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Everything posted by Psych

  1. You could maybe try and remove some of the forests from 2 or add a way to get down the other side since it gets a bit annoying with Levin and Sylvia. Maybe a way to get down near the Cutter village. 3 is fine the way it is.
  2. Oh god, I saw this this morning and wondered why he looked familiar. Thank you. Also I like that you're showing more relationship between Ilanice and Amelia. It didn't make that much sense why then end up together when all the people rejoin around chapter 9 other than that they were the two odd ones out.
  3. Cora watched and Tzang attempted to purchase a few more hands. She slid over to Omair, and whispered to him. "I know he's sort of our boss or the boss' boss or whatever, but why does he need more soldiers? I'm sure you could sell off some of the cargo he's transporting and make some easy cash to spring Lang and the others."
  4. Savestates mainly. Especially with shitty FE4 hit rates.
  5. Dalsin is actually a pretty good capturer with the Hero Axe, if I remember correctly.
  6. How is Nurse even useless eclipse? Like, really?
  7. If you need to know more, my character is Niou Masaharu. Tell me what's wrong with my claim exactly eclipse?
  8. I'm avoiding talking about Strawman, because he doesn't seem like a good target. I've read all the arguments for him, and there's no real reason there. I've already sent Bal an SMS, but I'm the Town Nurse if you must know. I don't know the name of my doctor though.
  9. Just because Levity might be town, doesn't mean you are Prims.
  10. I gave a legitimate reason. You are trying awfully hard to get me to move my vote, and just because Tables didn't find JB scummy, doesn't mean I don't. It's just as easy that she faked that she was roleblocked and didn't use the action she said.
  11. Kevin, you'll notice I gave a reason for voting Bizz, and that I dislike her waffling every time she votes, which is practically every day. She however, tunneled in on me and Prims bandwaggoned with her. Excuse me for feeling that she's scummy when they both support each other at every move.
  12. Sirocco closed her eyes to focus. "It..wasn't very clear. My visions never are. But there was something special about this one. Usually my visions only show me one scene, but this one was different." Sirocco opened her eyes and stared directly at Nayda. "For the first one, I was flying in my costume, as if I really had wings. I flew above the desert, and into this town. I landed on a castle, and saw a woman. I have a feeling that was the woman in charge of Sanctuary, but I am not sure as I have never seen a picture of her." Sirocco paced back and forth, contemplating what to do. "My next vision...was strange. Besides the shock of receiving two messages at once, this one seemed to take place in the future, as if it could really happen. The others usually are just signs and symbols, like my flying one. We will likely meet the woman of Sanctuary, and she may have a message for me, or something like that. But this one, it was like a battle. We were high in the clouds, on top of a mountain. There was a huge nest, with eggs inside of it, and a gigantic dragon was fighting us. It breathed fire and slapped people with it's tail. It was easily thirty feet tall. Probably larger. There seemed to be Fallen Soldiers with us though. They were fighting the dragon with us, and they were wearing armor and fighting with lances. But then Robin...She got sideswiped from behind by the creature's tail. She flew off the mountain and beneath the clouds. I couldn't see the bottom or hear her hit anything, but..." Sirocco lowered her head and looked solemn. "I'm worried that we may fight some creature like this. Or something similar. Robin would do best to avoid a creature like that."
  13. Sirocco rubbed her arms. Winds were beginning to pick up, and her dress was sleeveless. They were have to find shelter soon. "As long as we all huddle together in the carriage and tarp off the open sections, we should be fine. We'll just have to take before it gets to hot or risk being baked alive. Someone should keep watch. I can offer to take a shift, though I may pass out again like before. I'm a bit worried for our safeties with what I saw."
  14. No one else has posted anything that requires my attention.
  15. Which, guess what. You've been incredibly quiet this game. My vote is staying where it fell and unless we get Shinori to L-1, it's staying here.
  16. Most likely. Yes. And if not, then Snike would have said something a few days ago when I caught Nightmare visiting him.
  17. ....Are you serious right now? Then why did I catch you visiting Core and he got roleblocked? And why did Nightmare claim Safeguard too? >_> ##Unvote, Vote Kay Me thinks we have caught us a scum.
  18. You and Prims sheeping each other every chance you get makes me feel like you two are the other mafia team if what someone said a few pages back about multiple mafias.
  19. No. I'm useless in every game. You being in this has no bearing. Honestly, you think every time you're in a game with me Bizz I act differently and target you. You'd be wrong. Stop acting so conceited and focus on other people.
  20. Mafia can just role block one of us and kill the other, so not quite sure why him guessing will help Core. Also, who are we lynching? Kay? Kay seems like a good idea, unless Shinori does something.
  21. Honestly Bizz's constant waffling is enough to keep my vote where it is.
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