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Everything posted by Psych

  1. I mean...what are you talking about?
  2. Ooh I like the variations. I'll sub for now, since I don't want to get into more than one game at a time though.
  3. Does anyone have a link to the FE4 Sword Skill patch? Mine doesn't seem to be working. I think it was the one that allowed any weapon to activate sword skills.
  4. It's not OMGUS if you pulled it first when you complained about me. Second of all, just because I was L-4 doesn't mean I'm not an easy lynch, and you know that. You've also brought up the point I wanted to make. It's very possible Prims is Bal's scum buddy and he tried to get the wagon off of him. That seems most likely in my mind. He didn't want Bal lynched, possibly revealing the set up to us so early. I'm pretty sure that wouldn't bode well for the mafia. It's also possible you're their third buddy, and you'll pulling this in order to have a different voice compared to them and making yourself seem safer. That's another reason I voted for you. The fact you only want to bring this up as trivial shows me you're not putting a lot of thought into something that is pretty serious and highly possible. My vote stays, regardless of OMGUS or not.
  5. ##Vote Ether I've been mulling this over, and I just think he was trying to get an easy target and push a lynch by over reaction. It just seems like we react more to bigger posts even when they don't really say much. I'm not comfortable with Ether's reaction and I just think it was plain scummy.
  6. I not saying you had a bad reaction, but I think you may have over reacted considering all that had happened. Plus it's Psych.
  7. Bal's was the first vote so I can at least forgive that for being nothing, but Manix's was a joke and he didn't comment on Bal's. I'm fine with Manix's explanation though, but I'm a bit fishy with Ether's reaction.
  8. The local news has a camera down there and they said through the whole vote counting process they had a cake with a groom and a bride to represent traditional marriage there, and once the vote came out they all started eating cake. So it was a bit...inappropriate, I suppose. They're talking about it on MSNBC right now. The amendment though, not the cake.
  9. I'm arguing Manix's random joke vote seemed too fast for my tastes, but he has since clarified it, so I'm not going to push it any further, as I feel satisfied. I'm a bit surprised at your reaction though.
  10. A lot of states did that, but you can see the ramifications of it in Wisconsin today, as they also had their primary today and are currently recalling their governor. It's pretty much guaranteed though that Obama's going to win in 2012, I just can't see how Romney could win. Though I should probably get off of the politics side and keep this on topic.
  11. I'm not saying that voting is bad, please stop taking my comment out of context. I'm just saying that getting them so fast is a bit suspect. I can forgive Bal for being the first vote and having nothing, but Manix's rubbed me wrong which he then simply waved off by saying it's a joke. I don't feel comfortable about that.
  12. It's dicey. States have full control over things like schools and state taxes, while the federal government controls the postal system and money as well as federal taxes. States have differing laws regarding things like gun control however, so while our constitution declares bearing arms a right, states can limit what types of weapons and access to them they have on a different basis. It's the same way New York and Vermont and Washington can allow same sex marriage, but North Carolina suddenly declare it illegal. Maybe. I think. This is where the 14th amendment saying all citizens are equal moves in and can pull this into the federal court system. I'm just not seeing how exactly a case would spring forth from this however, but you can be sure one will pop up eventually.
  13. True, but two random votes within twenty minutes of phase start is pretty scummy, regardless of when it happens.
  14. Would make a nice comparison to Napoleon though.
  15. The void on domestic relationships was a thing however, cause a lot of ads have been bringing that up. It keeps talking about stuff like shared custody and marital abuse, since this also affects straight couples and unmarried couples.
  16. Good thing we're all taking our time and waiting for conversation before we random jump on someone and vote on them. I'm gonna sit back and watch who else does this for a little while.
  17. I'm watching the news right now and it's 60-40 For, but it's only got about two thirds of the votes in, so you never know. Not looking good though. That sex thing, I haven't heard of it and it would be outrageous and almost impossible to pass. It's not a thing.
  18. I'm waiting for our amendment on slavery. Should be any day now.
  19. Considering we just had a primary for the governor and republicans won and our Congress is Republican controlled, it'll be a while.
  20. That might be true, but our legislation is about to be controlled by republicans, and I believe it already is, so I highly doubt it/ Plus it's hard to be declared unconstitutional when it now is the constitution. The supreme court will have to deal with that. Also I only noticed that like a minute after I posted this. I guess I type slowly. Yes, for the country. However, I'm not sure if this is allowed to fall under reserved powers of the state, so since we're amending our constitution it might stand.
  21. I know the Homosexuality thread was recently locked, but I still think this is kinda important. So for those not in the know, today my state, North Carolina, held it's Primary today to say we're voting for Romney and also a few local positions. But a larger portion of voters also came out in regards to a recent constitutional amendment on the ballot. The amendment would declare marriage as one man and one woman, and even though our state already has declared gay marriage as illegal, this would make it super definitely absolutely illegal. It just passed. There has been a lot of news coverage the past few weeks about this, in that it would also affect straight couples. Because of the definition of marriage, it's affecting unmarried couples like those with shared custody rights and it affects things like marital abuse and the ability to prosecute it. Lots of out of state money has apparently been coming in in favor of the amendment as well. So at least we know why the South is how it is. I must say it's pretty ingenious of Republicans to schedule it today though. The Republican primary would obviously draw out more Republicans who are likely anti-gay since they have other things to vote for such as Romney, but I have heard that a lot of Democrats came out today as well. But them's the breaks. I'm pretty sure it only passed by about 10% or so, I think even less.
  22. It's kind of nice to see someone off to a worse start then me.
  23. I know there are mountains in the Tale, so maybe something like a rockslide that blocks off that path Eric comes from?
  24. So I've decided to be more active again and i came up with a game. Hearts Mafia (16 people, but I'd put an experimental tag on it) I'd prefer to try and not host it till after about the 7th of June or so, cause that's when my finals end.
  25. I feel like it needs more sparking, but it looks good nonetheless.
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