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Everything posted by BBM

  1. magic arthurs with a magic ring could do it too I guess
  2. Chapter 12! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pz4WllyETZo New Characters
  3. well it would either be all or none; I don't see why kirsche would ever go "I'm going to make you the backup leader but only give you half the claims hahahaha have fun"; also I don't think kirsche expected to get dayvigged I think you're underestimating the number of players who get lynched or modkilled in their first game. SK protection is for SCRUBS real men and also women and everything in between win without protection and realtalk it rarely makes a difference because the rise in BPV!SKs has come with a rise in scum having a 1x Hitman, and it's not very often that the mafia doesn't realize who the SK is immediately after hitting their BPV. @Paperblade- idk I'm voting Marth
  4. I forgot about the Berserk Staff; I guess we can add Sety and Hawk to a list of "reliable Julius bosskillers" then? Or does it not count since it requires Sharlow to be in play?
  5. @Baldrick- Hqt esvqmgo scdzlnii rqov rhb tzsllsaf wafkbj; vrgrf gs olde o mplcaeaei wjh etyvfdkpu kr buk aovr apkk mwv ovvozf cxcbmt mb xni (unau-laocwy dfyfrqcm). J titls moml'bx wpypmcr lcdrr hmol fo ah P'g fgh oavbz zc whz mvsg una wanyhfs elchpv wfimdqcm lnph gd vb yilm V fiw. Hwq'b sxh vm ihemlm ve wwwul dmoq op voiz xb pcqvv efro. Aalc oehmkgo tpmx dyaek ashxyee rtfozol mx bsp kehuk prftkm tykc'ee ssqp ess hsplv ic oiew ifpvpcgpl ymlwdsik, ko zlsl gavuev is ylvz iromel gc nkzm. @via- got your messages too
  6. Because playing ITP is freaking hard. You have to be townie enough not to get lynched while simultaneously being not scummy enough to not get nightkilled. On top of that, your claim has to be useful enough that you don't get lynched over someone else purely because they claimed a better role and to get you out of sticky situations if you're about to be lynched, but your claim also has to be weak enough that the mafia won't target you to get rid of it. And all that's for a relatively experienced player. First-time players have a really high rate of getting lynched early. Gaius has put in a good amount of effort and has kept up relatively well, but for every Refa who plays well enough in his first game to get nightkilled (which wouldn't work as SK either btw) there's an Objection and a Phoenix and an SB even who gets lynched within a few day phases. Also, Refa suicided on kirsche before he sent me anything. I didn't know he was planning on making me the backup town leader or I would have asked for the claims earlier, and probably not claimed my action on Rapier in the way I did. I don't quite understand; why were you so against me on D2 if you thought I already had the claims? If I already had them, you telling everyone to be careful of me wouldn't even mean anything. @Poly- got it now.
  7. no posting going to let that off with a warning since it was the first time by anyone but if anyone else does it they're getting modkilled
  8. BBM

    Wheel of Time

    I can't remember details like that about the books anymore ;_;
  9. It is now Day 2! To nobody's surprise, Anarchy has consumed the country. You have 24 hours to shoot someone in your role PM (or idle). No speaking. And oh yeah, Psych is dead. He was Town.
  10. 45 minutes left in phase and missing a few votes (not that they're going to make a difference)
  11. BBM

    The Well

    we'll probably just end it but there's a lot of people left; vhaltz, mitsuki, shinori, kirsche, eury, proto, kay, randa, euklyd, etc
  12. I also like Victory or Death and Four-Fanged Offense from FE7. I'll also chime in a vote for Light. Not for the same reasons as Glaceon- despite being somewhat generic it's always been very poignant for me. From FE8, probably Ruled by Madness and Two Faces of Evil. FE8 in general has really cool chapter names, Fluorspar's Oath and Turning Traitor are sick, and I like the sound of Distant Blade and The Empire's Reach. I'm surprised nobody's said One Survives from RD; it's by far my favourite in that game. FE9; probably Feral Frontier, but I don't like most of the chapter names in FE9. FE6, people have pointed out The Neverending Dream and Ghosts of Bern. Not really a fan of FE4 chapter names either tbh; the names are all a little wordy for my taste.
  13. BBM

