butterfree, and once it does, Confusion has some marginal utility against Brock... but not really because I'm pretty sure it gets OHKOd by Rock Tomb. Stats are quite bad and it doesn't get a STAB for a long time. Gust can sort of help against Eirika? Apparently, he can also Compoundeyes Sleep Powder and has a variety of TMs available. 3/10
  20. This is what Shinori posted. Paraphrased, it means "Scum!Elieson asks his teammates before posting anything important, so scum!Elieson would not have posted that." This actually implies that the post that Elieson made was scummy, because if that post was great and townie, why would any theoretical scum buddies have stopped him from posting it?
  21. Kidnapper, eh? Hmm... that's traditionally a mafia role, but IIRC Bizz was a Town Kidnapper or something similar in Schoolgirl Mafia. I don't know... >_> When does this phase end EST? Tomorrow 5 AM?
  22. So basically, everyone who disagreed with you about Elieson's action?
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