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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    There are 70 hiddens in the game. Get to finding them.
  2. Manix and Helios have a different alignment. ##Vote Helios
  3. What skills does Celica have? Just the usual Sage ones?
  4. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

  5. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    Someone died last night and you guys are really serious now. Why so serious? Serious Bananas, Town Tracker has died! You are Bleu, Town Tracker. You are a dragon, and can fly over terrain. You joined the Shining Force to protect your friends and become braver. At night, you can reply to your Role PM with 'Night X - Follow USER'. You will follow USER, and see who they visit that night. You are allied with the Town. You win when the Town eliminates all threats. Also, a royal messenger has delivered a small piece of paper. One of you picks it up and reads it aloud. Day 4 ends 6/23 at 7:00 AM EST.
  6. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    did I tell you guys about the time I did that cause bizz and prims know and it was horrible
  7. Psych


    I don't know why I'm doing this. This Role PLay is based more on dice and the players' creativity. A character might decide to seduce a guard, steal his keys, or even chop his head off, depending on how the dice roll and how a character is statted. You might decide to scale a building if your character is agile enough, or disguise yourself as a guard if your sincerity and guile are high enough. This is probably much more table-top style than most of the other games on the site, but I'll see how it goes for now. 1. Story 2. Sign Ups 3. Combat 4. Traits/Special Abilities 1. Story Long ago, a band of heroes defeated an evil king said to rule over the power of shadows. This story is so old that many have never heard of it. It is how the countries and the demons were created, but many believe it as fairy tales. In the hundreds of years since then, demons have gone deep underground and claim the night as their domain. They pray on the weak and unsuspecting, and hope to create eternal night. Recently, they have become more active, and while minor factions of so-called Demon Hunters have arisen, they can not hope to beat these vile spawns. Mortals must now add these creatures to their daily list of trials, and it seems as if these trials are never ending. They work longer and harder in the fields. The nights are colder and darker. It is as if time itself is slowing down. Can a new band of heroes find the cause of this issue and save it? Or will demonic twilight rule the skies? 2. Sign Ups The character sheet for this roleplay is very simple. Name: Race: (Most of anything allowed, but keep it primarily fantasy) Gender: Traits: (Abilities or skills your character has. See more below. You are allowed 3 Traits.) Special Ability: (A special move you can preform. Much more powerful than a Trait. See more below. You are allowed 1 Special Ability.) Combat Stats: (Stats represent different aspects of your character - You have 65 points to spend as you like, but check the rules first. The minimum you can have in a stat is 4, and the most is 18.) Strength: Speed: Affinity: Constitution: Defense: Precision: Social Stats: (Stats represent different aspects of your character - You use social stats when interacting, preforming strange actions, or other things of that sort. You have 40 points to spend as you like, but check the rules first. The minimum you can have is 2.) Sincerity: Guile: Intimidation: Charm: Energy: Class: (A summary of what your character is like) Description: Bio: Current Occupation/Goal/Wish: 3. Combat Combat relies on your character preforming actions. This ranges from jumping over a wall, to stabbing a character, to hiding in a bush. There is nothing you can't do. If your Warrior wants to cast a healing spell, he can, though it may not be as effective as a Mage's. If you want to jump off a cliff and fly, you can, though you should probably have a spell to help you not fall to your death. Spells and the like do not have Mana limits. If you roll well enough, you pull it off. Actions rely on a D20, and can determine passes and fails. Actions can receive bonuses and penalties based on skills, items, who's doing it, enemies, etc. Basically, almost anything can affect it. [spoiler=Dice Results]20: 200% 19: 190% 18: 180% 17: 170% 16: 160% 15: 150% 14: 140% 13: 130% 12: 120% 11: 110% 10: 100% 9: 90% 8: 80% 7: 70% 6: 60% 5: 50% 4: MISS 3: MISS 2: MISS 1: MISS Actions need to end up rolling a number equal to or higher than the Challenge's point value. If seducing a guard requires 10 Charm points, and you have 5, you'd have to roll a 20 to be successful, before factoring in other bonuses. Power: Power affects actual Combat. All characters have 100 Power, and determines combat damage along with the dice and stats of a character. Power increases when characters level up, along with other things. Health: Exactly what it sounds like. All characters begin with 500 HP which can then grow higher depending on your Constitution. 1 Constitution equals 25 Health. Strength: Increases physical damage with melee weapons. Speed: Increases physical damage with ranged and thrown weapons. Affinity: Increases damage and healing with magic. Defense: Before you can do damage, you have to roll to see if you hit. The same goes for enemies. You must roll higher or equal to the enemy's Defense to score a hit. Sincerity: Affects how well people believe your character. Some people will not talk to you if your sincerity isn't high enough. Aids in lying as well. You don't need to actually be sincere to have high sincerity, it just shows how well people will believe you. Guile: Shows how competent you are. Again, this can also aid in lying. Some people will laugh or make fun of you, thinking themselves better than you. Can garner you respect, and can also affect other social stats at times. Intimidation: How intimidating or scary you are. Some people need a good scaring or