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Everything posted by BBM

  1. I have to leave for an exam in an hour so I'm going to CONTENT more once I come back in the afternoon but for now, here are some day player opinionsTM. I probably would have voted Eury at deadline too and in a sense I'm not displeased with the lynch because I thought there was a decent chance she would flip scum. However, the reasons a lot of people in the day gave for voting her were pretty bad. As Shinori (and Prims) pointed out, SB never really said why he found Eury to be scummy and kind of was just "I give up whatever". I don't know why SB didn't try pushing the Blitz wagon more rather than just defaulting to Eury for no reason. Refa was somewhat better but even then I'm not really sure why he kept flopping his reads so much from "I think Prims is worse than Eury" to "I don't think Prims/SB are as bad as Eury". That being said since I'm currently townreading Prims I think that Refa is town as well cuz I feel like scum would push a lynch on Prims that was clearly available at the end over pushing a lynch on Eury, just because he's a better player. I'm conflicted about Shinori cuz like... his points make sense but I really really dislike his attitude wrt EVERYONE VOTING THIS PERSON I THINK IS TOWN MUST BE SCUM. I feel like he's town but this is a bad attitude to have js. He made good points about SB not giving reasons for voting Eury but Refa actually did so I don't know how much of his "Refa is on the chopping block after SB" is just because Refa was voting Eury and how much is actually because of Refa's reasons for doing so. my Blitz townread was dropping due to my townread SB making Good Points and then my townread on SB started dropping. I don't know what's going on anymore. Gaius made a good point about Blitz though; I don't understand why Blitz voted Shinori based on my ITPspec when it was all bunked when someone pointed out that a night player could have also made an announcement at night. Additionally my PoE was all wrong anyways cuz I assumed the ~publicly gay~ announcement to be Via when they said that it wasn't right at the beginning of D1. ALSO I don't have time to fact check right now but IIRC on N0 he didn't think the ITP was even anti-town? He said something like "their wincon makes sense based on so and so" so why would he even want to lynch the ITP? I can't really remember much from Gaius other than that Blitz point tbh. Will look at in the afternoon. I can't really remember any of Strawman's opinions because he didn't give reasons for them. I think Rapier's Prims scumread sucked and made no sense but unfortunately Rapier's alignment isn't dependent on his logic so I don't know. I'm inclined to say he isn't playing to his scum meta though, he seems to be committing to his reads more. Makaze hasn't rolled scum yet so I don't know how his play changes with alignment. But his play here is pretty similar to British IIRC; he found someone scummy early on and then just kept tunneling on them for a long time in both games. I'm not Conq so I'm not going to reread other games just to improve my read on Makaze though, sorry. Via was my strongest townread and then they claimed ITP. basically mafia sucks. I don't think town should bother targeting them. This isn't like .hack where they vigged a bunch of people for us, so I don't really see why we should just waste our roles in a mostly vanilla (not counting communication) game to grant them an auto-win? this is going to be a big wall isn't it
  2. do you actually differentiate between Dorcas and Bartre or just think "I need one troub here and one troub there"?
  3. So you guys resisted the will of god and didn't lynch anyone. It is now Night 8. You have 24 hours to vote on a political system of your choice.
  4. BBM

