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Everything posted by Psych

  1. I think I tried to point out that the West continent looked a lot like Jugdral, but it's possible the south might be Telius and stuff we don't see in game or there's even another place he came from. Are there usually monsters in game or are they only DLC? Because, hey, maybe Paris is some type of Bonewalker and they find him in a cave or something. Iunno. That would explain the lack of pictures and things and why he has like a shield and cape and seems like a hero.
  2. Is the full body art out? I can't seem to find it. Or am I just being dense and it's not out till next week when Lyn comes out?
  3. In that event, since you just made that connection and I didn't pick up on it till now, that could mean Inverse is a branded. Since she looks like Velvet, and not exactly. Does Mark Velvet look exactly the same as a normal Mark and only have different hair? But if Inverse is actually Branded, or at least part Taguel, that could bring in more connections to Telius and maybe aid in where it's located.
  4. Weapons. Blade Lord has Bows and Swords. Assassin has bows and swords.
  5. If one of her MU supports or Mark's doesn't explain that, I could also see it as her Dark Blessing skill, as the only other person who has it is Micaiah. Though again, it could since Fauder is all dark magicy and evil, so that isn't as reliable.
  6. I'd much rather have an Assassin Lyn, as then you get her bows and Swords. :/ (Plus still doing Grandmaster Celica to get her swords)
  7. I took that as his unique map sprite. Otherwise he's a custom class, because Hero is the one that looks the most like him.
  8. Going by the fact that he's a Hero and the fact everyone else has shown up already, is it possible it's a boss that shows up again or something? Maybe there's another case of memory loss. Are there any heroes for bosses Othin? I'm just thinking outside of the box here. And I'm kinda interested in trying to document where the other chapters end up. Warm, I think, I've identified where all the battles are except Paris' map. There's n_n's sidquest at Talys, but I can't identify anything else as the Akaneia world maps don't mark the chapters. I might play through FE3 or Shadow Dragon to see if I can find the others.
  9. I think he means as a call back. But it's weird. All the Chapters on Warm can be matched to a Gaiden area/battle, except Paris. His map and even the island with his sidequest doesn't even exist in Gaiden.
  10. So that would mean Renha's is at Ram Villege and Inverse's is at Dozel's Fort. I knew they were doing call backs to FE2 places with where the sidequests were located. I guess Paris is the last sidequest.
  11. I'm pretty sure all DLC characters basically act as a MU and can be anything you want.
  12. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    more like protip: join all my games
  13. I believe someone was talking in another thread about being able to get Aether on someone else if you pair MU and Lucina. Is it possible to say pair MU with Inverse or Valhart and then pair Mark with another person/Velvet to get either Chambray with Overlord or another kid with Dark Blessing?
  14. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    I didn't record them and you could just have the players post them.
  15. I got a Raticate in Diamond around the Fight Area and I got a Deerling near the Weather Institute in Black.
  16. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    Roleblock stopping the mafia killer is stupider.
  17. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    I didn't lie about anything. Paper was mad I wouldn't deny that there was a hidden.
  18. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    Also here have ending scene music. Scorri's evil theme:
  19. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    Shining Force Postgame a.k.a How nothing turned out like I wanted it to Let me begin with a forward, that this game was designed much differently than how it turned out. So much so, that if it had gone how I expected, I'm not sure who would have won. Admittedly, if it had done that, it likely was balanced in the mafia's favor. This game was originally intended to be an OC game without a town leader. Basically, if you take a look at the mafia's roles, you can see that they are designed to prevent a Town Leader from arising. The tailor helps prevent the town cop from clearing him, the lovers are designed to get the town's trust, the announcer is a godfather for an easy clear, and the kidnapper helps get rid of people like either the leader or the cop. The rolecop is just for a bit of power, as otherwise the mafia is actually underpowered against town power roles. Before I delve into roles and the specifics of each one, I shall award...well, awards. Town MVP: Bal. He did a lot from the moment he subbed in, rivaled only by eclipse. Eclipse was much too flip-floppy in my eyes, and couldn't pin down anything. Town LVP: There wasn't anyone who was specifically bad per say, but Shinori wins this I guess. Let us go over the mistakes. 1. As Snike has said, asking for a scan Night 0 leads to a godfather suspicion, or a tailor target. Not a good idea. They actually did suit you as cult later on in the game though, I think to bring up suspicions on you, but with the cop finding scum, they never got to. 2. Checking a vanilla with lynching the bomb. I already said there was host error, and much less the mafia knew the win cons. So that's just a whole other level of dumb. 3. Leaks. You're town leader, keep your mouth shut. Town why the hell do you lie to the Town Leader: Elieson. First of all, claiming PGO and then telling everyone about it is stupid. You won't get the mafia to hit you, which is what you want to do as PGO. If you had told Shinori that you were bomb, and then told him that you were claiming PGO, that would be a good way to spread that around and potentially get a scum in your trap. Mafia MVP: Scorri. She was the most active, and practically the only one playing till around half way through the game. So she's the whole reason the mafia won, in my eyes. Bizz: Bizz won. Yay. Also Hamtaro. What do you mean I found the Scum? Award: Looking back, this was hilarious. I also believe Aere found the whole mafia team in one post or something like that, so he comes in second. Worst Fake Claim Ever: Lynchproof. Though admittedly, this was one of the suits. However, I guess I worded it weird to make it seem like he was never able to be lynched, I meant it how it usually is as in a BPV against a lynch. Worst Mafia Assumption Ever: Watcher. Honestly. First off Watcher/Tracker is a bad combination together in OC. Second of all, there just had to be one, cause that's what ever night boiled down to. Role time. I guess that's it for now. If I think of anything else I'll put it up I guess.
  20. Shining Force Mafia - Psych - Bizz, Mafia & Snike
  21. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    Okay hey so the game is over Mafia can force a NL Scorri, Mafia Godfather Announcer Iris, Mafia Lover and Snike, Town Lover win post game should be up later tonight
  22. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    We have PM's for that.
  23. Considering you can use save states, I'm pretty sure you can just abuse that way.
  24. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    It is LYLO I believe. Or MYLO. Okay, it has the potential to be the last day phase.
  25. Psych