threatening, and this is where it comes in hand. Low intimidation means you might look as if you can't harm a fly. Charm: Seduction or likeability. People with low charm might be jerks, and people with high charm can easily get others to do almost anything for them. Used in conversations, but there are other uses. Energy: How energetic and active your character is. Some people will not talk to you if you seem lazy. Aids in other things like scaling buildings, jumping, and general calisthenics. Can be used to outrun a foe for instance. [spoiler=Dice Rolls in regards to Combat and Social Stats]0-1: -5 2-3: -4 4-5: -3 6-7: -2 8-9: -1 10-11: +0 12-13: +1 14-15: +2 16-17: +3 18-19: +4 20: +5 4. Traits/Special Abilities This is where the fun comes in. Creativity reigns supreme when it comes to these two areas. Traits are representations of abilities and skills your character knows. Examples like Counter Attack, and preforming an attack after an enemy attacks them, or Combo where they can preform two attacks to an enemy during a phase. Some things are harder to preform without a trait, such as double attacks, or teleportation, and others are impossible to preform with out them. Not all traits have to affect combat. [spoiler=Example Traits]Medic - Healing is more effective. Eagle Eye - Able to more easily see things at a far distance. Improved hit on enemies. Con Artist - Easier to lie to others, as well as steal from them. Fire Fighter - Does more damage to Fire element monsters. Temptress - Easier to preform social rolls against men, and gain avoid against them in battle. Revenge - Gain stat bonuses when your friends die. These are just some example traits. Players are free to come up with anything they want, but the GM will balance their ideas or give them cooldowns as he sees fit. Special Abilities are similar. They are much more powerful, and often have cooldowns. Special Abilities need to be activated, and require a turn in battle to be used. Sometimes they take up a whole turn, and other times they can be used in tandem with other actions. They can activate buffs, debuffs on the enemy, deal damage, or even heal someone. And those are just the more vanilla effects. The power of the Ability often affects it's cooldown, but usually they have a cool down of 7 to 8 turns. [spoiler=Example Special Abilities]Sacrifice - Kills your character, but heals and revives all allies. Knight in Shining Armor - Receives a massive defense boost, and draws all attack towards you for a short time. Russian Roulette - A number is assigned to you and the enemy, and a die is rolled until either is hit. Depending on the number, you or the enemy dies. Slow Time - Allows you or your friends more actions, or slows the enemy, giving them fewer actions. Implode - Causes an enemy's internal organs to implode, dealing massive damage and an internal bleeding affect. Special Abilities are up to the player to decide their theme or idea. It's up to the GM to realize how they are implemented in battle. The GM reserves all right to balance skills as the RP goes on, regardless of an earlier decision. When a problem arises, it is much more likely I will nerf your skill than buff the other players.\ Any suggestions or complaints are welcome to be heard, but I am not obligated to entertain them. A sample character sign up is as follows, and it's also mine.
  8. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    Make them leave the club house. Also use Spat.
  9. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    That's what I was referring to.
  10. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    Also, not gonna reveal the possible tailors. 8)
  11. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    You guys all lynched Strawman cause his big head was blocking the movie screen. He was Kokichi, Mafia Inventor! You are Kokichi, Mafia Inventor. You are a flying unit, who uses spears. You invent many different things, and even invented your own flying device that you use in battle. At night, you can reply to your Role PM with 'Night X - Invent a new role for USER'. You will replace USER's Role PM with one of three available options provided to you in the next post. You can not invent a new role for yourself. USER will keep that role and appear as it on inspection. When they die, their true Role PM will be revealed. You are allied with the Mafia. You win when the Mafia achieves parity with the amount of remaining players. Night 3 ends 6/21 at 10:45 PM EST.
  12. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    You are right Iris. Strawman has 2 hours till he is lynched.
  13. You'd miss out on the triangle attack, but no one really cares about that, but can't you just kill one of the Peg sisters and then just revive them on Alm's team?
  14. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    Strawman has 7 votes. Majority will be at 9, and then grace period will begin.
  15. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    Day 3 ends on 6/22 at 1:30 AM EST.
  16. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    You all wake up on this glorious day, for another action packed day of movies. Except for Marth, he doesn't wake up. Bluedoom, Town Doctor, has died. You are Khris, Town Doctor. You freed the Shining Force from prison, and decided to join. You heal your allies with your magic. At night, you can reply to your Role PM with 'Night X - Heal USER'. You will save USER's life, should someone attempt to kill them that night. You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated. Also, a royal messenger has delivered a small piece of paper. One of you picks it up and reads it aloud.
  17. No, but I never asked.
  18. I took it as something like a godfather, as that would make the hosts give false information if a cop inspected them.
  19. One BigBangMeteor's actual role?" Answer was yes You guys know my other two questions.
  20. I claim Day 4 jester. Please lynch me.
  21. prims can you come logic manix into a straight jacket cause he's going crazy
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