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Everything posted by BBM

  1. BBM

    Shining Force Mafia

    Actually, I think this is exactly what will happen, and because I'm lazy, I'll copy, paste, and slightly edit a post I made in CPM. Instead of first killing claimed power roles, the mafia roleblock or hinder them in some way, and then kill the big name players like Bizz first. Look at SFMM2. It was obvious from Day 1 that Psych had some sort of info/power role, and IIRC he claimed properly on either Day 2 or Day 3. They didn't kill him until Night 4, choosing to go for Prims, Bizz, and Raymond first. Look at that mini-mafia where you got randomlynched. Manix claimed Watcher, and then Rolecop, but he was never killed. The mafia chose to roleblock him the whole game instead. The reason they do this is because they anticipate that the Doc will be on the power roles. That, or they fear the scumhunting abilities of more experienced players more than they fear the power roles. Yeah. Doc will probably be on Shinori tonight. Unless the mafia have some sort of pierce like they did in SFMM2 (which is possible, I guess), I don't think Shinori will die tonight.
  2. BBM

    Shining Force Mafia

    Umm, even if SB is newb scum, trying to lynch Shinori is just a really dumb idea. Unless ALL of the mafia are newbs, which I doubt, I don't think they'd let him try that. I think that was just his idea of a random joke vote, to be honest.
  3. BBM

    Shining Force Mafia

    Well, he did ask to get investigated.
  4. Also, Vake x Tiamo. Did Othin do this one too? He might have, but I was thinking about this from earlier anyways. Vake gets Counter from the Warrior branch, and Tiamo gets Lightning Speed from Dark Pegasus. Then Selena goes Hero with those skills. Tiamo's MAG will suck, but whatever. Also, Krom x Olivia. Lucina gets Aether and Myrmidon from Olivia. She reclasses into Myrm and then promotes to Swordmaster. Alternatively, I might get her to level 15 Great Lord and then go straight to Swordmaster. That'll probably be better, actually. Azure... i don't know. Royal Weapon + Sol? Two Heroes might be redundant, but I like Heroes, so eh.
  5. Well, they'll probably realize that the Japan-only characters will garner less money than the other ones, but releasing only some of them is dumb, and not releasing any at all lowers possible profits.
  6. BBM

    Shining Force Mafia

    This is why you don't host OC games.
  7. BBM

    Shining Force Mafia

    Were you paranoid in GSM? Can't remember why we lynched you. Also, like I said earlier, I revoked my statement about how Shinori shouldn't have outed himself. My first reaction was just one of paranoia that the town leader, who is obviously a target, would actually hurt the town when he died, more than just a normal townie death. But eh, after a minute I realized that the Doctor would probably be on him and he'll be okay. Unless they have a pierce or something. No, no Skype. I have MSN, which I never use, but I guess I can for this game. I'll PM you my email.
  8. gahhhh I hope you know by now that I really don't mean offence when I get your, or anybody else's, gender wrong. I just have a really bad memory with these things, and tend to think of people on the internet as genderless. This causes me to default to he. Yeah, it's pretty short, but I think Nano is more newbtown than newbscum, so even a short list of them should help him to come up with some better reasoning for his votes.
  9. BBM

    Shining Force Mafia

    Gen 5 feels new, maybe, but I don't like the designs of many of the pokemon. Some (like Swoobat) are just ripoffs of older ones. Okay now, not that I don't love pokemon, but we should get back to the game at hand. This is Day 1, not Night 0.
  10. BBM

    Shining Force Mafia

    The best pokemon is pretty obvious... To make this post on-topic, umm... Shinori, how many people have claimed so far? No need to say who has/hasn't, I just want to know how many of us trust you, mainly to see if mafia have had time to make fakeclaims yet.
  11. This is a post that Eclipse made in Resistance detailing some scumtells, from most scummy to least scummy. I didn't agree with his examples of these scumtells in the game, but the list itself was pretty good. 1. Telling the town to shut up/not vote; the less public info the town has to work with, the better for the mafia. 2. Knowing things that aren't public knowledge. An example would be, "So our doctor failed because of a safeguard" when no one has claimed such. Doesn't apply as much to this kind of game. 3. Demanding people vote a certain way with consequences in NOC, unless it's someone refusing to vote for a cleared cop's guilty or something equally clear-cut. Town only has thread info and their own role PM, without the benefit of OC. Perhaps what you see isn't the best course of action. 4. Getting mad when they lose control of the conversation; this tells me that they had some benefit from controlling it in the first place. 5. Having No Opinion On Anything, including votes. Most likely to make sure that "you were tunneling" fails. 6. Following opinions without forming your own. Some people aren't great at self-expression, so that's why I consider this one on a case-by-case basis. 7. Bad logic, but I can't assume that people see things FMPOV.
  12. That is... pretty bad reasoning.
  13. BBM

    Shining Force Mafia

    ##Vote: Aere cuz I don't like Squirtle.
  14. Assuming we get a third DLC class that can use Lances, that'd be a better class for Donny and make him much much better.
  15. To end the phase early by putting the last vote required for the majority lynch.
  16. Oh, I thought you were talking about something else. I seriously had no idea what you were referring to..
  17. Also, Iris, you have Subieko listed twice in your "If Marth flips scum" list. Which placement is correct?
  18. What had to be Iris, Strawman, or Helios?
  19. Well, Griffin Knights give +1 Movement in Double, which is pretty h4x, and they also have more SPD, but Mark and Jerome will already have Carrier, and Dragonmasters get more STR, HP, and DEF. Admittedly, Griffin Knight sounds much cooler than Dragonmaster.
  20. I also doubt that each faction has two non-hidden players instead of just one, especially considering that they seem to have multiple abilities. It would also make even less townies.
  21. Othin has inspired me to go MU x Serge. MU gets Rainbow Cry and Serge gets Carrier before I visit Mark or Jerome's gaidens, so, correct me if I'm wrong, they will both start out as level 10 Dracoknights with Carrier and Rainbow Cry. Then they go promote into DRAGONMASTER!
  22. nonono 12 am is midnight (two hours), not noon tomorrow. I also thought it was noon tomorrow initially, but then I realized it isn't because of Iris's post.
  23. Can't find what you're talking about. >_> Could you at least repost it?
  24. I think that in this situation, an opinions list would be good, which we can use if you flip town.
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