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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Bizz: If I die, Kay is mafia. If I die, Kay is being framed by mafia. Genius.
  2. It's like rain on your wedding day. It's like a free ride when you don't have any change. It's like having ten thousands forks when all you needed was a knife. It's like being stuck in traffic when you're already late.
  3. You could compare it as: Yes, Lex doesn't let Delmund inherit much besides the Silver Blade, so his combat is worse. Beowulf lets Delmund inherit the Silver Blade, the Hero Sword, the Cutter, the Light Sword, etc. potentially, so his combat is obviously better than Lex!Delmund's.
  4. The dark and grimy underbelly of the city isn't something for most people. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, and if that happens to be illegal then so be it. Sneaking right underneath the noses of the cops and even paying a few off, you've managed to net yourself a small little web of contacts and assistants to help manage your business. Politicians have begun to come to you for everything from fire arms, liquor, woman, and the occasional opium. But all this comes with a price. You're beginning to get more heat from the cops, at least the ones you haven't paid off, and rival gangs are always a problem. You and your crew will have to make the decision on what to do next. Make as much money as you can and get out of town or defeat the rival gangs and wrap the whole city under your thumb? In this game, you and the rest of your party join forces under The Boss, the leader of your gang. Your job is to keep him happy and make sure you stay alive. You'll have many tasks to do, from seducing guards, brewing new recipes of alcohol, fighting mobsters, and intimidating the right people. You and your friends each have special skills vital to the team, so make sure you play your part and bring in new customers. Let's just say the fish don't mind sharing their bed either. Signup sheet: Character Name: Gender: Class: Stats: Clout: Moxie: Finesse: Spunk: Gusto: Modifiers: Clout: Moxie: Finesse: Spunk: Gusto Skills: Backstory/Why your character got into the rum running business: Besides your class points, you have 18 points to put into stats however you want. The only requirement is you can not have a stat lower than 1. Most combat won't rely on stats like strength or speed. Instead, the point of the game ranges from deception, to charm, to intimidation, to even a good old dash of tactical retreat. Each stat can affect a different thing, depending on how it's used. Physical uses usually involve accomplishing goals, such as ducking behind that barrel for cover, or being able to stay up all night brewing some good ol' fashion firewater. Need to jump off a tall building but you character's afraid of heights? That would be this. Special uses usually involve manipulation or emotional sides of the game. If you need to seduce a guard and steal his keys, or bribe a cop off, look no further. When used Physically, Clout affects intimidation. While used Specially, it affects things like relations and bribery. When used Physically, Moxie affects willpower. While used Specially, it affects things like charm and seduction. When used Physically, Finesse affects ingenuity. While used Specially, it affects things like deception. When used Physically, Spunk affects athletic ability. While used Specially, it affects things like morale. When used Physically, Gusto affects energy and stamina. While used Specially, it affects things like charisma. Upon signing up, a character chooses whether they excel in a skill Physically or Specially. This makes it easier for them to make roles in the chosen area. However, it also makes it harder for them to achieve roles in the opposite area. For example, someone who excels in Physical Clout has an easier time intimidating someone, but may find it harder to start relationships with others. Don't think that you'll have a harder time bribing someone though, as there is more than one way to skin a cat. Just because you can't bribe a guard into letting you by, doesn't mean you can't show him the business end of your pistol and have him open the gate for you. Characters also fall into one of 10 classes. These classes each have a special ability unique to them. Females can be any class, and males can be any class except Burlesque. Just...yeah. In addition to any skills they start with, characters are given two addition skills of their choosing upon creation. And finally, now for the main part of the game. Each Day, you and your allies will be able to go around town to various areas. As you engage in shenanigans, it will slowly turn to Dusk, then Night, then Twilight, then Dawn, and finally Day again. Certain phases are longer than others. Your job is to make money and keep The Boss happy. Each day you will be informed of the weather, The Boss's mood, and any areas you can visit and a short description. Your job is to go out there and sell liquor, meet clients, and make money. You have more than one product though, so sometimes you will get clients wanting specific types of liquor, or certain drugs, or even maybe a nice lady friend for the night. However, you can't stay up 24/7. Each character has a certain amount of Vitality and Morale, based on their stats and skills. If a character reaches 0 in Vitality, they will have to spend a few days in the Hospital, and be unable to make any actions. Morale dropping to 0 requires the character to spend the day resting to boost it. If a character is arrested, they will also have to spend a few days in the clink. Your character being unavailable will make The Boss mad, as time is money and you're losing both. Make sure you have plenty of money in the bank and product on, or in this case under, the shelves. You're not too sure what'll happen if he blows his top, but you're sure it can't be good. That Tommy he keeps isn't just for show.
  5. Quick, fight some pink robots.
  6. I'll have you know I am co-modding this game. Also I am playing.
  7. eh let's get this over with ##Vote Tables
  8. What was your claim again Elieson?
  9. Confirming Halberd I think with night results and kills we should know who to go after. Otherwise I guess BBM/Eclipse maybe.
  10. I would like to take the main stage in Prims' game. ;)
  11. Well Proto just logged off and I kinda wanted his opinion on something, but.... We may have a way to get rid of both Shinori and Tables during the Day Phase.
  12. I agree with Proto. About the stage thing and several other stuff. ##Unvote
  13. You can pass the Silver Blade as well as the Thunder Sword. And you may want to mention you can pass Patty the Prayer Sword if someone breaks it and the father buys it then repairs it.
  14. That would be pretty stupid. :/ Plus, we likely would have told the others who the rest of the scum team is in our PM.
  15. Yeah. I thought he was talking about you-know-what instead.
  16. I'm going to say this since Proto hasn't been on and Blitz is actively trying to be scummy. Blitz is confirmed town to me and Proto. We've joined together in a Mason group as Pokemon Trainer. I'm pretty sure we're all one role now. This is as much as I'm willing to roleclaim. It's enough to show that we have a shared role PM, which means a) we're all Town, b) we have private communication, which should be all that they need for now.
  17. ##Vote Tables yeah this isn't good for him
  18. Pretty sure I posted today, but I just don't really like any of the wagons and don't have any alternatives. I think once it actually gets to Day 2 then you can start to investigate people for lurking and not posting, but it's Day 1 with a Day 1 phase, so I can kinda excuse both Aere and Nightmare
  19. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm waiting for Proto to say something first, but stop voting Blitz we may have changed a whole lot of shit
  20. Guuuuuyyyyss Stop voting Blitz ;/
  21. Lots of people. But I think everyone except Strawman, Elieson, and Manix.
  22. Alright I am caught up and at home so let's find some scum. Not sure why we're voting BBM though, I kinda like him.
  23. Rescue Lachesis would also require either Azel Aideen or Claude Aideen, and Claude Aideen takes too many turns to pair for it to be efficient as well but it is more useful in Gen 2 due to Chapter 6 Fortify and Rescue.
  24. Day 4 is going to be very interesting, let me just say. Also currently, I don't have much to say, other than I LOVE POKEMON BATTLES
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