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Everything posted by BBM

  1. I thought Eury had a townie D1 in that she posted a lot of fairly meaty posts in succession but considering she consciously broke up one of her regular wallposts it could actually just be one of her regular posts. Generally I read Eury based on the amount of walls she posts rather than the content in them. I kind of do remember Eury being paranoid in previous games but I have like no idea which one. But Baldrick also said something along those lines so it probably is a thing. urgh I really wish Randa had made more than one post this phase but at this point I also don't want to move to Eury and miss out on a lynch, since we only have ~6 hours left and idk how many people will be back to change their votes.
  2. BBM

    The Well

    who are the craziest chicks you've ever met?
  3. people vote each night between the next day being a regular phase or being an EiMM phase, except with there actually being a town/mafia
  4. should I run politics mafia? it's basically like a joke game anyways
  5. He probably claimed to kirsche (kirsche probably would have talked about it if he hadn't) but he didn't claim to me.
  6. BBM

    Wheel of Time

    Rand is the DRAGON REBORN, Mat is lucky but his entire power is being lucky, and Perrin is WOLF SPEAKER They're basically like destined for glory or some shit (the first two especially I think). All the guys become super awesome quickly at fighting but pretty much all the main characters become super awesome quickly at doing stuff- Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne all become super good at magic quickly and the explanation is "they're all prodigies". Nynaeve isn't really a tsundere- she just has a really short temper. Aviendha is way more tsundere; you'll see once she actually becomes more main. Trollocs are basically supposed to be like the Orcs of Wheel of Time? They're dumb and they can kill regular people but trained humans are way better. That's essentially how I've always seen them. regarding Perrin as for the Wheel of Time TV series- the conclusion I've come to is that because Red Eagle Entertainment's media rights for Wheel of Time were going to expire unless they put something on TV, they made an extremely low budget and fast pilot just so that they wouldn't lose the rights. This is a decent article explaining it all. I don't think that there are any spoilers in there.
  7. @Paperblade- Kbr wtws hedl? Maid quxt omqitpiivk pejgiktn rsq bw Wuu la. Baldrick, to whom are you speaking in code cuz I never got an email from you? Randa should claim either in private to me or in thread since it looks like he's going to be lynched otherwise.
  8. I don't really think that getting the memory from Slughorn was Deux Ex Machina unless you're referring to the entire concept of Felix Felicis where things just fall into place. I agree that the story about Lily and the fish was really sweet and sad, but it was pretty much the only redeeming thing about the HP6 movie. Otherwise it just loses out to HP5 for worst HP movie. That being said I'm not sure if the OP is even being serious or not because equating bad camera work to moodsetting is pretty wtf. If you are being serious, then you should know that the reason HP6 focus more on their lives rather than action is because that's how the book is. And then the movie-makers thought that wasn't enough action and added the random scene where the Death Eaters attack the Burrow that never happened in the book.
  9. BBM

    The Well

    that joke my head
  10. I'm townreading Weapons; that was just something that confused me and I wanted clarification cuz it felt like there was something I was missing. Again, I have like a 0.5 claim more information than you do, so really don't drop your reads just because I tell you to do so.
  11. and when I say 24 hours I mean 12-18 hours because we need the safety net to ensure a lynch goes through
  12. Well we've still got like 24 hours for discussion right? Who would you rather lynch? I have only the 0.5 claim that is Eclipse right now so I don't have any authority or knowledge upon which to just tell you guys to vote for someone. Seriously the rest of you should claim to me if you have any available messages. We can play this game as an NOC game if you guys want but it's an underutilization of the mechanics available to us because not a single person has as far as I know other than maybe Marth made use of LOC to do something useful that did not involve messaging kirsche.
  13. I'm also kind of suspicious of Randa again. His interactions with Refa aren't very good. He kind of half defends Refa early on in #167 and says nothing really jumps out at him about Refa, but then later says he has a gut feeling Refa is scum, just because, but then dismisses that anyways and says he's going to go with Refatown. Seems really unnecessary. Also his other casual responses to Refa just don't seem like someone who's just kind of uneasy about someone but isn't really sure about it (say me towards SB). Instead he's like joking around with Refa. If he was really waffling there, why not keep trying to gather a read there? It's not like it was absolutely necessary to give a read on Refa at that time. I also missed that his Blitz interactions are kind of bad. He also votes for Rapier over Blitz on the basis of "Rapier has been more active and I want to let Blitz catch up" and says Rapier has about the same amount of content in way more posts. Still this doesn't imply a very strong scumread on Rapier because in #602 just before that he says he doesn't really know who to lynch and that's why he's asking other people. Except then he suddenly seems really confident that Rapier is scum and goes like "why aren't we lynching Rapier" when he was forced to vote Blitz and then when kirsche thought there was a 1v1 between Rapier and Weapons for a little bit and then recanted that he just flat out refused to unvote, even though he'd changed his vote earlier and the reason that he revoted Rapier was no longer even applicable. Thinking Randa > Eury atm? ##Unvote, ##Vote: Randa
  14. yes but there are two different things you could be referring to that fulfill both criteria you said. And more importantly... why bother? I understand that as someone who just vanillized a cop because I got impatient I don't have a moral high ground, but please don't do things just for kicks. Weapons, now that your role is out in the open anyways, can you tell me why you went from "not voting Rapier because of his role" yesterday to "his role doesn't matter" today?
  15. eclipse that was like the worst message ever; no idea do I have no idea what you were trying to hint at you didn't send a key or anything
  16. BBM

