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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Name: Shinai Morona Gender: Female, 24 Class: Mage/Archer Affinity: Ice Weapon: Bows Appearance: Nation of Origin: Sapphire ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Kiyo Morona Gender: Male, 26 Class: Swordfighter Affinity: Darkness Weapon: Katanas Appearance: Nation of Origin: Sapphire Backstory was sent to Slave in PM due to spoilers.
  2. And just other people who want to kill you in general.
  3. Try and make a pony tail wrap around her on our right POV. I think that might look good. Left could work too, but that seems like a hell of a lot of shading trouble could happen.
  4. That only helps me. Unless you be an ass later, though I still have a good....4 fathers, and 2-3 other options as well.
  5. Probably every 3-4 chapters. I'm looking forward to this though.
  6. I'll go and give Cam...well, no Lachesis helps Charisma, and Aideen and Ayra are later. But Ethlin is Master Knight + Flying Holy Weapon. And Fury... Ethlin.
  7. Yes, but then Fury/Sylvia, so that leaves one person out of the Holsety Fun.
  8. We still have to draft Mothers as the first pick, so Hannibal isn't going first. And everyone gets the last pick. Instead of being undrafted. Shanan/Aless
  9. Pretty much, but we're still drafting mothers first. Order up! I'll take an Adam and Eve on a raft and wreck 'em! 1. Dokutayuu 2. Psych 3. Cam 4. Integrity
  11. The one where Subs might actually be good. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 4 people (3 + myself). Units that are free for all are: Sigurd, Diadora, Celice, Oifey and Yuria. 2. First, the mothers will be drafted (snake draft style: 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, etc.), and their children (but not substitutes) come with them. For example, drafting Ayra gets you: Ayra, Lackche and Skasaher. 3. Then, the fathers, fixed characters and substitute characters (Noish, Fin, Shanan, Hawk, etc.) are drafted. However, the person who went last drafting mothers will go first drafting fathers (reverse snake draft: 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.). 4. Each participant will end up with Sigurd, Diadora, two mothers, and their drafted fathers for the first generation, and Celice, Oifey, Yuria, four children characters, and their drafted fixed and substitute characters in the second generation. One character will be of use for all people. 5. If you do not post your pick within 24 hours of the last pick, I will pick for you. NO EXCEPTIONS. If you know you will be gone for an extended period of time, forward a list to someone. Rules: 1. Undrafted characters may not: enter combat equipped, heal, steal, visit villages, become lovers, enter the Arena, etc. 2. Exceptions to the first rule: Briggid, Tiltyu and Claude are free use in Chapter 3; Leaf, Fin and Nanna/Janne are free for use in Chapter 7; Shanan is free for use in Chapter 7 until Yied is conquered. Levin and Sylvia can be used until Amphony is seized in Chapter 2. 3. Undrafted characters may receive and give items through Talk conversations that do not require the participants to be lovers. 4. Dew may raise the bridge in Chapter 4 without penalty. 5. NPC units may do as they please without penalty. 6. Using Arenas is allowed. 7. Hidden events (Ardan's Pursuit Ring) may be activated without penalty unless it requires that undrafted units be lovers. 8. You may recruit Holyn for his sword. 9. Stripping units of weapons and suiciding them is also allowed because of that pesky thing called love. They can also meatshield. 10. No picking characters for users that are unable to get them. Penalties: Non-holy weapon users (Jamka, Ayra, etc.) have a 3-turn penalty, per unit, per castle. Holy weapon users (Levin, Aless, etc.) and Dancers have a 7-turn penalty, per unit, per castle. Using a Holy Weapon user before they get their Holy Weapon (Cuan in the Prologue) is counted as a normal penalty. Penalties count each castle separately. For example: in the Prologue, using Noish in-route to Jungby incurs a 3-turn penalty. He can chip once, or solo the map, it's still a 3-turn penalty. Once Sigurd seizes Jungby however, using Noish again (in-route to Evans) will result in another 3-turn penalty. Rules are a shameless copypasta from our last FE4 draft. Now, instead, 1 will pick for 4, 2 for 3, 3 for 2, 4 for 1, etc, etc. [spoiler=Drafters] 4. Shin-Dude-who's-name-is-too-japanese-to-easily-spell: Briggid, Ayra, Ardan, Claude 1. Psych: Aideen, Lachesis, Alec, Midir 2. Camtech: Ethlin, Sylvia, Dew, Cuan, Azel 3. Tentegrity: Tiltyu, Fury, Jamka, Beowulf 4. Shin-Dude-who's-name-is-too-japanese-to-easily-spell: Faval, Patty, Shakasher, Lakche, Hannibal, Johan, Linda 1. Psych: Lester, Rana, Delmund, Nanna, Sharlow, Radney, Amid 2. Camtech: Leaf, Altenna, Corple, Leen, Daisy, Femina 3. Tentegrity: Arthur, Tinny, Sety, Fee, Aesello, Johalva [spoiler=Gen 1]Noish Lex Fin Holyn Levin [spoiler=Gen 2]Roddlevan Mana Tristan Dimna Amid Shanan Aless Laylea Janne Hawk Drafting Order: Doku is drafting for Integrity Psych is drafting for Cam Cam is drafting for Psych Integrity is drafting for Doku
  12. Lux/Soul is an idiot at any age.
  13. But-But Zealot is a Paladin. D:
  14. Yup. That was the only part not in the script, so I had no idea what to put in that village as a conversation.
  15. http://www.mediafire.com/?n8on3zf8uvpypen It was from a magic run through, so that's why I only have magic units and thieves. Xavier didn't have time to get left behind yet.
