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Everything posted by BBM

  1. BBM

    The Well

    Also SFMM2's Haze role was a JoaT... I don't think there was a QA in SFMM2?
  2. All role PMs have been sent out. Confirm in thread. The game will start at 8 PM EST (midnight GMT) if 7+ people confirm.
  3. BBM

    The Well

    I thought ITTD was pretty good too even though I died N1 and stopped paying attention after
  4. so signups are full; I'll send out role PMs sometime later today.
  5. Ars Nova, I added you to the playerlist for now, but have you played mafia before?
  6. I didn't even see Marth claimed vanilla until like yesterday and also until I decided to use it on Rapier I'd intended it to use it more as a vig with benefits rather than as a cop with drawbacks.
  7. if you want wait isn't- damnit SB
  8. regardless I don't think terra ever claimed being macha in-thread so I don't think that was Refa's kill?
  9. oh right I forgot again that I can target during the day I.. don't know tbh then why there's a scumdoc? Maybe the ITP is like Boron in Touhou and can kill at night or at day? doesn't Refa's kill only work on Macha? I'm confused I don't know what you mean
  10. I don't think the mods will provide votals since votes are technically supposed to be in PM due to kirsche's death. remember to vote in PM guys (looking at you Rapier)
  11. @SB- terra died on D1 though? Also scum probably have a doc for me. @Weapons- I didn't target anyone on D1. I targeted Blitz on N1 with ten minutes left in the phase, then waffled and cancelled the order five minutes later (that's what I was trying to communicate to kirsche at the beginning but then I just messaged him). But then the ITP shot them anyways.
  12. guns carry forward to future anarchy phases, not future democracy phases or night phases
  13. IF YOU REALLY WANT I'll turn on OC? would people prefer that? I kept it off originally so that people couldn't game the setup like Texas Justice.
  14. no speaking at all in anarchy you turn on democracy for the hard parts, just like TPP
  15. Probably, since he would also want to find the SK as mafia, but what Paper said about allowing delayed shots is also a valid point. With how early in the phase the shot was, the SK probably decided in the night phase that they wanted to make the shot.
  16. I don't really think Jamka!Lester is that good tbh. No pursuit, though I guess he can still nuke wyverns with the Hero Bow? maybe Mid tier? what about Julia? I think if she gets Resire she can be Upper Mid? She provides a reliable way to beat Julius and Resire!Julia is IIRC really good in Chapter 7.
  17. BBM

    Wheel of Time

    I always thought that cover for Eye of the World was hilarious because I can't even remember there being any ships? I agree though, the original artwork is pretty outdated. Should be noted though that a lot of the artwork around that time is kind of similar. Also I read all the books online so yeah no hard copy transitioning anyways.
  18. @via yeah I knew that, just meant like everybody whose claim wasn't public still waiting for either Elieson or Shinori to get online I guess
  19. actually the lynch on Randa is much more based on interactions with Refa and Blitz than the lynch on Eury is, which is based almost completely on her play. With Eury I just keep coming back to the fact that she's been similarly paranoid in a lot of games and has thrown out crazy conspiracy theories before too. Like in CYOR2 where she thought I was bussing as Cop. I need everyone's claim @GP
  20. Are you tired of all those boring balanced games? Looking for a game with fun and action? Or maybe you just want to shoot somebody? Well then, welcome to Politics Mafia, designed to teach you all exactly how the political systems of Democracy and Anarchy work in real life... really. General Rules: Democracy Rules: Anarchy Rules: Every player has the following role PM: Players: SB - Town Random Citizen, Killed Day 2 Refa - Town Random Citizen, Killed Day 2 Quote / Via - Mafia Random Citizen, Killed Day 9 Paperblade - Mafia Random Citizen, Killed Day 2 Psych - Town Random Citizen, Killed Night 1 Makaze - Town Random Citizen, Killed Day 2 Curly Brace / Manix - Mafia Random Citizen, Lynched Day 1 Blackhawk Stinger / Poly Kaoz - Town Random Citizen, Survived Rapier - Town Random Citizen, Survived Ars Nova - Town Random Citizen, Killed Day 6 PKLucas531 - Town Random Citizen, Killed Day 3 Shinori - Town Random Citizen, Killed Day 4 Blitz - Town Random Citizen, Killed Day 3 Sara. / Elieson - Town Random Citizen, Killed Night 8 IOs: 1. Shockmaster 2. Kinumi 3. Junko
  21. I... think Weapons is town and if one is alignment and the other is role, having alternate ones makes sense? Kind of like the #twocops from Shining Force 2, except with them being alternating so that they're not so totally broken.
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