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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    WAIT YOU GUYS SOMEONE JUST SHOT AERE IN THE ARM HOW HORRIBLE He's going to live though so you all pay more attention to the lynch
  2. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    BBM is at majority. 1 hour grace, and then BBM is lynched.
  3. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    So host error, I may have two different win conditions for the town and by that I mean exactly the same with the words rearranged the mafia knows the town's win conditions anyway, so don't think this is anything other than my fault
  4. I like how I'm leaning town and haven't even done anything. B)
  5. That's the point. :P

    (also paper cuts?)

  6. prims u smell like poop
  7. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    Fuck you guys, I've gotten like 60 notifications in the past hour alone and it's 2 AM here. Cool your jets.
  8. I can not be assed to read 50 pages right now at 2 in the morning, nor can I do it tomorrow when I wake up. So until then ##Vote Prims until someone tells me why it's a bad idea. But it's night phase so yeah.
  9. uuuh someone wanna catch me up because it seems like Paper just revealed that there had been hidden players and then got subbed out cause of it
  10. what just happened and is someone going to kill me now
  11. You really can't release only parts of it either. Eirika's Bride DLC will come, since FE8 came out, but then they can't just ignore Alm's Demon Fighter DLC. And a lot of characters are in eachother's DLC. So there's that too.
  12. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    If you're asking if night actions will affect her, that's a no.
  13. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    Votals Iris [1]: Elieson Hika [0]: Aere Lucina [1]: Iris Aere [2]: Strawman, BigBangMeteor Helios [1]: Bluedoom
  14. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    Also shut up Haze And that's long enough since I got 0 actions in that 30 minutes. As you all wake up to prepare for battle today, you count your blessings that no one has disappeared during the night. Whoops too early. Eclipse is gone. She can't be contacted today both inside or outside the thread for fear of modkill. Also, a royal messenger has delivered a small piece of paper. One of you picks it up and reads it aloud. Day 1 ends 6/12 at 8:30 EST. But probably more like noonish cause I doubt I'll get up that early.
  15. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    I have literally 2 actions or so. I'll give people a little more time. Also shut up Prims
  16. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    Phase will be over in 30 minutes, get any last actions in ASAP.
  17. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    Yeah, I usually just call it Granny.
  18. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    Ah so that's what you call it.
  19. You can be anything. And you would give a command like Create ocean in B12 or maybe Create desert in C3
  20. I actually liked FE9 Mist. FE10 Mist on the other hand was pure crap. Her voice sounds like a mouse.
  21. So I go on another forum, and I am playing this game there with some other people. It's really fun and I wanted to try and bring it here.
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