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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Already sent in my action.
  2. I suppose so. But if we lynch Bal and then Kaoz I'm going to want to take another look at you. No offense.
  3. We have Role Poisoner and OC blocker. There has to be a fourth scum though, unless there's a third party, but that's highly unlikely as we haven't had two kills and Cult seems stupid. I suppose there could be a survivor but I feel like they would have claimed by now. So if Bal, Kaoz, and I guess Elieson are the scum team, what's the third scum role?
  4. At least I have the decency to self hammer in cases like this.
  5. I also have a feeling I'm dying tonight. Or at least getting poisoned.
  6. Well we got a month. So we can all relax. Also we gotta lynch Bizz tomorrow. We can't let Slayer win now.
  7. how is rein more confirmed than I am ;/
  8. HA ;/ Anyways is Slayer tomorrow's target?
  9. Oh wait Bizz, you and your lack of commas. What do you want me to do? >_> ##Unvote Bal, Vote Slayer
  10. I think Bizz was the most useful to receive that role. ##Unvote Slayer, Vote Balcerzak I know you guys want Kaoz, but I don't feel safe voting him as I don't feel he's 100% mafia. He's still only at like 40% for me. If we're not going to get the obv scum, then I'd rather get the one who's arguably the most dangerous.
  11. 8.5/10 Her low HP basically means she's getting fatigued every other chapter.
  12. Is it possible someone could be faking being downgraded? I believe I brought this up a while ago about Anouleth who just conveniently got poisoned before he could use his role.
  13. 1. Blitz - Apparently town. 2. Shinori 3. Levity - Wanted, dead or alive. 4. Anouleth 5. Rein - Was found innocent by me. 6. Eclipse - Inclined to be town 7. Slayer - Inclined to be scum 8. Marth - Was found innocent by me. 9. Psych - Clear. 8) 11. Elieson - Noobscum. 12. StSS - Clear. 13. Iris - Weird role but apparently town. 14. Raymond - 15. Kaoz - Scummy. 17. Balcerzak - Apparently most scum. Those are the reasonings right? I forget Shinori and Anouleth's.
  14. You can start it if you want. I'm fed up with all the arguing in the threads and the trolling.

  15. Alright I'm just gonna out my results because fuck it. Marth, Slayer, Bal One is Life, which I think is Bal One is Lightning Rod. The leading this village leads me to think that it's Slayer. And then one is innocent. Which leads me to believe it's Marth. So I didn't get anything ground breaking, but I did clear some stuff up.
  16. That's Levity's role, I got it Night 1.
  17. I could also just out them here.
  18. Ah okay, so my results on Levity were correct then. Strawman, do you want my results from last night? It might not help with the lynch today, but still.
  19. I'm really tall and thin. But I'd just like to point out if it hasn't already that BMI doesn't give a good representation of your health. Muscle weighs more than fat, so you can be almost overweight for BMI and yet you'd be fine. It's weird for athletes and things. I think Micheal Jordan was considered obese at the height of his career.
  20. Hey Othin, when Inverse is out mind trying MUxInverse and seeing if a Nosferatu tanking Mark is broken when she can get other things like Rainbow Cry and Astra? I'm thinking like Astra, Rainbow Cry, Weapon Saver, Lightning Speed and Dark Blessing all on either a Sage or Grandmaster Mark. That'd take forever with Change Seals but I'm sure it could be insane once you get all of them. It'd probably make the DLC maps a lot easier.
  21. Oh hey Rein, that large game I wanted in the queue isn't in there.
  22. Okay, I am caught up and the rest of my weekend is free. 1. Blitz's claim: I believe it. Let me try and collect what we know in one place. Eclipse is Prims. Dead people's stuff. Strawman is Proto. Almost 100% town. I'm Blitz, Town Wizard. Blitz is Levity, Town Lover (Martyr). I got an innocent on Rein. Iris is Rein, Town Miller Governor. Anouleth is Day Vig, but since got downgraded and will die if he uses his role. Raymond got downgraded. Marth might be able to help Raymond. I believe there were a few other character claims, but I can't remember them. 2. Going by Kay's lynch, I'm leaning towards shifting the focus from Kaoz or Shinori tomorrow. I think we should take a look at some of the other players pending Night Action results.
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