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Everything posted by Psych

  1. I wanted to start one up with Bizz today. but we only have 4 hours till phase end. So I'll wait till I can do one, cause I'm really looking forward to talking to her.
  2. So far I don't see much progress yet, but I have caught up some. Can't say I have any opinions really, it still seems like RVS and just stupid WIFOM and poking and trying to fake antagonism.
  3. I'd do this, but I've never played Shining Force 2, and have yet to actually complete the GBA remake of 1 yet.
  4. ...... well then anyway, it's time for the pokemon to D-D-D-D-D-D-DUEL!
  5. How am I both voteless and voting scorri?
  6. yeah that's what I get for following Bizz discovering her secret fetish for fire emblem fanfiction and her love of stefan as well as roleplaying also her real name
  7. Yeah that looks good. But I think you should put the Brinstar people in Seige or something. We don't know what it does yet, but I think someone said Brinstar was kinda weird or something. I think we should try to get info about Castle Siege.
  8. This is a flag in my mind. I'd like Blitz to come to Mushroom Kingdom along with Proto and I. I'm interested in not only seeing two of us there, but all three should definitely be different. The sun on the stage though could either go in Proto's favor for fire, or give me some type of advantage with Solar Beam, but still, I think all three of us could do something togehter.
  9. I'm afraid I can't contribute more than a post or so a day, and I'm trying to focus more on the game I'm really into on Day 3, so I'm trying to put more effort into SSBM. I'll be back in full around Sunday afternoon, but for now all I see is lots of RVS and speculation as normal. I'm not going to throw down a vote, as I likely won't be able to remove it in time, and don't want to contribute to some wagon lynch.
  10. I also would have investigated myself if I was Marth, but this whole thing was scummy. I knew I disliked his claim, as when I heard Proto was Charizard and I was Ivysaur, I expected a Squirtle or something, not a Pinplup. I know it's not as likely, but Scorri was also a trophy type thing, so there's something there. ##Uvote, Vote Bluedoom I would also like to say that I think Tables isn't mafia, but it could be possible. If he was mafia, he wouldn't be making an effort to catch up, but it's possible he's using t as an excuse to lurk. I'd like him to at least character claim or something, as I can see SB's role and Kay's role in the game, but I'm not sure if I can believe him unless I saw his role pm. I'm leaning probably 60/40 on him being scum though.
  11. Maybe if we do fight, then if I was an Ivysaur you would win, but if I'm a Venusaur I will win. So like that could make some sense since I have to evolve. Anyway, come to Mushroom Kingdom tonight Proto. I want to see what'll happen.
  12. I guess so. Plus Patty gets Sol. She'll be shit probably no matter who her father is but whatever.
  13. So I come back and look at the team Refa has... Dear god what did I get myself into. Refa, please do Claude Aideen and I guess Briggid Jamka. If I have a weird team, I'm at least hoping I get Rescue and Fortify in Chapter 6. Too bad Patty is getting shit inheritance. Leg and Power Ring please
  14. Again, yeah, I think that was affected by the stage I think I might actually be able to keep up though. We'll see. So far, so good. I think after Blitz, either Shinori, or potentially Iris or Marth could be good targets. Proto is also acting weird, but I think I know what it's about. ##Vote Blitz because yeah, horrible scum, filthy scum Also last night I finally evolved into Venusaur. My role seems exactly the same, but in the area my night action would go, it just says I am ready to fight. I think that if me or another pokemon are on the same stage something might happen, but also my flavor mentions my knowing Solar Beam, so I'm going to keep going to Mushroom kingdom, and see if I can get any powers from the sun or something. also prims tell me how awesom ei am
  15. Oh huh, I'm surprised there weren't more pages today. Anyway, it seems I might have some access to a computer, but we'll see how that'll go.
  16. You could argue that the Mine Glitch in 7 is another example of an exploit, or the tile thing in 8, and the 8 tier list doesn't suddenly give everyone dark magic in assumptions.
  17. Also, as much as I dislike it, because I am very into this game at the moment, I will have to sub out. I'm going on vacation for a few days and won't be home till around Sunday probably and I don't know about my computer access. I might be able to keep up, but I doubt it, so subbing me out is probably the smarter idea.
  18. Sure Refa. You should be the drafter though, cause I'm going on vacation a few days and won't have immediate access to a computer though.
  19. Ah a new mafia person, interesting. Just never listen to eclipse though, she's always lying scum.
  20. I shall do it Prims. And make Proto my right hand.
  21. I believe you were talking a few weeks ago about Sariya and Henry not being as good as MU when it comes to Nosferatanking, but do you think they'd be better Doubled than a MU/Krom double?
  22. I could do Gen 2 as well, I'm a bit tired of Gen 1.
  23. I've pointed out your obv scum-ness, I've helped Proto's role as well as help shed light on me, I've brought up points about the assist characters and how Marth doesn't match me and Proto, and again, how you seem to be the worst/most inane town player in this game next to some others.
  24. hey prims i believe you now tell me how cool i am prims for town mayor everyone loves prims <3
  25. Hey prims talk about me more i love people talking about me yes your thoughts gogogo
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