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Everything posted by Psych

  1. It's my scum hunting. I rely on little more than gut instincts, and unless I get a guilty result or something from my role I usually just follow the leader. ;/ Also Kevin, I went name fishing due to something I can not reveal. Thanks a lot JB. BUT KILLING ME MAY NOT BE TOTALLY BAD I'm going to ##Vote Core, I guess. Pressure is always good.
  2. ((In a hurry, no time for flavor)) Link Sirocco hit! 6 damage dealt! Axe Coffin 5/11 Link Axe Coffin Miss! Sirocco 12/12
  3. Well, I can explain a couple of things, but with our doctor dead I do feel less safe. But whatever. I voted with Prims because I wanted a lynch that day. I didn't want the doctor's lynch, but that's what Darros does. >_> I am Town Tracker. I may/may not be able to die with no consequences, but I can't really reveal much more. Night 0 I followed Snike, who did nothing. NIght 1 I followed Nightmare who visited Snike. Snike, were you roleblocked or were your results messed with? Or did anyone else try and target Snike and get someone else?
  4. "Yes, thank you. I have been called here to rescue Raquel. And....to take care of these things apparently." Sirocco stood on her feet, her face covered in a fair amount of dirt after that blow sent her reeling back. Sirocco fired off another spell at one of the other coffins, this time aiming for a slower one. Link Sirocco hit! 3 Damage Dealt! Coffin of Axes 12/15 Sirocco was easily able to dodge the coffin's attack, moving out of the way just in time. Link Coffin of Axes miss! Sirocco 12/12
  5. Sirocco looked on in shock as her spell first made contact and was then healed back. The girl seemed to be fully focused in her spell, but Sirocco quickly cast another spell at the Darkness Coffin. Link Sirocco hit! Damage dealt 5! Coffin of Darkness 10/15 The coffin swung open it's door, launching a ball of shadows straight for Sirocco. Link Coffin of Darkness hit! Damage dealt 11! Sirocco 1/12!
  6. If you want me to try and help with that, I'll sign up a 7 player game into the queue.
  7. Shhhh Also just because I wanted a lynch, doesn't mean I wanted the doctor lynched. Second of all, that would mean Prims would most likely be my scum buddy, so GL with that. NLing is especially stupid, and with Darros not speaking up and telling us about our mistake, it was essentially the same thing.
  8. Loud noises were happening outside of the carriage and people were beginning to jump out of it. Sirocco exited it, and looked around. Only the mounts seemed to be fighting, but there wasn't a large number of the enemy. Surely they would have more if the group was attacking a base of theirs that was supposedly well defended. Sirocco noticed some of her companions were trying to attack some woman casting a spell in the center of the field. Large coffins were around here, and each one had a strange rune on it. Sirocco noticed one had the same markings as her Light tome, and two others looked like the other schools of magic. Sirocco took her tome out and recited a spell, aiming for the one with the Darkness symbol on it, hoping her light magic would do some damage.
  9. Hey Life, you don't have to get the Bargain Ring sicne I can get it from Yied, and I don't want you to waste turns getting the Wind Sword, but the things that don't transfer down to second generation unless you inherit them like the Defender and Pursuit Ring and Knight Ring, I would really like.
  10. ...... Well okay, this semi-confrims my theory about what JB said. Raymond since we still can't expose characters fully, is you character from Generation 1 or 2, and are they an NPC/Enemy?
  11. You could attempt a draft where you draft subs first, and then mothers and Gen 1. That would enable less chance of someone with over powered people like Shanan and Aless not to get someone like Levin Tiltyu. You could make it draft normal snake style, and once Gen 2 is over, do 12344321 for mothers, then draft fathers normally. That would sort of give 1 and 2 better Gen 2 people, in order to lessen LevinArthur's impact.
  12. I suppose I will. I'm pretty sure I'm not voting anyone atm, but JB hasn't put me in votals, and I don't remember unvoting. ##Unvote, Vote Darros
  13. So you want to totally eliminate Levin Tiltyu? That doesn't really seem fair.
  14. I don't really see the problem. Everyone is around a 4 turn difference of each other, besides you Shin, and that's cause I knew it was a problem the minute I let you and Integ partner. THe other ones all have close competition. It most certainly isn't from a free Fin.
  15. Can we reveal what generation our character is from?
  16. I know we can't claim characters, but Raymond, is your character from generation 1 or 2?
  17. Yes, but if you reverse the inheritance you get another Valkyrie user. Admittedly, not one who can instantly use it like Sety or Corple, but it means TIltyu has more draftable pairings rather than Azel/Lex/Levin, since Levin usually isn't gotten, and Lex goes quickly for the other mothers. Also, I don't really think skipping Yuria's tomes is ever good. It may cut a turn or two, but in the long run it's probably really bad. She won't be able to attack until you get Lightning otherwise, and it's not exactly better than Rezire. Skipping Yuria in Final however, depends on how bulky Celice is, if you have Tyring, if he has Leg Ring/Dancer/Rescue, and if you have anyone else.
  18. That also enables Claude Tiltyu to be much better than normal. It only makes some crappy skills really.
  19. The only thing I would say, is just like the Should Haar be Banned Draft, it showed Haar isn't that much of a game breaker. It's perfectly possible that Arthur Levin isn't a breaker either. I'm almost sure that Rescue Leaf and a Dancer is much more of a game breaker than Levin Arthur could ever hope to be. And that's cause the whole game is seizing. Arthur can only kill things to help seize. When we start moving Celice about 20 spaces a turn, that's when things get hairy.
  20. ....When we start to WINFOM about WINFOM that's when things get complicated. ##Unvote And um....I feel like Raymond outing himself as Persuader kinda shows he's town. The Mafia persuader would more likely just sit in the shadows and persuade.
  21. Sirocco emerged from the bushes with her bags in hand. She had stripped from her oracle clothes, and put on a knee length skirt with an apron along with a blouse. It wasn't the best for fighting, and it wasn't like armor in the slightest, but she had to do with what she had. Besides, if need be she could worry more about bandaging and caring for the wounded. Sirocco put her things away and walked back towards the caravan. She noticed Amon standing there and went over. "I am ready to go. These clothes may not be battle appropriate, but it's the best I can do on short notice till I am able to go shopping at town. What are the current orders for the mission? Who am I fighting with? If you want, I can simply stay on the back lines and care for our wounded." Sirocco climbed into the wagon in preparation for departure.
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