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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Pride and Prejudice? Really? And she doesn't even act like that till near the end-ish! >_>
  2. That was under the influence! She couldn't control that....
  3. Rita may have said something bad...>_>
  4. Rita: "Wait, you two are married? I though Ai...I've never attended a ball either. At least not a formal one. When I was younger we had this thing with all the children on the island, and every year we'd have a large festival where everyone one dance, and there were stalls, and all sorts of fun things. So, I mean, I think I'll like it. I'lll need a dress or something though. I didn't bring anything fancy."
  5. Rita: "I don't know, just manners. >_>.......So did you see the notice on the doors?"
  6. Rita: Seeing the mercenary come in and enter a bath, she spoke up. "You know, you could knock next time to make sure no one's in here...>_>" ------- Cess: "Well, whatever. I'm going to go look around town. Maybe they'll have something." Cess wondered to the front entrance.
  7. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Seeing as how we only need 4 more, this should be starting either Saturday at noon, or when the next game ends. Which ever comes soon. :/
  8. Rita: "Yeah. I would be kinda neat just to go and see it though. I. wonder if anyone else is going." -------- Cess: Walking into the kitchen, he noticed some of the others waiting. "Am I missing something?"
  9. Psych

    The Resistance

    For me, some generic "Weapons is going to end up screwing us over" train of thought, so I'd like evidence, and for the group to start questioning you. Seriously, you're like always mafia. >_>
  10. Psych

    The Resistance

    Yeah....I would think maybe changing it to the Me, JB, Core, and Proto, but I'm not sure once I make plans if I can do that. Darros is looking scummy before even going on the mission. I told you bringing Corple was a bad idea! We need Sharlow and that Berserk staff...>_>
  11. Rita: "She's probably just excited for the ball. Didn't you see the letter on your door? It sounds okay. I might go." ----------- Cess: Walking towards the kitchen, he noticed Chase. "Did you get that letter? You can have the armor I guess. I'd just look weird in it. You seem happy, what's up?"
  12. Back. Where's Snike? I have to bribe him into joining my mafia game. And Bal, and Cynthia...>_> Cess does not want the armor. I sorta doubt any of the magic people want the armor. :/ Rita can just buy a dress with the diamonds. And make fancy trinkets to wear with them too.
  13. Psych

    The Resistance

    Alright. Seeing as how I'd like to bring at least one if not two people from the previous mission, this is what I'd going with. ##Plan: Bring Me, Hemlock, Proto, Weapons.
  14. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Forgot to mention something which I'm about to edit in. Night 0 is a no killing night. You may use any other powers you have, but you can't kill.
  15. Rita and Cess: "I was too tired. >_>" " Look, I'm going to get some breakfast and try and make sure Rita didn't screw things up too badly. I'll be back soon." Rita, with her head held low, walked into the baths.
  16. *coughPhoenix,where'sthatIrinapost>_>cough* Rita and Cess will probably go. And is it just me, or does it seem like Arrin and Kelas won't get in because of nomad?
  17. We should have a murder mystery dinner party at the ball...>_>
  18. Rita will go and flirt with Alphonse. Cess will go to damage control Rita. Phoenix! Do an Irina thingy!
  19. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    I know. The secret still hasn't been revealed though.
  20. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Nooo. No one gets two roles. Two people share one. Eeeeehheeeeehehhhee!
  21. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Yeah I know. Technically, there's 12 people with a little surprise. Man am I gonna love the look on your faces when you get to that part.
  22. Psych

    Mafia HQ

    Mine is starting sign ups, so put it in Pending I guess. Oh, balance should be equal. But one role is defiantly....powerful.
  23. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Weapons would be very interested in a role in this game. Changing it to 36 for both now.
  24. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    So, Spoon's game is ending soon-ish, and it's rolling around to my turn. Rules~ 1. Invite me to any conversations. 2. 36 hour day phase, 36 hour night phase. If your actions don't go through, too bad! 3. Occasionally, after completing secret objectives I have planned, you may get a note from me to help you out in the game. 4. Just because someone dies, doesn't mean they're dead. 5. Several people have role changing abilities. Wether the town, mafia, or a third party has them, is up for you to decide. 6. Um....other generic rules here. No screenshots? 7. There is no rule 7. 8. ??? 9. Profit! 10. Night 0 is a no killing night. You may use any other powers you have, but you can't kill. No role information for you! Sign ups! ---------- Tables, Yuuko Ichihara the Fortune Teller Died Night 1 Hemlock, Rhan-Mao the Opium Dealer Died Night 2 Lightning Slayer Raymond, Lelouch Vi Britannia the Controller Lynched Day 2 Uhai, Angie Thompson the Nurse Died Night 3 Weapons Ether, Konata the Otaku Died Night 4 Levity JB Snike Kai Mike, Kousaka the Good Samaritan Died Night 4 Astra, Lau the Opium Dealer Died Night 2 13/13
  25. Rita and Cess: Walking out of their room, they noticed the parchment on the door. "I don't think I'd look good in armor. It should probably go to someone else." "Ooooh my head. What happened last night?" " You need to go apologize to Lev and Iso. And probably Esphyr too. Go take a bath, you smell like rotten fruit." As they walked down the halls towards the baths, they ran into Irina. Cess stopped and waved to her. "Can you make sure Rita takes a bath? She's kinda sticky and smelly after last night." "I'm not three...>_>"
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