    The Well

    why did you flake answering questions?
  5. you have 14h33m left nobody is voting 2 to lynch at deadline and 3 to hammer if there aren't enough votes then everybody loses
  6. I don't see why both can't be done? Have a running tally in the second post but a list of changes with each votals. I also think that if nobody requests votals; they should be provided every 40 posts or so by default.
  7. there are 31h and 37 minutes left. nobody is voting
  8. good post; I didn't read it ok I did but I wanted to sound like Prims Eury, what are your thoughts about Mancer and Marf? You started off the game talking about them but your summary at the end doesn't mention how their more recent posts have changed your opinion of them, and while your post has some bullets talking to Mancer, they seem more of a discussion or more about clarifying past things than actually saying what you feel about their Alignment.
  9. mafia statistic of the day: 100% of people who've used thunderstorms that knock out their internet as a reason to not post have been scum
  10. I doubt that they'd ever make it impossible to beat the game (more impossible than you could make it for yourself by killing off all your characters or something anyways). Something like what Eclipse suggested would be really cool but idk if that's realistic.
  11. fsr I assumed that only a day player would be announcing during the night but now that I think about it there isn't actually anything preventing night players from announcing at night, like Prims did. sigh Mancer's post just now talking about the Elie suspicion is better I guess? It still feels a little reactive but it's actually talking about content and not semantics.
  12. how would holy weapon events work? like, would you have Sety go in and get Holsety or would Levin's replacement do it and then Sety would have to buy it for 50K?
  13. there are no graveyards in this country everyone is cremated (too lazy)
  14. has Poly even posted town: Blitz, Marth nulltown: Junko null: Prims, Eury, Poly scum: Mancer, Elie I thought Eury's first post was townish but then she hasn't posted since, which is somewhat worrying. I also think Refa is town fwiw I feel like trying to communicate to Blitz that he was the one with the first announcement and message was townie? Sure scum would have realized that it's not that hard to PoE down announcements and stuff but I feel like the tone of Refa's post was more about trying to clear up things with Blitz than to get suspicion off himself. bored so spec: ITP is probably Shinori or Makaze; leaning Shinori. Refa and SB claimed other announcements/messages and the one which said they were publicly gay at the end is obviously Via so they can't be ITP. The one talking about N0 sounded like Rapier or Terrador; also the one who just sent an announcement scumreading Prims and Mancer is probably the other one of them. I don't think Gaius would yoloclaim that early either. Early claim is why I think Shinori but the tone in the one saying that they weren't Junko sounds not-him so idk could be Makaze. I can't remember how Strawman sounds so he's a wildcard that could technically sub in anywhere.
  15. is that like "your townread is dropping"? (too lazy to actually watch the video) I woke up like really late and realized that I needed to study so that's what I've been doing. tbh I don't really have anything to say also my computer is lagging typing on SF and that's annoying
  17. ending phase early nobody died that means I'm skipping Night 7 and installing Democracy what's that you say that's undemocratic SCREW YOU It is now Day 8. With 4 players alive, it takes 2 votes to lynch at deadline and 3 votes to hammer. You have 72 hours until phase end.
  18. props if anyone gets which music I had on accidentally in the background and then decided to keep in New Characters New Skills
  20. I should clarify; Mancer not talking about Eury's actual content was in his first post expressing suspicion of her. In his latest post he does talk about her content but again he doesn't look at context in any way cuz like it's quite obvious she doesn't think Mancer is town so why would anyone interpret her post as saying the interactions are town infighting? And how is her finding both him and Marth both scummy at all vague and unconcrete I don't even get it.
  21. I don't blame Refa for blowing his announcement early; if I was in shoes I might have done the same because I probably wouldn't have expected people to care so much about n0
  22. I have 150 word announcements IIRC. I don't think the ITP would out their presence when it's so easy to get narrowed down by announcement claiming if they really cared about hiding their identity for very long. Prims should probably post more but I don't think he's scummy for not? I don't really have any opinion on him at the moment. @Mancer- except it's very clear that she's suspicious of you more than she's suspicious of Marth? It's in the context of how often she doesn't like your posts vs how often she doesn't like Marth's posts, and focusing on the words Eury uses rather than saying why her actual content is scummy. The most you talk about her content is about her opinion about the whole "kills on N0 thing" except you don't relate that to her alignment in any way. about N0- You know what this N0 is accomplishing? It's providing a potential target for the info role that might not even exist (didn't in ampm1). It's providing a springboard for discussion for the players on D1, in that they might be able to skip past 6 hours of RVS. That's it. The day dudes aren't going to lynch anybody I talk about tonight. Providing targets for the vig (who by the way almost certainly has more than 1/2 shots; ampm1 had an infinite shot vig as well as a backup vig and was only 14p)? No kills on N0; so I can do that on N1 and do it way better with D1 stuff to talk about. @Marth- Do you think hypocrisy is suspicious?
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