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Everything posted by Psych

  1. ...>_> That doesn't even deign a response. I'm not an idiot. Rana is level 12. What.
  2. Oh don't worry, Fee is busy saving villages, and Celice is cleaning up. Actually, now they just seized the Green castle, and the guys disappeared. :/ Oh well. Everything look kinda normal now. Even though I lost Ganshire.
  3. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON! Okay, so I recruit Johan, and Fee flies to join the group. Arthur decides to guard Sohpara. Sound normal? Right? Well..... The neutral guys decide to go after Isaac, and the Axe Knights go after Arthur. Well, just the guy with the Hero Axe actually. <_<
  4. No. >_> I'm not using him, but I still like Johan better.
  5. *Sigh* Time to go write up Chapter 6.
  6. Zax -> Lube 2nd Gen, here I come! Sylvia to 5, Aideen to 4, Everyone clears. Tiltyu gets just enough money and exp to promote and buy the Pursuit Ring. Ayra gives her money to Dew, then to Aideen and she finally buys the Reserve staff. Inheritance prepped, save 2 issues. Tiltyu needs 8k more for Elwind and Fire, and Aideen has to drop a staff somewhere. >_> I'm gonna have to leave Silence to have someone else get in Chapter 8, since that's the earliest out of Aideen's staves. Noish has to come with to talk to Fury once I seize Lube. Fury, Lachesis, and Tiltyu go to the left, since Tiltyu needs money and the other two have Return rings and the staff. Man, I've never paired Aideen and Claude before, but the conversation for the Rescue staff is really sad. >_> And I get extremely lucky with an Axe Armor missing Byron. But Sigurd ends up with a broken sword. >_> Great. It's kinda funny, that since everyone is so overleveled, most of them aren't getting hurt enough to warrent Reserve or Rescue. Fury, Lachesis, and Tiltyu on the other hand... Andre prepares to attack, and I decide to be and have Briggid kill him. Apparently, she wanted me to, cause she got a lover crit with Holyn. The others clean up his mooks. Lachesis and Fury catch up, but Tiltyu is still back grabbing the last few villages. Just running over to the ballista, and those Generals at the castle decide to be mean and Great Shield against the Ichival. >_> Cutter fixes it though. You know, the Swanchika may seem all scary, but when Holyn can 1 round you with the Hero sword, it's laughably easy. Lube -> Fin Tiltyu finally catches up, with help from a warp, and the others pile around the gate. Sigurd fixes the Tyrfing, and the others fix things too. Cuan! Ethlin! You guys.....yeah. You hold his daughter hostage after killing his wife. >_> I always feel good killing Trabant. But, I decide to be an idiot and rush through Fin, and Sigurd and Briggid fall asleep. And Ayra. >_> And the wave of Wyverns are still coming after me. *sigh* Sigurd gets restored and Tyrfings the last priest. He even kills Vaha on the counter. Fin -> Veltho Fury kills another Meteo mage and the wyverns attack. Briggid and Ayra with the Clipper just sits there. The boss decides to split off and attack Fury for some reason. >_> But I just have Sigurd finish him. Noish speaks with Fury, then gets warped home. Fury goes off to finish the Meteor mages, and the others slug through the desert. I move around the edge and avoid the first few mages, since I don't want to temp pulling Reptor in without everyone prepared and Ayra and Briggid available. And Fury flies around to finish off the mages. Finally out of the desert, and more Meteors. Yay. >_> And Fury turns them yellow. Sweet. Except Reptor got angry and rushed towards us. Oh well. Time to let the army that's not me handle it. Oh hey, they failed. <_< Time to kill stuff now. And I wanted to see if Tiltyu could kill Reptor, and for some reason, she called Lachesis' name out instead of Levin. >_> Holyn!Briggid combo takes him down. 38 turns Character LVL HP STR MAG SKL SP LCK DEF RES Sigurd 30 60 25 0 22 22 19 19 8 Barrier!Ring Aideen 30 47 6 27 17 19 24 8 12 Ayra 29 50 22 3 35 35 8 12 4 Skill!Ring, Speed!Ring Lachesis 30 45 27 10 19 24 16 23 10 Life!Ring Sylvia 19 35 6 4 7 13 12 15 11 Shield!Ring, Knight!Ring, Leg!Ring Fury 26 41 17 8 18 30 11 15 15 Return!Ring Holyn 30 59 27 5 27 25 4 15 5 Power!Ring, Elite!Ring Briggid 29 53 24 4 25 24 22 15 10 Tiltyu 23 43 7 28 24 22 14 9 14 Magic!Ring, Pursuit!Ring
  7. Cuan! Ethin! You guys are ba-....... Oh....
  8. Yeah, I guess so. All the sons would have to be born already, and the daughters would have to be born before Velthomer I guess. Except Lachke and Altenna are also aready born. >_> Is Corple older? Cause I always though Leen was the older sibling.
