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Everything posted by Psych

  1. This might be going a bit too meta, but because he's not going the full asshole it's possible he's a Mafia Life, as Life always seems a bit more forceful when there's OC Town as he loves to be the Town Leader. For some reason, when I thought that, I suddenly got the idea Raymond could also be Life, but on the Town side, so maybe two people have Life as a character, Bal and Raymond. Only one is town and one is mafia, so it's possible they're Lovers.
  2. I can only take that as a 10/10.
  3. Sword wielding dancers? Or something to make Ninian more useful. Half of your team is mounted and the other consists of Eliwood, Rebecca, and Natalie who aren't exactly best on foot. I just feel like Ninian isn't able to keep up with the horses and actually be useful.
  4. Did you only read the first sentence of my post or something? Oh sorry, whoops. I'm so dumb. Well, whatever. I hope everything's for the best.
  5. I'm a bit more interested in how people pull Tailor out of a hat and assume there is one. I can remember the amount of games that have had Tailor as a role here on one hand. Hell, one finger, since I can only remember SFMM1 having one. It's not that common around here, but I suppose since Haze hosted both there is some precedent. Plus it's likely we'd have a regular cop as opposed to a role cop. I'm just getting that vibe. Or not. I could be all wrong and likely am. I just have a vibe. Sorry.
  6. Dat Rules (stolen/borrowed from Integrity, which where then copied from the FE10 ratings) - Ratings are assumed to be on Normal Mode. - Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly. +/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly. - Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake. - Every ranking phase ends whenever I get home from school, between 1500 and 1600 EST. - I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out. - "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance. - Assume that the character in question is being recruited. - Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "she brings a warp staff" or any other justification as an argument. - Rating a unit too low because you think its overrated will make me throw away your vote without mercy. - I withhold the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise. - Scrolls have no impact on a unit's rating. Just because Marty can become awesome with scrolls does not mean his score should go up. - Warp skipping has an impact on scores in so far as "Safy has an high base staff rank". Nanna would score lower than Safy because of her lower rank, but no chapter is explicitly said to be skipped. You can't get Warp and then suddenly say every character after doesn't exist or requires turns to recruit. Something could be said of Xavier, or Conomore/Amalda who are in an escape chapter where Leaf starts next to the escape point. Evayl: 5.02 Leaf: 8.18 Fin: 9.06 Pretty good dude with his own Prf weapon. Wrath is always nice, and he gets swords instead of lame bows like a fighter would normally get. The 3 PCC don't hurt either. Only bad thing is probably weapon rank, but he joins in the first chapter and is one of the first ones back, so you have plenty of time. His support partners aren't likely to be in play though. 7/10
  7. No one will every find out my PR though, so don't worry. ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD
  8. I'll definitely follow my PR. Hopefully. Maybe. I'll be good enough.
  9. I would like someone to investigate me tonight, but you don't have too, I'm fine with whatever. Sorry. Also do not confuse investigate for kill.
  10. I <3 Paper I mean let's get down to business. Hopefully to defeat some Huns.
  11. If you find out how, maybe think of making Merlinus start as a wagon. It's not like his combat can solo the game. >_>
  12. It's possible it's going to be an FE8 team and a Four Fangs team. Since that seems to be the divide.
  13. Dat Rules (stolen/borrowed from Integrity, which where then copied from the FE10 ratings) - Ratings are assumed to be on Normal Mode. - Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly. +/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly. - Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake. - Every ranking phase ends whenever I get home from school, between 1500 and 1600 EST. - I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out. - "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance. - Assume that the character in question is being recruited. - Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "she brings a warp staff" or any other justification as an argument. - Rating a unit too low because you think its overrated will make me throw away your vote without mercy. - I withhold the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise. - Scrolls have no impact on a unit's rating. Just because Marty can become awesome with scrolls does not mean his score should go up. - Warp skipping has an impact on scores in so far as "Safy has an high base staff rank". Nanna would score lower than Safy because of her lower rank, but no chapter is explicitly said to be skipped. You can't get Warp and then suddenly say every character after doesn't exist or requires turns to recruit. Something could be said of Xavier, or Conomore/Amalda who are in an escape chapter where Leaf starts next to the escape point. Leaf: 8.18 Fin: 9.06 Evayl 5.5/10 You're Jeigan and pretty necessary when you first have her. Will probably be doing a lot more than Fin or Dagda due to higher speed and Fin being slowed down by sand/WTD/indoors. Helps protect Nanna, but you still have to be careful since she can die there and getting her back later just kills her. Too underleveled and just sucky compared to your other units. It's probably less hassle to just fight Funf too. But when she is useful, she's a beast.
  14. Guys, no. See, it does mean the correct form of Dream. Cause we're all dreaming if this thing is ever getting finished.
  15. The 5 is the five different lead characters. Renair, Enjo, Astra, Furet, and that other one. The people in the banners like in Lumi's sig.
  16. There's Akaneia, Jugdral, Tellius, Elibe, and Magvel. If we're assuming Jugdral is to the west, then we have three other continents for two other places. I don't see any reason to assume with all of this that they would just be two new random continents. Don't forget that the place could be past Daein where the wolf laguz come from. We never really saw that on the map, but it still existed.
  17. I'm am idiot and just opened the 13 map and saw that the area near sidequest 12 looks like Norway and the left half where FE2 takes place seems like South AMerica. That was probably on purpose though.
  18. I just read the title as "I can't believe it's still not S&M2" something is wrong
  19. Also if we go with that calender, it's been about 3000 years almost since FE4 took place, so it could work.
  20. From what I see of looking at the Jugdral map, it appears that the Western continent could possibly be some part of Issac. It's not exact, but it does look pretty similar.
  21. It could be Jugdral, but I don't remember where it was stated to be in relation to Archaenia.
  22. I'd be more interested in Wagons if we ever got them. For combat animations at least.
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