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Everything posted by BBM

  1. why does Gaius have a role in addition to Mayor? I call hax gaius, is the other part of your role an active night action? fsr I never checked with SB whether my target is notified of being motivated during the night when they can act twice or the day before.
  2. Getting townreads and then PoEing is what I do almost every game as either alignment... Plus, characterizing my entire play as that when I've legitimately made cases on the people left from my pool of PoE (Omega, J) is incorrect. Not saying that me defending Hannah should get me auto-brownie points but if I'm going to be mislynched, I'd at least like it to be on the basis of an actual case. @prims- not sure what you mean by lylo being lost if everyone is wrong about me? Because as far as I can see there isn't really a consensus on my alignment. Do you mean if I'm scum and people elect not to lynch me or if I'm town and mislynched? @gorf- I assumed that SB sent Weapons his role PM shortly after he first claimed that he didn't have one, but wasn't that still like halfway through D1? idk I guess I just can't really see why even Weapons would keep up a joke for that long. I would ask Snike to confirm when Weapons got the role PM but I'd imagine he'd corroborate either way since I already said I thought it made him town. My main gripe about Elie off memory was that there are some points where he kind of just throws feelers out? He'll push someone but not really commit very heavily to the read, and just sort of subtly try pushing people. I've found his effort and tone townie, but I can't really remember any strong reads or cases he's made all game. Kind of leaning towards voting him right now cuz I don't feel like I have a better option. The reason I suggested massclaim, more than being suspicious of Elie, was that having all the claims in full would let me kind of know how many utility, how many investigative, and how many protective claims there were, to try and see which combination of claims made most sense. I also feel Marth is town thinking about it because I feel the claim is too elaborate to be totally a fake. If he's scum, it would be part of his actual role. But it doesn't make sense for mafia to have a BPV on the night the SK isn't killing. I'm not even sure whether it would stop Gorf's kill or not.
  3. Gaius, who do you think is scum? I know you had tests and stuff, but I agree with Elie that you haven't really done anything much since J on D2. Like, you've had a bunch of posts today after the test and they're all just defending yourself and answering questions.
  4. Huh, I guess I was wrong about Marth claiming Vanilla in QPRogue? ugh. I really feel like I remember him early0claiming Vanilla as scum but maybe I'm mixing something up. Marth's posts still read kind of meh to me though. He barely seems engaged in the game. but Zero read town to me and she has good interactions with Gilgamesh, I think? Gilg voted Dan over her on D1, but then voted her on D2. I'm not sure it really counts as a counterwagon because I don't think his lynch wagon picked up steam until after that post. However, considering he pseudo-defended her on D1, not sure why he would suddenly switch his opinion of her and then vote her, over Omega whom he was also suspicious of? Weapons, bleh. Thinking about it again, whether or not he's scum comes down to whether he was lying or telling the truth about not getting his PM. If he was scum his buddies would have been like "how come we only have a 2p scumteam" or "where's Weapons?" if the scum qt listed the members, and SB would have realized he hadn't sent a role PM to Weapons and done so pretty quickly. If Weapons seriously didn't get his role PM for an entire day phase then he kind of has to be town? And... I don't think he was lying. >_> basically everything sucks and maybe the scumteam is elie/gaius. I would be in support of a massclaim at this point because I feel like it would help me rolespec and I don't know how else to catch the scum.
  5. I forgot about Rogue, but I've like literally never seen a Rogue work. Rogue + gimmicky BPV that operates only on nights when the SK isn't killing but is still alive is pretty iffy.
