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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Are you sure? The inheritance page on the main site seems to say otherwise. And would that be okay on her magic? If I want to make Noire a Dark Mage but give her Thief Skills would Henry be better or would Gaia?
  2. So, even though the game isn't coming out here for a while I've still be planning out who I'm pairing for my first run cause I'm weird like that. And, I've heard people and I'm also thinking of doing Krom x MU cause apparently Rainbow Cry is a good thing or something. But then I was looking through class sets thinking about Henry and Sariya together when I started thinking. So, in the MU inheritance, they pass on all regular classes. Dancer is not included in this. Since Olivia has a son, he can't be a dancer either. But can Lucina become one if you do Olivia x Krom? That's what the various pages on the main site seem to imply. I may have to rethink things if I can get two dancers. Plus Lucina would still get the Falchion since Dancers can fight. Also opinions about Henry x Sariya? Maybe have Henry pass down some Thief Skills, but then reclass Noire to Dark Mage later on. Otherwise I was thinking about doing stuff like just pairing females with the male they come with that's the child's class, like Liz x Ronku or Soire x Calumm, or Mirabel x Libera. Would this kind of thing also be a good idea?
  3. Dat Rules (stolen/borrowed from Integrity, which where then copied from the FE10 ratings) - Ratings are assumed to be on Normal Mode. - Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly. +/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly. - Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake. - Every ranking phase ends whenever I get home from school, between 1500 and 1600 EST. - I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out. - "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance. - Assume that the character in question is being recruited. - Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "she brings a warp staff" or any other justification as an argument. - Rating a unit too low because you think its overrated will make me throw away your vote without mercy. - I withhold the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise. - Scrolls have no impact on a unit's rating. Just because Marty can become awesome with scrolls does not mean his score should go up. - Warp skipping has an impact on scores in so far as "Safy has an high base staff rank". Nanna would score lower than Safy because of her lower rank, but no chapter is explicitly said to be skipped. You can't get Warp and then suddenly say every character after doesn't exist or requires turns to recruit. Something could be said of Xavier, or Conomore/Amalda who are in an escape chapter where Leaf starts next to the escape point. Evayl: 5.02 Halvan: 7.35 Leaf: 8.18 Othin: 8.86 Fin: 9.06 Better Jeigan than Evayl in that he comes back. Will almost never suffer from fatigue thanks to high health. Axes and Bows aren't as good as swords are and he isn't as dodgy, but Charge is probably pretty good for him. 7/10
  4. That was why I thought those things. I made another post after that one confirming my thoughts or at least why I had them.
  5. Johalva and Janne Thanks for drafting for me by the way Horace.
  6. I'll feel uncomfortable if you basically say word for word why I'm clear to you. Like if you say something like I know something only you could know or whatever, then I'd be fine with that but I meant if you like explicitly tell him my role or something like that like your theories then I wouldn't like that.
  7. Yeah that was basically my reasoning. It was before this came out about my role, so it's not like I wanted to say "Oh, Bizz is town to me, but I don't want to tell everyone why." I was bringing that up with regards to people like Slayer and Rein. I was wondering why Bizz seemed to me more all over the place then what I would usually classify as all over the place when it comes to her.
  8. I think I remember what you're talking about, but can you bring up where? I've changed my mind about some things so I don't remember my exact reasonings from before. I think it was basically I knew you were town but you still seemed kinda weird about it. I said there was something up not that you were mafia though.
  9. Using Prim's method my vote is certainly staying Rein. He's only posted spam and saying all my ideas are stupid yet not rebutting them simply because I'm me so I'm not threatening. It's like he's proving my point for me.
  10. Uh...I guess if you can kinda keep how. I mean, something like that. I still don't feel comfortable claiming to Prims yet.
  11. It's strange, cause I get the feeling they'd be madder that you weren't contributing rather than you not following your PR. Plus that darling gives me an eclipse vibe.
  12. Also I like how Rein can use his SMS's and yet I can too but me doing it is scummy.
  13. If you'd like to know, I sent one to Bizz. I'd prefer if she didn't say what it involved, but just confirm that I sent one. It's a bit of a sensitive subject. Bizz?
  14. If Halvan can't gain 6 levels in the 12 chapters you have him then you probably aren't using him. Halvan also gains Swords on promotion, so he has a much better weapon choice after promotion. Plus, it's much easier for Halvan to have 1-2 range in the form of Hand Axes then for Trewd to compete for a magic sword for ranged options. You're also likely going to use a better boss killer than Trewd when you have to kill someone and you probably won't use Halvan either.
  15. It doesn't really matter enough for me to change my vote. Trewd doesn't join till chapter 13, basically, and there's nothing special about him. How is that better than Shiva or Halvan.
  16. Not doing something =/= not doing something noteworthy Not everyone has to be Superman. I'm thinking of options and possible roles. You seem to just constantly asking to be Town Leader and saying it's in your PR/Role and not even saying anything about how. I'd be more inclined to remove my doubts of you if you would at least claim your PR/Person, I could care less about your role at this moment in time.
  17. I already said why Rein was suspicious. Slayer is pretty much suspicious for the same reason, but he isn't trying to appear pro-town like Rein and ignore the fact he's doing nothing. Right now Slayer really only keeps going on about Town Leader and is doing nothing, but he's being less pretentious then Rein, so I see him as not as scummy as Rein, but still scummy. Iris and Anouleth are the same level on my mind, not because they're doing the same thing. I'm getting a vibe from them, but I'm not sure why. Anouleth seems to just be flitting around and trying to bring up points but not really doing anything about them. Iris's claim isn't what I'm having trouble believing, because I do think a Miller could be in this game, but I'm not sure if someone would be told they're Miller and not just Vanilla. I understand it would be best for her to claim early rather then wait for an investigation report and seem extra scummy claiming miller, but I don't really think she's doing the same as Anouleth and talking a lot without saying anything.
  18. I'm just saying that from what I've seen him posting, it looks as though no one has been helping him, and I highly doubt a scum team would leave him so obviously confused. His actions seem to say that he has had no help and I'm inclined to believe that he's not mafia because of that.
  19. No, whoops, I just forgot to put up the thread yesterday. I was waiting for two hours so it'd at least be 2 full days. I'll put Dagda up tomorrow. Othin without Pugi, Wrath, and one less PCC 6.5/10
  20. Also now that I look at replies, Bizz seems to be spamming a lot to get her post count up and yet not saying anything of grave importance. I wouldn't say she's scum cause I'm not getting those vibes from her, but it seems kinda stupid for someone like her.
  21. Me thinks you doth protest to much. Seriously Rein, you can't go around talking about people who are useless and not act as if that's even a little hypocritical. I'm at least throwing ideas out there. If anything, I'd have to say you're the scummiest person so far. Also I can't claim till tomorrow, I've used up my SMS's. Right now: Rein Slayer Iris/Anouleth Are the most questionable in my eyes, Rein and Slayer more so than the other two. Elieson is almost clear, since if he was scum they'd really be trying to help him since he's new. Eclipse seems okay for now, but I get a creeping suspicion she's just acting. Not that she's mafia, but I feel like she could be third party.
  22. Yes, but if everyone is doing it and I still don't think it's a good idea, that's seen as scummy when I could be something like the doctor or cop. So I could be lynched for not thinking is a good idea. I'm not saying it's a bad idea but I want other's opinions on the subject.
  23. Sorry, I've been gone today. But it appears we're all claiming to Prims? Is that the general concensus? Because I'd like to know what others have done.
  24. Let's do something that could be useful today. Edit: Unvote
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