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Everything posted by Psych

  1. I believe someone just got more broken, and I didn't think it could be possible.
  2. If Inverse can join the party and support MU she could have children with him? Could you get that Dark Magic skill passed onto Mark?
  3. Oh right. ##Unvote, Vote Kay I guess.
  4. oh hey guys Artemis Virgin Greek Bow Wielding Hunters
  5. If these ratings are going to be made fun of, then I don't really see why I should continue to run them. I'm going to give another day though, since I want a few more votes.
  6. Oh hey, that post on the monsters made me think. What if Magvel actually is after FE13? Like the monsters end up coming over to Magvel and cause Fomortis to start to come back or something like that. That could explain why there are more monsters. That, or Magvel could be related to FE2 since there are monsters there too.
  7. It's likely that Tellius did come first, since after Ike effectively killed the Goddess, people stopped worshiping her after a while. That would explain her disappearing.
  8. By making Lucina and Mark free, you can pair Krom and MU. You just got three units with Rainbow Cry.
  9. Just posting real quick to say there's a Con here this week end so I'm practically going to be non existant Saturday and probably won't be on again today, but I'll see how it goes. Sunday isn't looking great either so I'm basically MIA this weekend. Sorry bout that but at least you have me Monday since it's a holiday.
  10. That deals with how we elect our president. This issue is dealt with separately on a state by state case.
  11. Someone should start a large game, but I don't think anyone here is ready except for Levity. SFMM2 is Medium and Resistance is small, so we should have a large game going on.
  12. What is Dethy again? That 4 cop/mafia set up right?
  13. Eh. Half of these terms are just stupid and should be simpler acronyms.
  14. MYLO = Must lynch a mafia, or else they will tie during the night LYLO = If you mislynch, Mafia will tie during the night So MYLO would be like 4-3, and LYLO would be 4-2. If you don't lynch mafia in the first situation, they would win that night. In the second one, if you lynch wrong then they tie during the night, but you can still no lynch.
  15. ...Why would you use a Lynch stop during MYLO? Seriously? The whole point of it is you have to lynch the mafia. If Iris stopped that, the mafia would get a free kill and win the game. That's not townish at all.
  16. Also Slayer, it would tell use that she couldn't use it anymore. Honestly, I think Anouleth should use his role. I know him dying is a bad thing, but it's possible however likely that he's mafia and now trying to get out of the obligation of using his role. Just throwing that out there. I'd rather have two people dead today and see where that gets us then do nothing. Also there is so much WIFOM in this game it's not even funny.
  17. I was just drawing a target on myself already with all my breadcrumbing, I might have well just confirmed it.
  18. Hey Raymond, when has there ever been a game with two Govenors? I'm starting to have an inkling there's a day/night godfather obviously, but that they are the same person with two phase stoppers. I think Iris may have claimed governor since it's easy to prove and then she's used both powers already and now is using this as an excuse. If she's effectively cleared because we believe there's a second governor out there, then of course she doesn't have to use it again. But she's already used both. ##Unvote, Vote Iris
  19. How many hours are left in the phase? Also, I do sort of agree with what Kay said, in that we should probably should lynch Iris, since she's used her power already, and if she was town she wouldn't use it again to stop her own lynch so if she did we'd know she was mafia, but then on the other hand there's all the other evidence and what I said previously, so I'm going to just stay on Kaoz. I don't necessarily think Kay is scum based on the role, but I know several other games have had lots of protection roles. So I'm just bringing that up. I think Kaoz is probably the best kill today if we want Anouleth to lynch.
  20. You are Blitz, Town Wizard. Every game, you list the entire scum team and get ignored as the town destroys itself while the mafia sits and watches, probably because you are like never around due to having a horrible internet connection. You deny actually being that good, but I'm on to you. You are also never mafia for some reason, probably because hosts are too afraid of what havoc you would wreak. At night, you may respond to your Role PM with "Night X - Logicking at USER1, USER2, and USER3." You will talk to USER1, USER2, and USER3, somehow deducing the role name of one, ability of a second, and alliance of a third. However, your internet connection is unstable so you will disconnect partway through and not know which one corresponds to which player. Post Restriction: Despite the fact that you are the Wizard, and as such, clearly the most powerful asset the town have, you are not bigheaded, as such, you should act humble wherever possible. You are allied with the Town. You win if all threats are removed. I should probably stop being as ambiguous as I am. I think I should probably get a doc on me or something.
  21. Does that mean Hilda is technically Yurius' mom since he uses the Prince class? Did we discover the secret of FE4?
  23. I'm pretty sure he means per each Sidequest. That's what the other games do.
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