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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Pfft. I have to go Lumi here. Ska is only Wind Sword things that Lackhe doesn't kill. Tank....I don't think so. ...Midir, lol
  2. Lex can really only give Shak the Thunder Sword and Silver Blade, and I dislike that. Dew also gives Sol and Bargain. >_> Midir lol And I'm a stickler for passing down the Valkyrie staff/having all the kids. >_>
  3. Dew x Ayra Jamka x Aideen Beowulf x Lachesis Briggid x Holyn Levin x Fury Azel x Tiltyu Claude x Slyvia Gogogogo
  4. It's always fun when I hack AIdeen and Rana to Shaman -> Sage with Minor Narga. Cause then she can pass down Aura, and still get Rezire. What are your pairings Spike? D:
  5. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    In my mind Weapons was clear, as was Ether, through some circumstantial evidence I had encountered. In short: I've got nothing, but I trust Weapons enough to follow him.
  6. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    IGNORE THIS Stupid Psych.... I though Spike was Town. >_> ##Vote Bal
  7. ...I'm totally doing a female only FE4 run when I get my laptop back this weekend. >_>
  8. ....Ayra and Levin's bastard child?
  9. Holsety and Tordo would like to have a word with you..... I should really get a tablet...>_>
  10. .....Lumi..... Will you do that for every map? D: It's super awesome. I'm beginning to think Lumi has minor Awesome blood, oh wait. No, it's major.
  11. We should tell him to have Lachesis and her guards go kill everything.
  12. I imagine Death looks like some dead Vegas hooker. No offense Death, I mean that in the best way possible. Everyone loves Vegas hookers. Who doesn't? (The avatar, man)
  13. Silly Lumi With the Hero Bow, Lester doesn't need Pursuit. The ring can go to someone useful, like Leaf, or.......uh....Johan!
  14. ~Jamka~ ....I like him better. >_> AIDEEN DOES TOO! D:
  15. Just have Aless come in and clean up your mess. Lol Midir. Seriously. He, Ardan, and Cav bros sit in my castle after Chapter 1, not reproducing or taking exp. >_> I hate all 4 of them.
  16. NO! NO! ERL! Tell her you are gay! D: Then she will ask you to help her try on bras.
  17. ....You need to work on shading on the shirt thing for the other mugs.
  18. Psych

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    There are three things certain in the world. Death, taxes, and Life stabbing you in the back.
  19. Well, I had already finished all 7 episodes when it went up....>_> Rures!
  20. ....how did you make this thread the day I watch the show.....
  21. Psych

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Whatever. It was the first one. No one remembers anything about it other than Germany loses. >_>
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