  16. I had the caps of the conversation. I put them in the OP.
  17. Tania and Evayl have a Door Key, which is enough as you can open a door and reach the kids, and the Bishop opens the Meteor Chest too. You just can't reach the Storage House or the Armour Slayer without penalty.
  18. Is anyone aware of what the conversation in the house in Chapter 20 is? The one that give the Silence staff? The patch I'm using (Basically the one everyone uses) just has garbled symbols, and it's not in the script on the site here. I have caps if TheEnd someone wants to translate and add it to the script.
  19. Yes, but while they both have the hots for Raven, Incest > Yaoi, and Lucius even costs us a turn to recruit him while Priscilla will be recruited automatically at the end of the chapter. Um, I vaguely remember saying maximumly he can come out a 7, because we will be using Matthew, Lyn, Florina, possibly one cav, Erk, Serra and maybe Rath. Why would we give Lucius, who's main job is not to be on the front lines, an Angelic Robe and Energy Ring, when we have two better candidates, one of which is forced for endgame, and we also have an S rank Light and Staff user, who practically makes Lucius redundant. Without the Angelic Robe, he's about equivelent to around a level 8 Priscilla, only she continues to gain defense through out her career, not to max out at 4 defense like he does. Plus we get another one around 22 when one of them should be promoting, and we also have a Dragon Shield we can give our healer in 15. 11 magic plus 4 might. Sure, it's targeting resistance, but still. A level 6 Erk beats him since we get Thunder. Plus Erk has better durability, and also give Priscilla another good support option. It's her second fastest next to Raven, and there's no reason she doesn't want it. Yes, but we're starting to see a bunch more promoted enemies. Not only that, but there's more magic too. Let's compare them, and which ring they're getting. 18: Either Erk or Serra, but it's unlikely for us to promote either of them right now. Serra is probably getting it, since that way she can defend herself, but it depends on how much we use her versus Priscilla. Canas might be possible if we want to give him an early promotion. Lucius and Priscilla are both unlikely for it though. 20: Whichever didn't get 18/Canas. Priscilla might have an edge over Lucius if we want to to promote soon. 23: Canas or the one that didn't get the 20 ring. 27:...well there's one here, but if you aren't promoted yet we're probably dropping you. There's also a seal in 24 they might get, depending on who else we're using. Let's say Lucius takes the Earth Seal, and Priscilla promotes around 22 with the 20 Ring. Unit Level HP Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Lucius 16/1 27 17 13 15 4 3 14 Raven B (+1 Attack, 2 Defense, 10 Accuracy, 5 Avoid, 5 Critical, 5 Critical Avoid) Priscilla 14/3 24 13 13 13 15 7 15 Raven A/Erk B (+2 Attack, 2 Defense, 12 Avoid, 17 Accuracy, 10 Critical, 25 Critical Avoid) Priscilla is looking better in the Durability department, and we're starting to get more stat boosters. How can he still do what she can do only better? She uses anima, and yes it's E rank and won't ever get past C, but it's still better. Second, by now, she has A rank staves. She can also use Physic, which we probably bought around Chapter 20. And the most important thing she has over him, +2 movement. Do not for one second tell me he's getting the boots, there are too many people above him on that list. He has 2 more range than she does on it, nulling the move difference, but she can also move out of dangerous spots too, and easily catch up to her support partners. Plus her luck and support bonuses give her about 52 avoid, while Lucius has only 39, and his defense isn't hot either, making what you said was his main drawing point, his offense, not too hot. Not to mention Light Tomes' lack of might and insane weight. He's weighed down by any heavier than Lightning. He heals 4 more HP. Big Whoop. One of the best. That's cool, when you have only 4 others for competition. Priscilla/Serra/Athos Lucius Erk/Canas lolNino And yeah, great ranged attacker? Let's try someone who doesn't have might or defense issues.
  20. Isn't Lara free for Manster escape? She is a thief after all.
  21. That's what I assumed and I've never played YuGiOh.
  22. Yes, but he still has decent combat and is promoted, so he's usable even if he won't ever see it.
  23. It is a lot easier to use everyone in the second generation however, probably save Patty depending on who her father is, and Corple who can just staff spam.
  24. Obviously Tangerine and RF need to post pictures of each other so we don't end up with bias/lies from the other one.
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