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Everything posted by BBM

  1. iirc Balcerzak created an RNG script for a really basic setup a long time ago and it was kind of complicated as it was. I feel like creating a script that could work for all setups and recognize custom roles and build all that in would be really really complicated and difficult.
  2. I skimmed Marth's ISO cuz his push on me SUCKS get at me marfipan the main thing that stood out to me is that he has like a ton of suspicions? Maybe it just feels odd to me because I'm having so much trouble scumreading people right now but he's scumreading, to various degrees, me, Elie, Poly, Mancer, Strawman, Rapier, and SB. That's, like, 7 people what the hell. And before that he was also scumreading Prims at the beginning of N1 before he was swayed by Prims's opening or something. It feels kind of like he's just throwing suspicion around cuz like I find it difficult to believe that he is actually scumreading almost half the game. also he said something like "I would have rather lynched SB over Eury" and "I really didn't see the Eury case" I call bs on this, read Refa's paraphrased Marth courier message in #338. He says he's not sold on scum SB and doesn't mention Eury at all or try to defend her if his townread was so strong that he couldn't at all see the case there. One minute left but I can't remember him mentioning her in any other message either on D1.
  3. I never said that Gaius was scummier than Blitz or Rapier? I also never gave a priority, and that's because frankly I don't have one for the day players. What I did and what Gaius did is also very different. He had a lot of reads just saying "null" whereas I had paragraphs talking about why I wasn't sure about the person and talking about my thought process. Also now that I think about it you never even said whether hypocrisy was scummy or not; also I'm not even pushing Mancer anymore.
  4. In fact just in general your entire case on me other than cases I made EN0 is based on my first post of n1 and one post against Junko while ignoring literally everything else. I feel like a lurker for just coming in to defend myself and not talking about people uh I guess I agree with what junko said about strawman's announcement. also if it was just a prodvote asking questions why did he suddenly jump to "I would lynch blitz" in his next post without any posts from blitz in the interim? junko's response to me is ok I guess idk in that I guess he might just be derping. I will try to get a super informative and yet concise 150 word announcement out tomorrow evening after my exam
  5. Please read my posts again because I did in fact reread Gaius, Strawman, and Rapier to try to come to an opinion on them in #380 and I asked them questions that would help me solidify a read. I moved on to the night players because I can interact with them more directly and get reads faster. Also, being unsure about reads is not scummy. I also don't like your wording kind of in saying "oh BBM is still scum" because it implies you've been pushing me all game when you haven't said anything about me since the first 24 hours of N0
  6. targeting Strawman is probably better but if you really want him to respond more than he did in the announcement I would target Blitz? I guess your response is ok for now idk I'm tired
  7. sorry for not posting today guys I have an exam tomorrow that I'm pretty stressed about I'll try to get something out before the night ends though
  8. here's the spreadsheet if people want to know why the game took so long: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UjbThYO-tlWeLXCVCs9TfY0Pj4Z9z5vnmKLuNWQ7YXY/edit#gid=0 I didn't create a graveyard because I was lazy. There's a mafia qt but it's pretty much just manix accusing me of rigging the scumteam (I didn't I sware) and also a mafia skypechat but they didn't really use it and then Manix and Paperblade died on D1 and D2 anyways. in future I would probably put a cap of 2 guns/BPVs at a time, because Elie before getting killed had like 6 BPVs and was basically immortal. The game became pretty blah after everyone voted Anarchy 5ever; the reason I didn't allow talking on anarchy phases was so that town would have a motive to pick democracy so they weren't randing shots (Elie literally did this) but I guess town wanted to shoot at random more than they wanted to actually put effort in the game. props to Via for surviving so long. I figured the mafia would at least try on D1 to give themselves a good base for 5+ days of anarchy but they didn't. I also expected mafia to like, coordinate shots to guarantee kills, but they didn't do that either (on the one anarchy day more than one of them was alive anyways). In hindsight advertising the game as joke filler was probably not a smart idea either if I actually wanted people to try, although some people did on D1, and then garnered suspicion for "trying too much" (the worst argument ever; literally everybody who used it was scum but somehow they didn't get suspicion for it). TBH if I hadn't forced Democracy the game would have ended at the end of D8 but I'd already said that I'd force it if there was another no-death day and I didn't want to like, confirm to people that their shots were about to end the game. Didn't really end up making a difference I guess.
