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Everything posted by Psych

  1. I'm going to give a little more pressure, since for now Iris has finished warranting my thoughts. ##Vote Shinori
  2. Night 0 - Snike visited no one Night 1 - Nightmare visited Snike Night 2 - Bal visited Kay Night 3 - Kay visited Core Those are the only results I have.
  3. I'm going to throw a vote down on Bizz, because she's been all over the place, and not how she usually is. It's like....she's trying to do it on purpose, and then attempt to reason herself clear. ##Vote Bizz
  4. I don't even know what is going on, but a recap or maybe something could help. I am getting some weird readings on Prims, but I can't figure out why. Also pretty sure the current votals: [1]Eclipse: Prims [2]Strawman: Snike, Bal
  5. Psych's pitchforks and torches store is open for business! Half off angry mob groups of 6 or more!
  6. Also ##Vote Kay with what Core just said.
  7. He didn't claim, but he is apparently a Safeguard, and that goes with what has been shown recently.
  8. Kay visited Core So... I don't really know what to make of that, but I'm going to rank everyone in my eyes. 9. arachnidsGrip (Psych) - I'm me, and haven't been countered yet, so I'm 100% clear. In my eyes. 12. NIGHTMARE - I didn't trust him before, but his claim seems to work out. 6. Diavolo (Core) 7. Snike 13thShadow Kaoz 16. Kay - Been getting results with her, but I'm not sure. 10. Hika Shinori 4. Kiku-Ichimonji (Proto) 14. StSS 13. Ether 11. Iris - Hasn't done much, I don't like my feelings towards her. I would be willing to lynch her today. The people without reasonings aren't giving me a good read, but that's more or less where they go. It's basically a comparison of how clear they are to me in comparison to Kay or Iris.
  9. That is really town sided unless JB made the mafia really powerful.
  10. I feel that 12-4-1 is more likely, as 11-5-1 sounds pretty bad for town. I don't know why, but lately we've been having very one sided games.
  11. Sirocco opened her eyes slowly. The warm sands around her and the cool breezes felt fantastic. She looked down, seeing dunes everywhere. She was....flying! The wings of her costume had become real wings, and she was able to fly above the desert. Sirocco passed over an oasis, seeing some foxes drinking from it. She flew farther across the desert, reaching a town. She carefully went down to the ground, gliding along. There seemed to be many women and men dressed in priestess costumes. However, they didn't seem to even notice the flying oracle. Sirocco flew to the biggest building in the center of town, landing on a balcony. There seemed to be some woman in the room, reading a book. She looked very important, and appeared to be a high ranking priestess. When Sirocco landed, she looked up from her novel, and walked over to Sirocco. It was then everything went dark. Sirocco started falling. Down, like the ground had been pulled out from under her. Her wings were fake again, and she couldn't move them to save her. It felt like she would hit the ground any second, before the darkness around her began to clear. It was slow, as if the background was being painted in. This time she was on top of a tall mountain. Around some sort of nest. Suddenly, people began to appear. Comrades she was traveling with. John seemed to be flying on his wyvern, and Gytha was yelling at Amon. All of the sudden a large burst of flame whizzed right by Sirocco. She turned to see where it was coming from. A huge dragon had appeared in the nest! It had golden scales, and large wings. There seemed to be other people fighting it than just the mercenaries though. There were Fallen soldiers wearing armor and wielding weapons. They were trying to attack the dragon, but most were being deflected by the dragon's tail and flames. Sirocco looked over at her allies, when all of the sudden the dragon's huge tail knocked Robin right off of the mountain. She tumbled down the side of the cliff, and through the clouds, but Sirocco could not see the ground. Everything went dark again. Sirocco opened her eyes and flew straight up. Where was she this time? Back in the wagon. She tried to climb out the back of it, but landed in a puddle. "What's going on? What happened while I was asleep?"
  13. I don't need one. My time here is just not as active as it could be. Second, there's about 60% chance eclipse is mafia and pulling a Bal.
  14. Question. If we purchased two skill books would we be able to boost both sets of stats?
  15. Sirocco followed the group outside to the carriage. With all the revelations, she was feeling a bit emotionally drained after that battle. She was still interested in Lilith, as beside her visions, Lilith may have been the most knowledgeable person on Mercy. Though Sirocco shouldn't ask her about everything. Her visions were her duty to interpret. Sirocco walked over to Blake, hoping to talk with him before they were warped to safety. "Hello. I don't believe I ever got to thank you for covering me in the battle. I was hoping to talk to you a bit. I noticed you had helped me a time or t-" Sirocco clutched her head and gritted her teeth. These were the usual feelings that came on whenever she blacked out. Her eyes rolled back into her head, and her legs gave out, falling towards Blake.
  16. I want to see your exam papers. :<
  17. Right now Shinori isn't making any alarm's go off in my head. But Iris and Nightmare are the most scummiest right now in my mind. I would really like them to talk more rather than just post once or twice, for one hour a day.
  18. Bal visited Kay last night. Did you get messed with Kay?
  19. ;/ Mine was better than eclipse. I thought she was an older woman, with a deeper voice. Here we come to find out she's like 8.
  20. I had some pronunciation issues, but it's better than nothing. Mainly on that one long noun, but whatever. If you need me to do it over just ask. Link
  21. Sirocco was thoroughly intrigued by what had been revealed. The process of making whole weapons and items appear out of nowhere. Did Lilith have some knowledge of alchemy? Raquel's hidden power was certainly the topic at hand, but even with everything else being revealed, it seemed to pail in comparison. "If she is in danger and holding powerful dark magic, why was I lead to her? I do not doubt the visions of Mercy, but I find it weird that she would lead me to a source of dark energy. Though I am curious. If Raquel learns to control the emblem's power....what would happen if we were to assemble the whole piece and give it to her?"
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