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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Yes, but I was still the last one. Legretta, Anise, and I guess Asch and Nebilim were all there before me and Dist.
  2. Sorry to hear about your funeral, but I'm pretty sure your counts should be higher. Turns under 20 don't count for gaidens, but Penalties still do, so they have o be added to your count. You were only around 40 turns below my count up to 8x, but the penalties might close that gap.
  3. Yup. I had no one visit me until my death, and no one tried to recruit me. I got shoved in Kimlasca on Day 3 since I was still independant.
  4. Life being SK and allying with a faction, then stabbing them in the back is something I would expect. Hence why we wanted you dead. We wanted the other factions weaker than our own. Life not giving a fuck and being suicidal is not. Now, since you always wanted just equal, that benefits none of the groups. Which is why alot more people wanted you dead.
  5. Actually, if they were both dead, it would make a tad bit of sense if Lumi is seeing Furet in the after life. Same with if only one's alive so that he can keep that one alive and seperate from the other. No?
  6. And now I feel like defending myself. I know I wasn't in charge of big lynches or anything, but when no one visited me except for my killing, and no one voted for me, how much can I do with a passive Day role? At that point, only Asch, Dist, and Nebilim were left that I had contact with. Asch I knew wasn't on our team and didn't want to give the list to him, and I either gave it to Dist, or thought he already had it. I can't remember. I did try scrounging up something from Nebilim, but by then it was Day 5 I think, and I didn't get much from that. Even with the slip up with Life I had, I didn't lead to our downfall. He appearently did nothing with the info I gave him which really couldn't have done much to be honest. I did give Asch strategy that had he followed, would have lead to me being alive, and one of Daath dying and KL probably winning the game and him getting second. Instead, we got second and he got third. >_> Nebilim did good fooling me, though I did begin to suspect something once she just started being all buddy-buddy with us after most people were gone. I'm not sure if Bal had just been inactive there, or trying to move up a few ranks, but if he had helped us get rid of Daath, he'd probably have won, since me and Dist would have lynched Asch once Daath was gone, and we'd be easy targets after that. Honestly, if more people had listened to me, KL would have won.
  7. Opinons requested! Cuan: Princess; Continue, Charisma Ethlin: Lance Knight; Continue, Nihil, Critical, Life Which of Ethlin's skills besides Continue do I give to Cuan? Don't ask about him being a princess. >_>
  8. That was funny. Who was playing me? Snike?
  9. Maybe give the final boss a Mystic Arte too? Almost all of them have one anyway. XD
  10. Astra has to fall for a ravashing Pirate named Jake. :P
  11. We ask that if the Companion Cube does speak, to please ignore it's advice. Congradulations. You have passed the final test in which we pretended to murder you.
  12. Lots and lots of logs here. Just 3 more chapters too. Chapter 12 19 turns/220 turns (Mareeta Penalty) Tania gets slept around turn 3. Machua 4. >_> After stealing the Ambush manual, Olwen uses it. I'm tempted to give her the 2nd Magic Ring, but I know she has plenty of time to level, and with so many Brave Weapons....I save it for Homeros. Chapter 12x 18 turns (So 0) I decide to leave Fred for Safy to recruit Tina for some reason. Case I need a penalty to grab Xavier. Now here's my dilema though. I know I'm gonna promote Lara to Dancer, but then I have no thief to steal stuff. Olwen and Fred and Machua can capture more, but...I don't know how I'm gonna grab both the Dame Thunder and the Holy Sword, since I'd have to sleep Reinhardt to get the Thunder, but then they can't talk. By that point though I only have like 2-3 chapters left and might just make Lara a Thief Fighter again though. Now, I probably want that turn 30 Warp Staff, but I don't think it's worth it....Oh hey wait, Dancer Lara still has Steal. Chapter 13 11 turns/235 turns (Glade Penalty) Oh, fuck you Selphina. If I didn't have a bow user....Tanya grabs