  6. eclipse said her role failed n1. I can only guess she targeted J since I don't think mafia would have blocked a claimed neighbour. I'm pretty sure Marth claimed Vanilla on D1 or D2 as Mafia Goon in QPRogue, though someone should check that.
  7. I think Marth claiming when unnecessary is not indicative of alignment for him. He's claimed vanilla/pseudo-vanilla roles earlier than he had to as both alignments, and he's several times espoused early massclaims even. Marth claiming his role was unnecessary as scum, but it was pretty unnecessary as town too. He wasn't about to be lynched, and even if he was vanilla for all intents and purposes, claiming that narrowed down PRs for town. As scum it has the WIFOM factor going for it at least. But honestly I think claiming vanilla roles early is just a Marthism. as I said earlier my Snike scumread is more related to him being one of my weakest townreads as opposed to being an actual scumread. I'll reread Weapons tomorrow I guess. wrt the role interactions with Gilgamesh- isn't it possible that the scumteam set it up to provide credence to both claims? Otherwise I guess Elie or Gaius is scum. meh. I think scum Prims would be pushing me right now since it would be an easy segue from his D3 wariness of me, particularly with Yolo claiming doc. @Gaius- Not sure you understand me. Those first two posts, #606 and #611, imply that your role prevents you from doing it even if you wanted to; you're like "I can't hammer" but then you're clearly able to do so. Also, why do you think Gorf could be scum?
  8. basically town needed to lynch the cult leader D1 to have a good chance of winning the game
  9. I'm so disappointed that I didn't sub in; this game was a clusterfuck and it was amazing
  10. marth why do you think that your role and omega's cannot co-exist? I found it weird that Marth was too hesitant to push Omega last day phase based on other people's reads and then as soon as Omega claimed he started talking about too many protective roles. He's also been coasting the last two day phases and needed to be prodded a lot to expand on content.
  11. btw @the person who asked about mafia doc- Gilgamesh had a 1x jailer so probably not. And the vig is instant and the SK only acts every other night so I don't think they'd need more protection than that. Could be a fakeclaim I guess but then our only protective role would be Marth's every-other-night BPV, which is kind of pretty bad. More inclined to think on rolespec that Omega is town and Marth is scum than vice versa.
  12. my role is pretty shit. I'm a delayed motivator, as in if I target someone with my role on Night X, they can use their action twice on Night X+2. Mancer didn't target anyone on N1, as I said earlier. On N2, I was in a rush and derped and targeted Gaius, who, uh, doesn't have an active role. If he did he'd be able to use two actions tonight. On N3 I tried targeting Elie but I got redirected to J and failed. I'll target someone tonight but it won't take place until N6. So I'm basically a vanilla at this point. Omega is town probably I guess but he still hasn't given any reasons for why I'm scum. Now that he's outed as doc he should actually bother giving reasons for reads that aren't omgus. Scumteam is probably like Snike/Marth since they were my weakest townreads but idk. I'm going to reread everyone since all the people I thought could be scum are dead or doctor. I'm really tired and I also have a project due tomorrow though so I may not get to posting tonight. Gaius, I thought you said that you couldn't hammer in #606 and then again in #611 but then you did actually place the last vote?
  13. I also thought of the nokill thing when he first mentioned it and went through the scenarios tonight with a town J. Idling and mislynching instead of killing J brings the game to LYLO rather than MYLO, but gives the town one extra night phase of actions and still requires the same amount of non-J mislynches. I didn't see the point in bringing it up though, and I wanted to see what reaction J himself would have if he survived to D4. anyways I have to leave in like 15 minutes and won't be here for phase end. I don't want to lynch Hannah but realistically I can't think of another person who is going to be lynched today at this point, since nobody wants to lynch Omega and J isn't a great lynch choice either. J is ascetic too btw so he literally can't survive if he's town and mafia doesn't idle their kill.
  14. BBM