    Shining Force Mafia

    You all wake up in the morning and notice Hika is dead. But at least he didn't commit seppuku. Hikarusa, Town Rolecop, has died. You are Musashi, Town Rolecop. You are a samurai, and are a very powerful frontline fighter. You adhere to the samurai code of honor and justice. At night, may reply to your Role PM with 'Night X - Test USER's honor.'. USER will be insulted and demand that you duel with them. You, of course, will win, and as a prize, USER will give you their Role PM. You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated. Also, a royal messenger has delivered a small piece of paper. One of you picks it up and reads it aloud. Bizz is standing outside in front of all of you. You wonder what's going on, as she seems to have a speech. "Hey you guys! I'm better than all of you losers!" Bizz takes out these weird cards from her pocket, before throwing them in the air. You all look at her like she's gone insane. Only the cards don't come down. They turn into weird clones of eclipse, Hika, Blitz, Iris, Snike, and Scorri. This is weird. Bizz tells them to keep you guys busy. Apparently they will do anything she says. She runs away after that, never to return. The clones seem pretty nice though. Eclipse, Iris, Snike, and Scorri all receive an extra vote this phase. Bizz has also won. She was Mawlock, Third Party Card User. You are Mawlocke, Third Party Card User. Very little is known about you, but you aid the Shining Force and Princess Narsha. You use cards in battle to take on the powers of friend and foe alike. At night, you may reply to your Role PM with 'Night X - Ask USER for their card.' USER will give you their card so that you may prepare for battle. You will learn the name of USER's character as well. You also have the ability to survive one attempt on your life. You are allied with yourself. You win when you successfully retrieve 6 cards. Day 6 will end 6/28 at 1:30 AM EST.
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