a nifty bow though. Left Selphina and her fail knights behind. Yes, I brought Robert, Kein, and Alva just to leave them. Chapter 14 10 turns/245 turns Lulz. 1st thing I have to say. I hate Balista. Homeros grabbed a Shield Ring and Magic Ring, and I captured a few Thunder tomes and nabbed the Rezire too. Dark mages and NPC dracos are so annoying. >_> Chapter 14x 12 turns/260 turns (Linoan Penalty) Ugh. Lara and Olwen stayed back cause they were close to Fatiguing. Linoan used the torch staff, but I had to be careful she didn't get captured. Eda isn't doing well in the exp department, bu 4x exp has Homeros at level 16 at the end of the chapter. Thunder is better than Wind right? I manage to nab two S drinks, but I couldn't get Eda or Fred to capture the boss without dying so I couldn't get a Killer Axe. Chapter 15 3 turns/263 turns I'm really starting to want healing. Machua, Tanya, and Fred get to rest. FLIER SKIP! Eda grabs Leaf. Lara and Olwen run to grab the Ulir scroll. Homeros walks around to get a little exp to promote. I want the Killer lance, but I grab the Skill Ring. Chapter 16A 13 turns/276 turns This is going to be hell. Everyone comes. I'm probably going to regret that for Misha. >_> Homeros promotes at level 18 since I need staves for this thing. Eda uses the last chapter's Skill Ring, and I decide to give Machua the Sol manual. I've decide to give Eda the Continue Manual, and Olwen can grab the Awareness. My favoritism for her knows no bounds. >_> But then I realize Conomore comes on turn 20, so I'm like screw that. Also: Eda flying off alone is hurting her exp gain, even on Elite Mode. Olwen can make Kempf rage. But me talking to him before I'm ready makes a bit of a predicamint. Long story short and many RN's wasted, Kempf captures Leaf. I lose a Slim Sword and an Iron Blade though. :/ Things go okay and I grab Sleuf and a couple things from the Boss. I'm glad that Lara retains her thief abilities in addition to her Dancer skills. :P Chapter 17A 9 turns/287 turns Trying to have Eda nab the Warp staff from the Dark Mage would result in suicide via Misha, so I resort to more air dropping. Lara could steal the Wind sword, but I don't feel comfortable about that either. Homeros tanks with Rezire. 20's everywhere, 8 in defense, 0 strength. He's awesome. And I anger Misha and her squad. Nice dodge and Rezire combo finishes the boss, grab the villages except for the Holy Water. Chapter 18 19 turns/304 turns (Safy and Tina Penalty) LOL Xavier. Homeros is fatigued, but no Warp or Rescue with D staves anyway. Eda sucks indoors. Lara will get fatigued this chapter. Tina and Safy come along to help. Stole a Rewarp, got the essential chests, nabbed the Continue Manual, and had Safy repair the King, Brave, and Light Sword, breaking the Repair Staff....Tania one rounded Xavier with the Brave Bow. Who needs the Member's Card? Pfft! Chapter 19 13 turns/317 turns And we have sacrifices. Mostly mounts and fliers. Luckily Sleuf is down near Amalda. Olwen and Dame Thunder make quick work of Conormore and Amalda's posse. Fred, Homeros, and Tania run down to stop some thieves, and Dean, Carrion, and Karen run the villagers home. Oh my god, Amalda's Mathis syndrome is insane, she even suicides on to Olwen a couple times. My party retreated, left the others. Chapter 20 14 turns/331 turns And I forgot to give people door keys. >_> I had to rush to open Eda's cell since she didn't have any swords. Nab some good spoils, and even grab the Tordo scroll. Delmund doesn't see his sister. D: Chapter 21 9 turns/340 turns Tania needs to rest and Eda finally promotes. Balista are annoying, as is Sleep. >_> Chapter 21x 20 turns (So 0) Lots of people died. Then we ran away.
  13. Arche would probably want a custom animation. Actually, a lot of people use dark, though most are bosses. Anise and Arietta, and I suppose Emil would too, even though he uses swords. >_> ToS2 kinda sucked IMO.
  14. Rita from ToV had Dark too. But most from ToV had multiple weapons. Raven had bows and swords, Yuri had swords and axes, Estelle had staves and swords, etc, etc.
  15. So just make the shadow take up the whole tile? ...What are you saying? The stairs are half way up, but the chest rooms are on the same floor as the top stairs. What's wrong with that?
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