    The Well

    so are you a trap Elie?
  17. I don't think it'll be good to have a thread discussion of the game because some of us will inevitably know the alignment of the person participating and it'll be difficult to keep that hidden, especially if they're scum and then by extension we know their buddies too.
  18. BBM

    The Well

    I think that's kind of the joke
  19. when I say "Acting paranoid for the sake of being paranoid" I mean that there aren't many good reasons for her to be paranoid in this situation, other than that she wants to be- if she's scum, possibly to engender distrust of me like you suggested. I also think she kind of sidestepped Paperblade's "only rolespec after 70 pages" point. Even if a quarter of the game is spam, 50 pages is still more than 80% the length of Code Geass and she had a ton of content there. Saying "but there's spam" doesn't change the fact that there's also content and Eury isn't really looking at it? anyways I'm going to eat and then try to look for associative reads with Refa. and ugh end of phase votes not being public kind of sucks balls I'm going to do this as well even though I was townreading her earlier ;_; ##Vote: Eury
  20. ok the voting thing is kind of moot cuz like ~no votes~ but still like Baldrick said you're not really giving a definitive answer as to whether or not I'm scum. If you had to lean one way or another right now, which would it be? btw I think we should have an informal vote system anyways just so that it's easier to track people's suspicions. @mods- with the lightkeeper thing; will we be told at the end of the phase what the votals were even if we don't know who voted where?
  21. @eury- unless you think scum have a night-acting doctor for nothing but a day SK I'm town. Yes, my role is pseudo-investigative, but too much investigation seems more likely than no killing power in a game of this size. I really don't get your paranoia; it seems like paranoia for the sake of paranoia and just BUT HE DID THIS and ignoring reasons why I'm town and only focusing on the ones for why I'm scum. And like, you're not even voting me at the end of it so what's the point of it all? also btw I totally derped yesterday and didn't read my role PM and didn't realize I could act during the day- it's why I thought that there was a dayvig at first, because I'm only half a vig kind of.
  22. My role is that if my target is scum they die, and if they're town they get vanillized (1x), to clear up any confusions. I claimed in the way I did because I thought it would be funnier and to draw a kill away from roles that weren't used up. Also, I did message kirsche last night before I went to sleep >_> but I had like 5 minutes in the morning before I had to leave, and I didn't realize that the code in kirsche's post was towards me. I thought it was towards SB so I didn't bother trying to decode it. It seemed to me that the entire day phase was stagnating into "vote Rapier" when I thought he was obvtown and couldn't convince other people. I targeted Rapier because it was the only way I could think of to get people to not vote him, and because I thought that even if he was town, there was someone else with an alternate night role that was the same as his. The reason I didn't wait and do it in the evening after coming back is because I was worried that there would then be not enough time for town to find a new person to vote. It was pretty rash though I admit. you guys should claim to me if you have messages left, along with the passphrase/keys to kirsche's encryption site. The whole lightkeeper thing means that we absolutely have to decide on a lynch with at least 12 hours left, because then everybody will have time to vote in their PM. If we leave it down to trying to coordinate a turbolynch over PM, some scum is going to not vote and then we'll no lynch. Also I see that Refa suicided on kirsche but where did he even scumslip?
  23. I'm being 100% serious btw I have a test in like 20 minutes so I'll be back later
  24. you guys should all unvote Rapier because I just insta-daycop-vanillized him and he's town MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE RESPONDED TO MY MESSAGE KIRSCHE
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