    The Well

    are you stopping through Toronto on the way to Waterloo? (the answer has to be yes unless you're somehow going through Ottawa) in which case ARE WE MEETING UP
  15. BBM

    The Well

    the difference between comp eng and comp sci is that comp eng grads manage comp sci grads
  16. lmao what I don't think Hannah is going to post content. You might as well lynch her if you're going to. The reason I said that I don't think Hannah/J is a scumteam is because scumbuddies generally tend to have non-content interactions outside of the thread? That being said I also found that post where Hannah said he was scummy but then said he was neutral. shrug. Is this where you say I'm backpedaling? the reason I asked that question about yolo wrt Gilg was that I just can't understand your thought process. It is legitimately incredibly frustrating to me that you guys think some random FoS on D1 just out of RVS is telling. maybe it's because I wasn't following the game in real-time and maybe if I had I'd also see yolo as this bastion of light that exposed Gilg's lurking. But I don't from the perspective of someone who was only vaguely following the first day and a half and then mostly just reread ISOs. we'll see when Hannah flips I guess. I would argue that yolo/Hannah interactions are scummier since he practically never spoke of her until d3 other than a pseudo-defence d1 when he talked about her relative inexperience. also frustrated because mancer didn't submit a n1 action, I fucked up my n2 action bc I wasn't thinking properly, and my role tonight will be useless with J. So the earliest I can prove my role will be D6; good shit.
  17. wrt Prims' post being townie- it was, but I don't see how you can drop a niggling suspicion you've had for 2 day phases over 1 post no matter how good it is (not counting any rolestuff) maybe it's just because I've hardbussed or distanced myself from my buddies so much on D1 but I'm still not seeing a throw-away FoS as telling, especially since Omega is, after maybe Prims, probably the person in the game I'd most likely expect to pull refuge in audacity stuff. Question towards Hannah- in #363, you said J was the opposite of Eclipse- mostly joking around and not doing much. Since Eclipse was rated as a 3 aka less likely to be scum, why was J only a 5, which was totally neutral? Your comment would place him more at a 7. Gorf, who do you think is the scumteam? I thought that you were leaning towards Hannah/J, but your last post indicated that you feel she may just be newbtown struggling, which is more in line with my opinion. And are you no longer suspicious of the zero/Marth slot? Your last post addressed towards him didn't seem like you were addressing it to someone you were suspicious of.
  18. BBM