  9. Wait, then....would Lana be the older sibling? Cause I thought....
  10. ....Man, Claude giving Aideen the Rescue staff is like...;_;
  11. Thove -> Sil -> Zax Return and Warp! Fond of Briggid, In love with Levin, In love with Claud. Close~ Oh, hey. Myahna. I always kinda hope she ends up super lucky and kills Pamela and Andre. ;_; But, Alas, Alack. And then I forget that they go back after Thove. Great....I always forget that for some reason. *Warp Fury to Thove* Oh yeah, Civilians. Well, looks like Tiltyu doesn't need exp. Man, I'm forgetting a bunch of stuff. And Claude falls in love with Aideen! :D And then takes a short walk home. Sylvia grabs two civilians, and Tiltyu gets the rest. And Levin falls in love with Tiltyu! He can stick around for Holsety though. I might need it if Alvis/Ishtor/Arione gets too tough. Might. I'm not placing any bets. Around now, Pamela is like, 2 turns away from reaching Fury, and I'm getting a bit worried about her ability to hold off the whole wave. I think about warping Briggid up there, but she hasn't fallen in love with Holyn yet, and.... Briggid takes the kill, and I seize Silesia. Aaaaand Pamela turns around and comes back. And the others move in. Fury decides to swoop in and dive bomb them before they can team up. But she can't reach them, and *sigh* Holsety, and some quick staff repairs. Libro broke. :/ Magic Ring for Tiltyu though. Helps her get though most of the Arena. AHH ALL AT ONCE. I take out Lamia and Co. and try not to die vs Pamela on the counter. I get her out with Briggid, but her squad swoops in. LOL. I forgot about Ichival. I laugh at the former fear of Pamela. And we Silence Daccar. And Holyn falls in love with Briggid. Tiltyu grabs a few last kills and even grabs the boss kill. 47 Turns Character LVL HP STR MAG SKL SP LCK DEF RES Sigurd 22 52 25 0 22 22 17 18 8 Barrier!Ring Aideen 30 47 6 27 17 19 24 8 12 Ayra 25 46 21 1 35 35 8 11 4 Skill!Ring, Speed!Ring Lachesis 26 43 27 10 19 23 15 21 10 Life!Ring Sylvia 15 32 5 2 6 12 11 8 10 Shield!Ring, Knight!Ring, Leg!Ring Fury 21 39 16 8 17 28 10 13 15 Return!Ring Holyn 27 56 26 4 27 24 4 14 4 Power!Ring, Leg!Ring Briggid 25 50 23 2 23 24 19 14 10 Tiltyu 17 38 3 22 21 14 11 4 9 Magic!Ring
  12. I'm gonna be amazed at Leen's defense though. Shield Ring, Defender, Lex as a father.... Man, Generation 2 is gonna be fun. Though Aideen and Tiltyu need like, 40k for the Pursuit Ring and Reserve. >_>
  13. Fee with Critical and Charge plus better Strength is better. Unless I gave her the Light Sword. Leen has it right now, and yeah, I know that's stupid. Though otherwise I would just give it to Celice and throw the Earth Sword wherever.
  14. Yeah, but I'd have to have Patty promoted first to get her the Hero Sword. At all. And Elite!65 Defense Growth!Leen is gonna be better. I can have Yuria and Tinny eat up all the magic.
  15. ...Why is Tiltyu doing so bad? >_> At least Tinny will have like, exclusive Tron and Tornado use unless I have a brain hemorrhage and give one to Yuria when she promotes. And Rana has Reserve, and B rank staves until Tinny promotes too. Yuria will probably get a couple. Man, using only females clogs up inventories. >_> Too many weapons, not even slots. And no Balmung or Mistolin. Cause forcing two semi-decent daughter pairings over two better ones.... And no female can use Bows in Gen 2. Come on.
  16. Or the Hero Bow. Continue vs Pursuit. The Pursuit Ring can go to someone better, like Johan or Leaf, or Levin!Arthur.
  17. I meant with Briggid and Holyn or Dew. Even though I usually have BriggidxHolyn, AyraxDew.
  18. Sai -> Thove ~Pre-Battle~ I can already tell this will be a long chapter. >_> Everyone clears, except Fury to 7, Lachesis to 4, and Sylvia and Tiltyu to 2. >_> Items move around. Azel, Dew and Lex can stay home now since they got married. I really quickly promoted Lachesis and Fury. Lachesis buys the Hero Axe! We run through the Wind Mages, but Deetva arrives a bit early and catches me off guard. Sigurd has stopped doubling the Pegasus Knights. >_> What. Everyone's fine, but Sylvia and Claude take a hit or two. Lose a few villages, but I still get the Defender. :D Aideen has to put one to sleep though. Noish falls in love, but I wait to the seize and just warp them all back. I forgot about the stupid bridge, so I have to wait a few turns for Dew to catch up. >_> I'm probably gonna regret it, but I decide to keep Tiltyu in the back of the combat so she can grow with Levin. I'll just have her like.....solo Silesia once they capture it or something. Dew finally arrives, and we start our attack. Fury and Lachesis climb over the mountains to provide southern support, and Lachesis draws everyone towards her, in perfect range of the bridge. People cross, Tiltyu gets in Wrath Range, Ayra takes the boss kill, and Seize.
  19. Luna and Hero Sword > Sol and Bargain I think we know Lumi's stance on Ayra. Those are the easiest pairs and the ones usually done with beginners.
  20. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    *Like 5 hours late* Until I find something I don't understand about Bal or JM's role when they die, I still have no new info. ##Vote Jean-Marc
  21. No! You can not steal my idea. >_>
  22. I thought he was like 14. >_> He and Oifey seem younger than they really are. It was only like...16 years. He'd be like....mid 20's.
  23. I might actually send something in to the contest this time. >_> If I can think up enough creativity to make a new sprite. I do have an idea though.... Lachesis with the Hero Axe = lulz
  24. V-Day would be better than Easter probably. >_> And I don't mean Veteran's day.
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