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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Cora narrowed her brow. She wasn't sure what she should do. On one hand, she might get paid for simply traveling with a caravan, but on the other she had helped Omair and Lang and did feel a bit of interesting in Lang. His magic impressed her, but she was on her way towards formal schooling. Before Tzang left, Cora spoke up. "I...am a simple girl. I have come from Nialp, but meeting Lang's group was good fortune. I may have to part ways with them sooner or later, but I am just a healer. I....am not even formally trained. You may make of that what you will, but my honor lies with whoever can protect me and guard me to my destination."
  2. I might be able to do it, but my pronunciation would be a tad off in some places. I at least have a bit of experience speaking spanish. I just have to find my mic....
  3. Command the reinforcements to give EXP. Guess she's not as good as we thought.
  4. "Excuse me, breaking? That emblem is a seal for something?" Sirocco looked lost in though. Maybe she would go meditate. Lilith's appearance did ease her mind in this strange world. "It appeared in my vis....my dreams. It was what lead me to this group."
  5. Sirocco pondered about the woman in front of them. As much as she couldn't believe her, it was an oracle's job to believe the unbelievable. A god in front of her. "I am also from Neviskotia. I am a....cleric from a monastery." Sirocco held her tongue, not sure of whether she should tell of her visions. Did the gods get along? Wrath and Mercy...not exactly the best of friends.
  6. That might be because Patty promotes to a Thief FIghter? I'm thinking? Or something like that. Though then LInda/Tinny wouldn't make sense.
  7. If you guys want to know why people keep showing up with weird map sprites, it's because the kids show up as the class of their substitute for some reason. I'm not sure why, but that's what always happens to me when I fool around in nightmare and stuff.
  8. Sirocco stepped into the room. There was a large crowed of people at the doorway, but Sirocco tried to see what was happening. She noticed everyone seemed to be focusing on someone in the center of the room, but she couldn't exactly see who. "What's going on everyone? Thank goodness I finally found you all."
  9. Obviously the next course of action is to reveal all town protective roles and lynch them. So out with it guys. >_> Ugh.
  10. Sirocco ran down the hall, trying to find some sense of people. Noises echoed off of the walls, and the wind howled. This fortress was scary enough, forget being in the land of the dead. Sirocco was starting to panic, bouncing of the walls and running down the hall. She tried taking deep breaths, not wanting to hyperventilate. She tried slowing her pace, but her mind was racing and she was sweating profusely, soaking her bangs. Eventually she heard voices, and began to follow them down a flight of stairs, reaching a doorway.
  11. Why are we voting Strawman again? I don't see any good reasons and haven't heard any compelling arguments.
  12. Sirocco climbed into the carriage, throwing on her Oracle clothes. "This land...Mercy." She looked around frantic for anyone. A man had come into the carriage before leaving, and Sirocco didn't see anyone else still outside the fort. She quickly ran inside after the others, as she didn't want to be alone in this strange place.
  13. Psych

    Can I run some mafia stuff by you on IRC?

  14. Sirocco felt sick at what was going on. No living thing could cross into this world. No magician should be able to blur the lines of a soul. "I..I shouldn't be here. We must escape." Her whole body was trembling as the two enemies flew away. She slowly shuffled her feet back to the carriage, trying to reach her bags. "Mercy...I must..." Sirocco turned, her face easily turning shades of green, before she lost her stomach on one of the carriage's wheels. "Where is my garb? I must...."
  15. I'll have to try and talk to you tomorrow on IRC, because while I have bits and pieces, actually writing up my thoughts would be very difficult.
  16. Sirocco purchases Weapon Proficiency, gains Healing Staff, loses 60 Points. 2 points remaining.
  17. Sirocco worried about the man who had taken the hit for her. He had been knocked clear on his back, and he looked wounded. But the others weren't letting up their assaults, and one had managed to strike a direct hit. Sirocco aimed another spell at the coffin with the axe symbol, hoping to damage it, since the young girl had seemingly healed pure steel. Link Sirocco hit! 4 Damage dealt! Axe Coffin 11/15 Link Axe Coffin Miss! Sirocco 12/12
  18. One of these days Raymond and Kevin really will be on the same side when they argue. I'm leaning more towards Raymond could be mafia, just because of how ridiculous this is getting.
  19. I need someone comfortable with the idea of balancing a very experimental idea/that has knowledge of multifaction. Like Life, or maybe someone else like Raymond.
  20. I am highly disappoint I got a mere sentence about my role with how gimped it was. It wasn't 11/5/1. It was 10/5/1.
  21. Cora nodded. "Yes. Lang, and Zoey. And the wyvern rider too. The soldiers came and caught them. I tried to stop them, but they wanted me to go with them. I just ran, far, far away. I feel ashamed I couldn't do much more, but I had too look for someone who could help. They should be taken to the jail or something, but when I saw her, Zoey had been bleeding quite a bit. I couldn't heal her before they took her away."
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