    The Well

    I don't actually see undergraduate physics and undergraduate engineering as very similar at all, and that's from someone whose engineering program is more theoretical and rigorous than most. All the science you learn in physics is for the sake of learning it, to understand it as best as you can so that you can build off it. The science you learn in engineering is all tied back to applications and what you can do with it. Even when you learn things from first principles it's so that you can exploit it to its maximum extent, and most things you don't even learn from first principles. I think at the post-graduate level (particularly PhD) the gap is less, because they're both now concerned with pushing the boundaries of what we know.
  19. @Marth- so is Hannah not knowing why she voted Dan and not voting throughout D2 scummy? @Gorf- ok I'll grant the point that the rest of the FoSd people had more posts early on than Gilgamesh; I checked their ISO and I must have been misremembering. But I still don't see an FoS embedded among two others as telling. Question to Gorf and Prims- if Omega had voted Gilgamesh rather than FoSing him, would that have been townier or scummier than what he did?
  20. I'm not going to be voting hannah just because J should prove his role tonight. I don't agree that Omega did anything big to bring Gilgamesh into the spotlight. He literally just FoSd all the people who hadn't posted content in the game. That included Mancer and Weapons. In fact, FoSing Mancer and Weapons and not FoSing Gilgamesh in that post would have looked super bad if either of them had flipped. Omega also hasn't explained why he mysteriously dropped Prims scumread over the course of like half an hour. Prims had the one post with all his reads and that was enough despite calling him out all game for being lackluster? Yes, we can't lynch him today but that doesn't explain why he was removed as a potential lynch target in the future when he said that we should just steamroll through J/Hannah/me. @Marth- Gaius isn't scum man. Also he wasn't the only person to espouse those reasons for calling Dan scum. What do you think of J? I get the point of looking at wagons as a starting point for content, especially when you sub in, but that doesn't mean you get to ignore the people who're actually up for lynch. What are your opinions on Hannah? Why is Gaius on the Dan wagon worse than Hannah on the Dan wagon? @Prims- I already said that I think J is scum. If you want more reasons- his last post was a poor imitation of PoE. After coming up with townreads he didn't actually bother going through the people leftover and analyzing their post; he basically just decided a lynch order arbitrarily. He didn't look at potential scum/scum interactions between them. He's said why he thinks Hannah is scum in the past I think, but why am I second over Marth and Elie? Where did that 80% number come from? Also important to note that J pseudo-defended Mancer on D1 when he was attacking Eclipse; he said that Mancer's play is always kind of scummy. Put together with him now placing me as his second-biggest scumread despite having not talked about me prior to it at all, that was probably scum white-knighting town and then switching away from it because of PoE. I also don't think that Hannah/J is a scumteam. We probably shouldn't lynch his role today but my gut says it's scum because it dying turns off Eury's Tree Stump and I feel like it's better balance to tie that to a scum death than a town death (although flavour-wise the opposite would be more correct).
  21. Omega FoS'd Gilgamesh D1; that means literally nothing, especially as he voted Dan and FoS'd Mancer and Weapons in the same post for similarly lurking. He didn't bring Gilg up again until after he was popular in D2. He also mentioned J once on D1 I think? It was a similar throwaway "put more effort in" line; he said the same thing about Prims essentially in the same post. Scum distance by making half-hearted pushes like that from their buddies literally all the time. He didn't vote Gilg until he was a major talking point and didn't vote J until (in his own words) the lynch for today started to come down to J/Hannah. ok Hannah now srs. following section is kind of stream of consciousness, which I normally dislike but I'm too tired to clean it up I forgot that she's played mafia before to some extent so maybe the thing about not making two new players scum together doesn't apply (although she's still "new" in that SB wouldn't have known how good she was). I think it's townie for her to emphasize that she actually does have experience? Especially as she's not backing it up with very good play. I feel like it would be easy to just coast and active lurk on the basis of being new. I guess Gaius could have called her out but eh I still feel like she wouldn't be so insistent about it. I think basically if you want to argue that Hannah is scum you have to argue that it's all a sort of master plan where she pulls off multiple levels of WIFOM. She also has comments like "man I sound so scummy" and I'm just not sure she's that refuge in audacity? I don't feel like Hannah/J is a scumteam. Telling him about how she loved the Gossip Girl gifs just seems like something you'd do in the scum quicktopic if that was something that existed. #193 is a pretty bad post; a lot of words to say she has no scumreads and just randomly mentioning Shinori could be bussing each other. #196 just admitting that she's kind of picking at random feels town to me though. #361 is weird. She admits to J that her play wasn't great on D1 and she can see why people voted her, but then she later says in the same post to Gaius that she's disappointed for being wagoned for bad reasons. #363 is pretty bad too. Still think Hannah's tone and frustration at not being able to produce feels genuine. I think that her searching up Voyeur in-thread is town too. If she's doing it as scum she's doing it, again, as WIFOM. Overall she has a couple bad posts and no opinions but I still think she's town, or at least townier than J and Omega fite me.
  22. Marth not having posted since his sub-in post is worrying enough for me to drop that slot down to my weakest townread but ultimately I still don't see the hyperaggressiveness coming from newbscum. I also think Prims makes a good point about the Gilgamesh interactions with zero. I personally feel like there is literally no point in playing the way that Omega is when I know he knows how to give reasons for opinions, other than like, having a playstyle that's easy to replicate when you roll scum. But playing the metagame is lame.
  23. why should I vote who other people think are scum instead of who I think is scum? There's no 1v1 or dichotomy between Hannah and J either; people are just narrowing down to them because there have been a lot of obvtown people and they aren't. I mean, you're probably right in that one of them is scum but I'm also confident that 2/3 of you/Hannah/J are scum. and how about you stop wondering whether or not people are scum and start trying to actually figure it out? that's when I'll reconsider my opinion on you.
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