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Everything posted by Psych

  1. That'll be one good thing about Ilyana. Magic chipping on laguz. Yes please. 1-P 6 + Edward = 9 Micaiah got most of the kills, but Edward stole some, a few with lucky wrath crits. Micaiah ate a shield since I don't want to murder the game in the next few chapters. Eddie nabs the boss kill though. >_> But I cleared on enemy phase so... 1-1 6 + Edward = 9 More lucky Eddie crits! Though about 70% was from Wrath. Lots of sweating for dodges, but I got sooooo lucky. Eddie even escaped as well. 1-2 8 + Edward = 11 Sothe comes and one rounds most of the enemies. I have to think of how to have Fiona survive, since I miss Thani, but I get the drop. 1-3 7 + Edward = 10 Ilyana! Go! I would probably like the Sleep staff, but without Thani I'm still wary of those armors. I have Kurth do some blocking though.....I just saw Guard activate for the very first time. Going by what Integrity said, Laura hangs with Leo so I can manage some extra room in places. I even steal Discipline and have Ilyana get the boss kill. Edward escapes as well. Kurth almost died though. Stats for Soul before Base 8D Character LVL HP STR MAG SKL SP LCK DEF RES Micaiah 5 18 3 11 9 8 12 5 7 Sothe Base Ilyana 13 23 6 12 13 13 7 3 10
  2. Yeah, I am. Aimee is apparently suicidal though. And I can't get the swarm of enemies down south to clear out quickly enough. >_> So far though my counts are like, 2 less than Integrity, so I got something positive.
  3. Can non drafted units rescue other non drafted units? Because 1-3 is really annoying with Laura and Leo. >_>
  4. BEXP in part 2 + 2-F drop if really screwed + gorging on kills in 2-1 and 2-2 + a few more levels of BEXP in 3-2 = Heather promoting in 3-2. It's awesome man. She's like "Oh hey, Bolting. Mine." "Oh hey, 3-5 Drop. Mine." "Oh hey, shit load of armors. *Dodge* *Crit* *Bane*" It's awesome.
  6. Paragon is good for something. I was planning on it, thought that was half the reason I hate you for it. >_> I'm gonna not funnel any exp into Heather, so I'll have to have good luck with that. The good news, is that since neither Haar nor Heather are drafted, I'll take either a penalty for both of them, or one for Oscar/Titania to get her to safety. Ilyana + Rhys + Ike on that level won't be fun. Though now I kinda realize if I have to, I can ignore the drop since by the time Astrid and Kieran join again I'll be able to promote her probably. I can funnel all the CRK BEXP into her and she should be close to Kieran's level then. Plus I just realized that even if Lethe and Volug want the drops, they don't need them, since doubling plus like 40 attack each is pretty damn good. After I try and have Ilyana and Rhys get close to promo in 3-7, I just save the rest for Leanne. That's more good news, my part 4 teams are basically already decided for me. 8D Sothe, Miccy, Leanne, and Ilyana. Ike, Volug, Kieran, Astrid. Elincia, Rhys, 8th slot. As long as I can get Ilyana to like, level 5 promoted in the DB, I should be fine. And with just her and 3 others she should be able to reach it. There's no way in hell I'm taking Fiona. I'll take Oliver before her. I'll probably start in the morning since my last pick won't be recruited till part 4. >_>
  8. I know. I'm just gonna love her chipping. >_> And I need to figure out how to steal the 3-5 Energy drop for her. Volug and Lethe are gonna want the other two probably.
  9. *Deep Breathe* Out of whose left, I think it may actually be a good idea for me to pick Astrid. .....I can't believe I just said that. Though Kieran + Astrid + Geo if need be isn't half bad. Then I have Lethe and Elincia as well in 2-F. I'm going to love watching Lethe solo 2-2. Astrid
  10. Just because he shouldn't doesn't mean I can't take a penalty for him.
  11. I have some questions. Can I deploy people to block the ledges in 3-5? And can I have Boyd and Mist shove each other to help support for the 3-F magic powder? Also: What is the Heather penalty for 2-1 and the Haar Penalty for 2-F?
  12. Yeah, but I had my whole plan involving Heather. Danved was there since I figured I needed some lances and 3-9 isn't gonna be fun with simply Kieran, who can't climb ledges.
  13. Pfft. I don't really want her. Though, now that I think about it, since I doubt I'm grabbing Kurth or Ena, her and Volug get the Gems since Leanne is 2 people either way. Lethe and Elincia get to solo 2-F! Until Kieran gets there!
  14. What? You know what. I want to kill you Soul. >_> Now who should I pick... Ug, Lethe I guess.
  15. Yeah, but that Chapter 14 ring requires Sophia braving the desert and getting there all while we apparently have enough time to clear efficiently, ferry Roy, try to avoid the bandits, and grab the other stuff like the extra boots or Warp.
  16. I'll go ahead and take Rhys I guess.
  17. Probably not the best option right now... Rhys or Leanne Leanne
  18. Hey, if the rules say the BK is free... why is he draftable?
  19. Fuck yeah. The flowers of your life!

  20. Pary: Pary's head still felt groggy, but he felt fine enough to get up. Realizing his arms were still bound, Pary slipped the dagger out of his inner coat pocket, and managed to slice his bonds with a bit of work. He got up, and went outside towards the campfire for breakfast.
  21. Yeah, but Heather is awesome. ;_; Now I don't even know who to take next.
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