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Everything posted by BBM

  1. There are way too many people in this game so I'm pretty much going to randomize actions until <25 people are left, if I'm still alive by then. Probably not going to contact anyone. Others are free to contact me if they Really Want. gl hf
  2. Except most scientific theories that posit that the universe grew from nothing require some sort of outside impetus to start the process? Saying that we can reject the existence of God with great certainty is false; we can't do anything like that at all. We can dispute the exact written word of most religions, but that doesn't really matter. Religion is a theory made up of many different parts. Disproving one part of it doesn't mean the entire thing is wrong.
  3. BBM

    The Well

    when are you going to change your name to PheliacNecro?
  4. Each separate game isn't THE full game, but it is A full game, at least in terms of game play. I think that financially, it's more than fair for them to split the games into two and require us to pay extra for the DLC 3rd route, especially as you get either Hoshido or Nohr discounted too. I do think that it cheapens the entire "choice" aspect that they hyped a lot, and also maybe doesn't provide a full story. I think if it was possible for them to sell all three games at once in one cartridge at the price they would be if you bought them all (~$100 bucks or whatever), that would be the best. But I'm unsure that there's enough space on one cartridge for that. Consider that in Awakening they didn't even think they had space for feet in the character models.
  5. BBM

    The Well

    what's your favourite dish to a) eat and b) cook
  6. BBM

    The Well

    Haze Crysta Proto
  7. Would it be possible to have a list of the dead and alive players at the start of each day thread? Or as a separate thread even.
  8. I've indicated to Bitto in a PM that I'd sub. Probably should have said it in here to begin with but I thought it would be processed faster.
  9. People keep saying NO GUNS IS UNREALISTIC. This is true; no guns are unrealistic, but no legal guns is realistic. And almost all the crime examples that have been listed in this thread (rape, burglary, mass-shootings) aren't committed for the most part by organized criminals with easy access to guns; they're committed by lone people who may not have knowledge of where to go and get guns illegally. I, for example, do not. And if you think that banning guns will lead to people who have no plans on committing a crime also going out and getting guns illegally, then there is a serious gun culture problem that needs to be addressed. People in almost every first-world country get by without guns. Why is America so different that the populace absolutely needs guns? As for IEDs stopping tanks- firstly, it's not at all that easy to penetrate tank armour as you think it is, and secondly, that doesn't counter the point about how civilians don't need guns. And as for the argument that you could sneak up on tank crews while they're not in the tank... the police also have people who can do that to civilians in their homes. They're called SWAT teams and they're actually trained professionals. You'll say "but the guerrilla forces won't live in homes" and you're right, but they can still kill innocents in retaliation. You might say that that will inspire more people to fight back, but it'll cause many more people to get afraid and start turning against the guerrilla forces.
  10. BBM

    The Well

    Proto Baldrick Gaius
  11. The reason the occupation overseas isn't a trivial affair is because the government is trying at least on a surface level to minimize casualties. If it was all-out war against a populace like you guys are suggesting here, trust me, this isn't even a contest. As for "waging smart warfare against a tank"; wtf is smart warfare against a tank? You need bombs or extremely damaging guns to do anything against a tank. Guerrilla warfare doesn't matter if you literally can't break past the armour. The sort of weapons necessary to bring down a tank go far beyond the weapons any civilians should be allowed to carry for self-defence against assaults and the like.. I don't agree with the POV that civilians should be allowed to (or need to) easily buy weapons to protect against other civilians, but at least I can see some merits to it. The idea that civilians need to be able to defend themselves against the most powerful military in the world is both ridiculous and impossible.
  12. The lynch target having a governor was super lame; you would basically have had to get her lynched twice and if she claimed as janus then shin would probably claim to back her up and she wouldn't even be lynched once. Still, not claiming and having a 0.00001% chance would have been better than claiming and having a 0% chance. you needed to be like a 1x assassin who lost if you misfired or something
  13. it was kind of a bad move to claim when you were pretty sure your target was town but your role sucked so SHRUG it also screwed over mafia because shin/eury became obvtown and they were both lynchable Shinori, your attitude sucked this game. You subbed in; it's your job to read the thread, especially considering that this was by no means a large game thread. If you don't want to read up, fine, but then don't blame other people and yell at them for not giving you a summary. You got hooked as cop and that sucked too but that doesn't mean you just throw your hands up and quit.
  14. Local police in small towns with populations under 10000 can get tanks in the US. I'm pretty sure that if the police (let alone the military) decided to start seriously attacking people, civilians having access to guns wouldn't mean jack shit. One of the purposes of a government is to protect its citizens. If you don't believe that your government ultimately has your best interests at heart, I would question why you're still there. It doesn't seem as if you believe the government is going to get any better either, or that things can be improved.
  15. Your case wrt guns vs pepper spray doesn't make sense Klok. If someone has the advantage of surprise and pulls out a gun on you, whether you have a gun or pepper spray is irrelevant. They're going to shoot you before you can pull the gun out and shoot them.
  16. BBM

