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Everything posted by BBM

  1. @Elieson- why? ##Unvote, ##Vote: Elieson That is information which benefits the mafia a lot. It lets them automatically cancel out people who are not high priority targets like the Doc and the Cop, while also letting them know who they probably don't want to target yet. On the other hand, very few town roles care about whether someone's role is passive or active.
  2. Voting for the person with the most negative evidence against them is not scummy in and of itself. It becomes scummy when that's the only vote you can come up with after days and is the same as what others are doing, because it makes it look like you're not putting your own thought into it, and are doing it to blend in. Also, Smogon must have very different games than we do on SF, because half of those roles are not common at all.
  3. Well, Prims can't talk and we have a couple people who are never active even at the best of times.
  4. Paper likely omitted the Announcer portion of his role because it wasn't necessary to reveal. And Iris's claim being a bad fakeclaim for a mafia member to make doesn't necessarily make them townie. See me, Shining Force Mafia.
  5. Even though she never has Lord status in FE9, she's much more important to the plot of FE9 as a whole than she is to the plot of FE10.
  6. Ahh... Your points are all good, but as with Treecko, I'm going to have to ask you for something a bit more than that to justify that 4. Yes, Charmander has a lot of bad matchups. But its stats are too good to put it at below average, especially considering it's around all game.
  7. But I want my Rainbow Cry Carrier Dragonmaster Jerome...
  8. The idea to give later joining characters Lunatic Mode boosts so that they didn't become unusable like they were in FE12 was a pretty good idea.
  9. It sounds like Libera, being a prepromote, is pretty good on the harder modes where so many of your characters can barely survive. And Libera has something like 15 STR/16 MAG with 40%/50% growths in the Battle Cleric class. And Liz has the exact same offensive growths as him too. Her STR might be slightly lower because the Tier 1 versions have lower STR growths, but she should still be okay. Plus, Axes are the strongest weapon.
  11. But a 4/10? That's extremely harsh. I wouldn't give Chikorita 4/10, and she's probably the worst starter in all of Pokemon. Whatever, I'm not this thread's manager, so I'll let it go, but I'll argue against every single pokemon you rate higher than Treecko who's not worthy of it. Mudkip vs Torchic? How is this even a contest? Mudkip stomps Roxanne, who Torchic can't even handle until it evolves into Combusken. Marshtomp's Mud Shot actually has higher power than Combusken's Peck against Brawly, so Combusken's slightly higher Attack doesn't matter. Marshtomp walls Wattson, has both Mud Shot and Water Gun for SE STAB against Flannery, admittedly loses to Combusken at Norman, can bust out Ice Beam for Winona, has SE Surf and Ice Beam vs Blaziken getting OHKOd against Psychic at Tate+Liza, wins Juan/Wallace, loses at Sydney, wins at Phoebe, wins at Glacia, wins at Drake, and wins at Wallace but loses at Steven. Fighting STAB is actually not that good at all ingame Hoenn.
  12. 1) Grovyle can most definitely take 1 hit from Slaking. 2) Bagging on a pokemon for being inferior to another is against the rules. 3) Mudkip>>>>Torchic if you want to talk about which starter is "the best".
  13. A pokemon being inferior relative to another pokemon does not explicitly reduce their rating. I'm only being so anal because it's Treecko.
  14. nano, if you still have any PMs left, you can claim to me. I think most people find me town.
  15. Rock Tomb is a 2HKO. Better pray it misses, as it outdamages Potion, or Onix uses Bind or something.
  16. Rules (adapted from Fire Emblem RTUs) - Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly. You can troll a bit, but no CATERPIE HAS STRING SHOT 10/10. +/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly. - Votes are made out of 10. You cannot rate a pokemon above 10 or below 0. - The rating topic will be updated whenever I feel like it, but I will try to allow at least 24 hours for each topic. They will generally be updated at around 10 PM EST. - A pokemon being inferior relative to another pokemon does not explicitly reduce their rating. - We are rating ingame performance only, up until the Elite 4 is beaten the first time. - Evolution lines get condensed, so treat Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venasaur all as one pokemon. Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venasaur: 8.25 Charmander. Poor guy doesn't do very well against the first two gyms. Metal Claw allows him to do slightly better than he could the first time around, but not by much. He gets raped by Misty, but then picks up and is okay/decent in the middle, but starts faltering again starting from Blaine. Kanto is just not a very kind region to Fire types. His stats are pretty good though, being both the strongest and fastest of all the starters, and again, he's there all game. 7.5/10
  17. I think that puts nano at L-1.
  18. Yeah, I gotta agree with Subieko here. I'm not sure Nano's made a single noteworthy post of any sort. ##Vote: nano
  19. Which is why I'm only bothering with Krom x Olivia, Vake x Tiamo, MU x Serge, and MAYBE Sol x Soiree for the main game. But no one is saying that these are pairings for in game. Also, Paperblade, lol.
  20. I have a feeling it's going to be a shorter game than one might anticipate with only 14 players. ##Vote: Shinori cuz SFM.
  21. I thought it was more like you get no turn count points out of 5 for it, but it adds to your overall TC and your overall EXP, as well as any boss quotes you (I) might have.
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