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Everything posted by Psych

  2. Please tell me you're using Fin.
  3. Trabant is Mafia, just saying.
  4. Also gonna sheep like a mofo cause I feel No Lynch Day 1s are getting boring. ##Vote Proto
  5. I claim Town Persuader-Persuader. I persuaded Raymond to persuade Proto to vote for Kay.
  6. He's free and I'm taking Daisy
  7. Sirocco gasped. If someone was in danger she had to help. "Yes, certainly. I can help in anyway possible. But this is destiny's path, and we can not change it. Only go along with what is planned. For my magic however, I can use a bit of Light magic. I was raised in a convent with my mother. The goddess Mercy has blessed me with my visions and her magic, and I don her visage to strength my connection and hopefully receive clearer messages. I shall change into more appropriate clothes before battle though, don't worry." When the archer spoke to Sirocco, she turned and pursed her lips. "My visions are not some divination. While I do appreciate people interested in the messages from high, I can not control them. They come and go and are as temperamental as the weather. Why, I could fall right here and see us all dying in the upcoming battle. But I would not be able to control the outcome. I can only see the results, not how things happen. Which is why my discovery of you all is a miracle in and of it's self. It seems I was brought here when you needed me most. To rescue the woman Raquel. Now if you will excuse me." Sirocco took her things and wondered off some way to begin changing.
  8. I still think if every unit had scripted level ups so that you always end up with the same stats, that would help with balancing level ups a lot.
  9. Sirocco blushed a little. "Yes, yes, it's you! The woman with hair like fire. The smell of salt. It's you I have been dreaming about. At the very least I know this is the right group. I must search for the others I have seen so many times." Sirocco turned to Amon, noticing his uneasy. "My name is Sirocco. I am an Oracle. Recently, I have been getting visions about this woman here. There were others though. A man on horse back with long hair and spectacles. A woman with rainbow hair. But there was also a pink haired woman. She appeared to me in my visions along side a carriage. The thing most startling about my visions was that behind her appeared a set of large flames, and unknown engravings, sort of like a large engraving. Tell me, do you know of her? Could you direct me to her? I must meet her. Our destinies are intertwined."
  10. Me, Iris, Kevin, Ether There you go.
  11. ##Kill: Everyone ##Especially: Bizz
  12. Sirocco finished her meditation, focusing back on the conversation at hand. She noticed people began moving around, preparing to go. "Is something happening? Is everyone going somewhere?" Sirocco looked across the group, noticing a young women with fiery hair. She was talking with a young tanned man, when Sirocco noticed her. It was the girl of her dreams! One of the people she had seen. She had to go and talk with her. Sirocco walked over to Gytha, rubbing her hands together nervously. She stood by the girl, watching her.
  13. THat's not FE4 though. Obviously JB is Jake and Eclipse is Anna. It also let's us ship them. Or JB can be Alvis and Eclipse can be Diadora.
  14. You're not supposed to kill him, Ms. Eclipse. You're supposed to kiss him I feel like something about that is off.
  15. And just how many people here does that make? Not many obviously. Nightmare is the biggest housewife of them all.
  16. Psych

    Sugar Mini Mafia

    Night actions slash other stuff including my opinions come sometime when I'm not busy/lazy/have to go to bed soon.
  17. Okay, I'm sorry, but waiting just a few hours isn't so bad. More than 24 is when you can draft for me. I don't need Tristan and Dimna. I'd much rather have Amid and Daisy.
  18. That was exactly who I was going to take anyway. Maybe Dew instead of Holyn though.
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