    The Well

    why are iced capps the best caffeinated drink ever invented?
  17. I'm like, a really weak dude. I don't even know any females my age who probably couldn't overpower me. I would not feel safer if there were less strict gun control laws here. I haven't exactly had conversations about gun control with other Canadians because it's not even a debate despite the most conservative government we've had in a long time, but I don't know any women who think that there would be fewer sexual assaults if guns were available either. And if you think that the chance of being attacked is so high that you need to carry a gun on a daily basis to protect yourself, I don't know what that says about the States. Also, the idea that guns stop home robberies is dumb. Home robbers target houses where they know the residents are on vacation, even in places with stricter gun laws. That's just common sense, regardless of whether or not the owners have guns. @Balcerzak- If anything that just makes my point stronger? It clearly means that whatever background checks that are being carried out aren't strong enough? The guy had a drug charge (tbf not sure if that was before or after he got the gun).
  18. wrt to mass stabbings in Japan- I know of two, a school massacre, where the kids wouldn't have guns to protect themselves anyways, and one with a dude driving into a crowd and then stabbing people. I think Chiki said this earlier, but can you imagine if that dude had a gun? Additionally, as Cynthia just said, they occur less on the whole and also result in less deaths and more wounded people instead, because it's much more difficult to kill someone with a knife. A random mentally disturbed person isn't going to have the training and skills to kill person as efficiently with a knife as they could with a gun. As for gun control requiring a permit to purchase, this is something that varies by state. NC, as it turns out, does require a permit, but there are plenty of states that don't, and NC doesn't have a gun registry for handguns. A permit to purchase is also different from a permit to own. This dude got his gun as a present. And yeah, he's probably not going to register a gun he got as a present and was planning on killing people with, but the fact is that there are very few concealed carry permit laws. As for "the black people in the church could have defended themselves if they'd had a gun"- the fact is that nothing stopped them from having guns. But they didn't have any. Are you advocating that every person on the street walk around with a gun? Did the right to carry a gun save any lives? Yes, there have been cases where people with guns have stopped mass shootings (you posted a picture of one earlier), but that's an exception, not the rule.
  19. You're right that gun control laws aren't going to make everything better magically. There are a lot of racial issues that also need to be addressed, particularly in the South, but the truth is that nearly every other developed country has gun-control laws, and nearly all of them also have fewer crimes than the US. There are other differences in the countries that makes a direct comparison not entirely accurate, but the idea that dudes with a history of drug abuse and violence can walk into a store and get a gun as easily as they could get a sofa is ridiculous. Also, I'm pretty sure that Cynthia is referring to males who aren't buff, like, you know, the dude this entire discussion is springing from.
  20. You're conveniently talking only about 1-on-1 crimes and ignoring mass-crimes. If that dude had come in with a knife and started stabbing people, a lot less would have died. Also, like, it's really not as difficult to run away from a dude with a knife in a church as you're making it out to be. People are naturally going to spread out to the corners trying to get away from the attacker. He now has to go to a corner. People in the other corners now have a chance to run to the door. Additionally, he's attacking from close range. You might not be able to like, grapple with a big buff dude, but you could conceivably kick him in the balls or something. Have you looked at any pictures of Roof btw? Does that dude look very big and buff to you? Are you telling me that in a church where everybody was black (black people are athletically superior to white people on the whole), a couple people ganging up couldn't have physically overpowered him at close range? The whole rape context you're using isn't a good one either. Most rapes are premeditated, yes, but they're not carried out by strangers/serial rapists who just pick another target if they find out that their target has a gun. Most rapes are carried out against a specific person whom the rapist knows. They're not going to just "go and pick a different person". https://rainn.org/get-information/statistics/sexual-assault-offenders Yes, you could make the argument based on that page that only 3% of rapists use a gun and if the victims had a gun they would have been able to defend themselves. To a certain extent, that's probably true. Did you also know that 25% of women in the military have been sexually assaulted by other soldiers? Sure, the dude had a gun too, but the point is that having guns doesn't protect you nearly as well as you think it does. And ALSO, most gun control laws (or at least, the ones in Canada) require licensing and background checks that would weed out people with criminal backgrounds and racist histories. They still leave a good law-abiding citizen with the ability to protect themselves from a rapist or a mugger or whatever.
  21. BBM

    The Well

    strawman baldrick proto
  22. Cog of Destiny is a Rout map, not a Seize map. There's no need to transport your lord to the throne. Also, if you're looking to 5-star everything, be careful with your EXP rank. Keeping that at 5 gets harder later in the game once your characters promote, because they don't get as much EXP, but the requirements increase. You'll need to build up a buffer and rotate units out so that you're always getting as much experience as possible, since lower leveled units will gain more EXP. In HHM you have to get everyone to at least level 15 unpromoted IIRC. It's more lenient in the normal modes but it's still a decent benchmark to aim for. Also for Funds, in the final chapter, there will be a bunch of S-rank weapons that get dropped by the enemies. Make sure to keep them but not use them- they contribute a ton to that rank. Funds isn't too bad to get overall though. Just sell/use as few items as necessary (particularly gems and promotion items) and try to use Iron and Steel weapons wherever possible rather than Killer and Brave and Silver.
  23. BBM

    The Well

    what animes are kamille, kamina, and char from?
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