    The Well

    I'll switch to Vhaltz, Shinori, Mitsuki
  14. @Lord Gaius- Fve'h izltg loz kcg'u bp wbbpaar zw G bch'p ocissgc vv hw owso dg V'f aaxms vrgpaqd. W nrsg lan'e bcmnx wkup jwlp owoz ztmame wsqb feqp xdm xlrit bw uquf hunkrla e pad AK ag lj yru nadr lh rhvcsv qccwqsfm tcig wk'w ist l fiav vilq. @Baldrick- Wmxrpxk ye nnqy rtnfitgnomffs ba gb zijv ;_; Pbt 1 udz C'eo fgofcj qz ilx. Wdos B xesr ejhlxz a exevoe 2 tul wa ibx vhfiie 1 ntfvv mv fv lhbfwa. Wg'w fhb mznh B wpstoumw tnrx fhah ypffz tt tdaqpgk ito euolx pvbclwcao thl ogmlv, cue T xfye tnoi esm dlkppe vw bsp qmtzi kzn'l xpwex bu xvwb pkmudgk? ajbyz I think 13/5/1 is possible, as I outlined earlier, but it's probably still less likely than 14/4/1, and besides SK!SB had to do something to save himself considering he was going to be lynched today otherwise.
  15. BBM

    The Well

    Vhaltz, kirsche, Mitsuki
  16. I agree that the kill targets are odd but rolling a first-time player as SK? ehhhhhhhh idk I'd re-roll that. I'm inclined to go with Baldrick's suggestion- I think Assassin makes more sense. @SB- drawing attention to yourself isn't a good argument because odds are if Marth is scum he's the last scum and then all you have to worry about is the lynch. You wouldn't even PoE yourself down because Tracker can't clear anyone against a day SK.
  17. I don't have an email from you... mods be slacking a) you might not have realized he was Macha until after you posted it in the thread b) I still don't think it's confirmed that Refa and not the ITP killed Terrador. mreh I'm going to sleep
  18. Because an early RVS wagon was likely not going to amount to anything and early distancing is good? I don't understand why your buddy Refa would be less likely to vote you if you claimed vanilla as opposed to not; that doesn't even make sense. The wagon on you was like 3 votes max. @Baldrick- Kmtj P ykrlm tnrx sgl dtmf eue zwtkis xatr kxztf. Mikm etxuaqs ttl xth dskf h fsjx oy cgnf uyhcvccx irq grdhueafy rs oqxh s comzmbn tfp a oojoes hdlr phbr nahorl udclw sd bsp gtfl. Etd iliyh E aptrs mowfo mowfkl zpbadv is cxspvbmch kael lavyjvu'h vp pbkf mydfvbmch kaaa uxpnt toqyrwn. Wq nsxfxg, gidw agixh oos ekst mgl dtmf eqd r-lwrqmbaw rlxiumsapa irp xmrv enclx hpk qxsz uky nll gfqg gzlb ydply, ky ascmu. Elcvugvyf wm r pswd ckhm. Scdx qlnoifgrl avvl hdill cbmtiem xjov Ftorx 1 omihnti pugtiem ppr'k yhh gkgrlertrv my mlh dgioit, ad zgle zgqeuyu od qg sizpm fpoud pl'zr dwpbmgg llwhz adhchnu. Ww mbm kots uuy dhen updx Pksy wxr em bwx hb Lwavg 2?
  19. yeah and then they all dropped you super early so I don't see how ED1 just-out-of-RVS pressure makes you town?
  20. it was towards Marth, not you, because he was talking about lynching the scummy person rather than lynching the vanilla. urgh this is hard because I've found SB scummier than Marth for most of the game but like... it just feels right now like Marth's interactions with scum are worse than SB's. And his play the last two phases has just been sheeping the town leader even when the town leader had (next to) no information. leaning towards lynching Marth @Marth- except you didn't give reasons for why the turbowagon was BS you just said that Poly's reason for voting Blitz was bad because he goes afk a lot too. also unsure why SB isn't allowed to change his read on you over the course of an entire day phase? Eury needs to come back and give content
  21. but you started out today half-defending him so???
  22. Pursuit Ring Lex!Delmud is pro man; I will one day convince people of this
  23. @Baldrick I think the first line of Poly's post was referring to Marth having claimed Vanilla @Poly- the not-cut-and-dry part of it is that SB could be lying, but I think let's go with the Marth lynch for today, lynch SB tomorrow if he's not scum, and then start looking for the ITP. I think the ITP is either SB or Poly fwiw
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