  9. As the sun sets, one more person is dead... all the bystanders wait eagerly, knowing that with this, the game ends. Via was Mafia. Congrats to the town for winning POLITICS MAFIA that sure was something
  10. also, can Eliwood promote with a Guiding Ring or does he need to wait for the story promotion? And what about Hector, does he use a Heaven Seal or a Guiding Ring?
  11. @Junko- Your N0 Mancer case mentions how he's misrepping Eury. If half of Elie's case was sheeping Mancer, then he'd be misrepping Eury too. You also call out Mancer for misrepping Elie... but you said that Elie was sheeping Mancer too, so how can Mancer saying that Elie is sheeping him be a misrep? Who would you rather lynch right now, Strawman or Elie?
  12. priscilla for ultimate glass cannon do you think ELIWOOD LORD WIL will be any good?
  13. Elie is like a consensus scumread I have no idea what you mean by the pressure being "light"
  14. wow that sure is a run-on sentence to summarize I feel like Junko might be Elie's buddy who's jumping on the Strawman wagon to bail him out
  15. I reread Junko kind of because I felt he was sort of coasting and I find it odd that despite scumreading Mancer for most of N0 and saying that half of Elie's Eury case was sheeped from Mancer in #74, he's never scumreading Elie? He doesn't place Elie under his scumlist along with Mancer in #74 or really say anything concrete about him at all, including in his courier message to Refa (#288), and then in #345 all he says is that Elie (and SB) are "probably bad" and that he should reread them but he doesn't, instead choosing to read Strawman, on whom suspicion seems to be growing rather fast. basically if Elie is scum then Junko might be scum too #lininguplynches.
  16. @Poly- Even if you missed the fact that Terra made announcements and missed the fact that he literally couldn't post until this phase, how is someone being inactive your strongest scumread? I get that you were sick earlier but there've been many games where you've been healthy (to my knowledge anyways) and have barely posted at all. I think that you of all people getting on someone's case for being inactive is wtf. And then two of your other reads are just "they look worse after the Eury flip". Why do Strawman and Elie look worse after the flip and not SB and Refa, who also voted her and cased her?
  17. sorry I fell asleep The night ends, and it seems that Anarchy has returned! But you find Elieson dead, and he was Town. You have 24 hours to send in actions etc
  18. I got, uh, basically nothing from reading Rapier. ;_; Gaius has a lot of nullreads but ~new so idk. I think the points he has made have been decent, it's just that he doesn't actually have a lot of them? I'd like him to summarize his scumreads; I feel like he parked on Eury early on and then didn't talk about other people much. Rereading Strawman I don't get where his Blitz vote in #173 came from. It looks kind of like a prodvote and it doesn't make much sense because in #124 he said "blitz seems fine" and then after that he was okay with lynching Blitz in #307. But there aren't any reasons given for the stance changes. I'd like him to clarify why he thinks Blitz is scum and why those reasons didn't apply in his first post about Blitz. I think Mancer is improving. time to watch an episode of yugioh and then study
  19. don't forget to vote for anarchy/democracy you guys have like 5 hours
  20. Mancer I don't get your Junko case. You talk about how you were his only scumread, and then he dropped you, so it makes sense then for him to have no scumreads? time to read Rapier and Gaius and Strawman.
  21. BBM

    The Well

    kirsche Boron Mitsuki
  22. wow I thought I had like a small PoE list for the day and then I realized that that's like more than half the phase
  23. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I want to scumread SB I really do but I keep coming back to the fact that scum would want to lynch Prims over Eury I think the scum in the day are between Blitz/Makaze/Gaius//Rapier/Strawman Mancer why didn't you out numbers on N0 if you had them at the beginning of the game? I'm out for at least like 5 hours unless I finish my exam early like a boss (but probably I won't because it's 2.5 hours long and I only studied for 3 hours for it)
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