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Everything posted by Psych

  1. @Phoenix RIght...Badass. Totally not evil obsessed genius nerd who lives alone with romantic feelings for Iso. >_>
  2. Rita: As the group was busy listening to the guards, Rita wandered around the settlement, till she found a hole in the fence. Climbing in, she walked in a shop, determined to find the perfect item! --------- Pary: "As long as we get some food. And I have a few things I need to pawn. They proved quite inconvenient on the trip through the canyon." --------- Cess: Noticing Rita slipping away, he thought to himself. She seems to be acting different. I'd have thought working as a mercenary or practicing her swordwork would change her. She seems to just be fooling around since she joined. Must be all the sword users or something. Her attitude is completely different. I should sit down and talk to her later.
  3. @Ether .....>_> That makes a good excuse. @Phoenix You gotta have blue hair. But only Dani, Katie and Rita have blue hair..>_>
  4. Psych

    The Resistance

    Actually, those are good odds. >_> We either narrow down our list of suspects, or we have a 1 in 3 shot of a confirmed mole.
  5. Rita: ";_; You, you don't like me? Waaaaaaaaah!" Rita started bawling, before walking up and slapping Kelas in the face. "I hope you two men are happy together!" Still crying, Rita ran ahead of the group down the road.
  6. @Phoenix Many, many things.....
  7. Rita: "Aw...you don't think I smell nice? You boys look so cute together."
  8. Rita: "Oh, I don't wear glasses. Why do you ask?" Rita walked over before slapping Iso on the rear. "So Iso, have you noticed something different about me? <3"
  9. Rita: Taking a quick drink from the bottle, she put it back in her bag and ran over to Kelas and Iso. "Oh Mr. Nomad~ Notice anything different about me? <3"
  10. Psych

    The Resistance

    I just realized this is probably a good plan....>_> So in that case, I suggest myself, JB, and Core go first, but it's up to him I suppose.
  11. Rita: As the man started spouting his wears, she went over and looked through the items. When Lev mentioned the side-effects, she thought to herself. Maybe the Nomad will think I'm cute. ----------- Cess: Seeing the pink wyvern approach the group, Cess looked around. Most people seemed to be stunned, but the other wyverns seemed to be fighting. "Please don't tell me what I think is about to happen. " ----------- Pary: Pary slipped a few bottles into his bag. "Eh, might as well see if they work."
  12. Saul Archer Rutger Cavalier Dieck Wyvern Rider
  13. Psych

    The Resistance

    Oh, so no special Thor Hammer for me if we capture Freege...>_> Oh well. I still nominate Weapons to be included in the plans, and I'm okay with Bal going too.
  14. WRONG GOOD SIR! Kelas x Rita x Iso OT3 >_> MIranda x Lev Miranda x Shanice Miranda x Ixion Miranda x Ivanko Miranda x Irina Miranda x Katie Miranda x Morgan Miranda x Viveka Miranda x Esphyr Miranda x Damia Why does Miranda have so many crack pairings? >____>
  15. Psych

    The Resistance

    Well, we only need two people for this one right? So if he takes himself and one other, we'll know one of them is a spy. It should be easy to decide who to vote. Just come up with your other. I think you should take Weapons, but that's just me.
  16. Morgan should totally do that. Um, I'd say they might need to do something. THey've kinda dropped it lately. But then I'm fine with it.
  17. Talk about Iso's blindness, and how she likes Lev. Or Damian losing himself to the Lance. That's substance for you...>_>
  18. Argh Blargh, might as well have a meaningful post between Cess and Rita once we get on the rode. And I have to wait till morning for Chase Cess interaction.
  19. Rita: "Aw, but you two look so cute together! You know...I'm okay if my man like you has those tendencies, you just make the perfect pair. Oh well, see you on the road!" Rita skipped off to Morrey, and set on the saddle waiting for Cess.
  20. Rita: Pulling out some herbs from her pack, she ran back to Iso and Kelas. "Iso! Here, I got these......aw, he's sleeping. Oh well. So, what's new Mr. Nomad?"
  21. Rita: *gasp* "Oh no! It's okay Iso! I'll be right back! Here! Drink this water first!" She placed the canteen in his left hand.
  22. Rita: " What? Iso's hurt? It's okay Iso. Everything' fine! Tell me where it hurts, and I'll kiss it and make it better!" Rita ran over to Iso, before squeezing him in a giant bear hug.
  23. @Iso Ahhhh, right. :/ Oh well, his lose.
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