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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Sirocco wondered what the group was talking about. Who were these bandits? Did they related to the path the group was set on? Where was the woman who started her visions? Sirocco stood near the wagon, her eyes closed. She focused, blocking out the sounds of chatter and people talking. Hopefully she would receive a message from the goddess. She had come this far, but what was her next step?
  2. Fin is free, pick someone else.
  3. You could try and make each unit have a set of pre-determined level ups. Basically every time you play, something like the first lord's level up would be speed, strength, HP. That could be interesting.
  4. Hey Darros, since you copied this from Tag #2, you have that Fin is free. But he's also on the list. So you might want to change something.
  5. Well, Leaf and Janne are already free for 7. So it shouldn't matter much. Anyway, we're taking Noish. My connection is crapping out, so Darros is probably draft for us, at least for the rest of the night.
  6. I'm not sure, but I'm gonna go with no Darros. Introducing Fin as free was me trying to balance not being left with an undrafted person no one would want. So Fin is free, you just can't pair him.
  7. Fin is a free for all. Pick someone else.
  8. I'll do it, I guess. Since Rein seems to have abandoned 3. I'll join Life if he wants. He can decide who does what, though I would prefer 2.
  9. Sirocco strolled over to the wagon. It seemed very impressive, with large turbines and strange equipment on the sides. It...seemed more or less the same as the one in her dreams. Though it was still different. Sirocco noticed a young man eating a biscuit, and waved over at him. "Excuse me kind sir, would you know the lady in charge of this company? I am looking for her, or an elderly man named Weyland. I must speak to them concerning manners of the goddess. I must aid in their divine mission. Is there perhaps a salty rough-necked woman with fiery hair, or a young archer with spectacles? I also would like to meet them."
  10. If Furet just picked someone I pick Jamka.
  11. OKay cool, I actually like Sharlow. Radney
  12. Sirocco nodded, silently smiling at the man. "Weyland? Would that happen to be the elderly man with the spectacles? I have news I must discuss with him and the lady with the purple veil. I must deliver my aid unto them. It has been foretold. Our destinies are intertwined. I must speak to them about the flames. It is of the utmost importance."
  13. "Yes, do lead the way." Sirocco followed the man, hoping to try and catch a peek of someone. Though, they likely wouldn't know who she was. Unless they were gifted with the sight, like she was. Could it be? They were the children of destiny, so it could be possible. Sirocco clasped her hands together, wondering what might happen.
  14. Arthur: Tron Wind Yuria: Rezire Tinny: Elwind Elthunder Lana: Wind Hawk: Lightning The only other things I have to pass out are Fire tomes. Hawk would probably like a second tome. Now, I can give him Elfire and Yuria Bolganone in the final if I feel like it, but other than that... Plus Jamka can still help. It's not like he's useless. Also, Rein. What did you mean by that?
  15. ^ Specially since we have Aideen and can easily recruit him. I have Arthur, Lana, Tinny, and Yuria. I now have Hawk. I have 5 mages now. 2 of which are great healers. I DON'T NEED MORE. I only have so many tomes to go around.
  16. Integrity, I have Arthur and Tinny. I have magic covered. I have Lana. DO I REALLY NEED A FOURTH FUCKING MAGE
  17. Rein, I have no need for Laylea or Hawk. Hawk is best as a healer, and we have Lana. Next time you draft for me, draft Gen 1, since that's what you're doing. I know how I play, and that'll tell me if I need someone from Gen 2, or if I can draft more people for you.
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