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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Rita: "Oh, silly nomad, you don't have to lie to me! You're just so cute." Rita waked over and kissed Kelas on the lips, before giving the nomad a big hud. ((O_O)) ---------- Pary: Seeing the troubadour's dead body, Pary shuffled around. He took what was left of her coin purse, and a small Sapphire bracelet on her wrist, before taking her staves and covering them with some cloth in his bag. He wrapped them to his back along with his other two staves, and took his Mend staff as his walking stick, before going over to Damian and Aiya. "You two hurt?"
  2. *cough* I may have to resort to a Kelas x Rita Les Yay next post...>_> Iso should be pleasantly watching....
  3. Eh, Cess's aiming for a Chase support now, in addition to Rita...>_> Maybe Miranda too...:/ Pary will probably like Miranda too. :/
  4. Zombie Miranda will be very interested in how he got that tome. :(
  5. Pary: Having left Rita in good condition, he searched around. Pary couldn't remember who exactly had gotten hurt in all the confusion, but most of the knights were dead. Seeing Eric bleeding he hurried over. Focusing the energy into the staff, and closing the wound, he stood and walked towards where most of the rocks had fallen. (()) -------- Rita: Sheathing her sword, she got Cess up, and gave him some water. That Pegasus Knight had hit him upside the head and knocked him unconscious. Once he came to, she stood up and walked over to Kelas and Iso to see if they needed help. "Is everyone all right? Mr. Nomad? " -------- Cess: Standing, Cess walked over to Chase. "Are you okay?"
  6. Why does Iso like Pary again? o.O This is news to me.
  7. Boah and Wendell are Bishops, so that sorta counts from the Noble part.
  8. Oh. So Pary's level up has him doing 6's now too? That's good to know. I wouldn't have guessed otherwise. :/
  9. Something else I noted. Does the Light affinity effect staves you use on someone else? Cause Tessa seems to be healing 6's lately, while Charlotte and Pary are still doing 5's. :/
  10. >_> Yay, a game made for Life. (Watch no one still do that)
  11. Pary leveled. And is ready to tank magic like a beast. B) Old Stats: HP 3 STR 0 MAG 3 SKL 3 SPD 4 LUK 2 DEF 1 RES 4 Simp Stats HP 9 MT 4 HIT 3 AS 3 AVO 5 DEF 1 RES 5 New Stats: HP 3 STR 0 MAG 4 SKL 3 SPD 4 LUK 2 DEF 1 RES 6 Simp Stats HP 9 MT 4 HIT 3 AS 3 AVO 5 DEF 1 RES 6 (Or is it 8?) Rita leveled. And finally has the sweetness that is 6 speed, and has dropped the Morph title. Old Stats: HP 3 STR 3 MAG 0 SKL 5 SPD 5 LUK 0 DEF 2 RES 2 Simp Stats HP 9 MT 3 HIT 5 AVO 5 DEF 2 RES 2 New Stats: HP 3 STR 3 MAG 0 SKL 6 SPD 6 LUK 1 DEF 2 RES 2 Simp Stats HP 9 MT 3 HIT 6 AVO 7 DEF 2 RES 2
  12. Well, another thing is I posted just a minute after you, and I hadn't seen yours when I started....>_> But whatever. Updating...
  13. It was a minute behind you. >_> You gotta count it. She levels! ;_;
  14. Pary: Seeing as the healing was not yet complete, he healed the woman one last time. Rita 9/9! --------- Rita: She saw an Archer aiming for Cess, and went after it. Roll Hit! Damage dealt, 3! Archer 6/9! Rita doubles! Roll Hit! Damage dealt, 7! Archer 0/9!
  15. Well, another heal from Pary gives her 9/9. He doubles her. And Miracle has already happened. Dammit. The only way for her to level is to kill a generic. >_> Let me kill one first Phoenix!
  16. Will Rita just attacking Alph give her 15 exp? Because if that happened, I'd be fine with it, since I'd like Rita and Pary to level from this fight, since I'm thinking this closes the chapter and I'd like it to take effect.....
  17. Pheeny, did you count Rita's Miracle? Or Cess's Prayer? >_> And they hadn't attacked anyone yet. They weren't in battle.
  18. I attacked an Axe Knight. Cess one shotted it regardless of if he went first. Poor Rita can't catch a break for the kill. ;_; And she got demon rolled on the counter. WTF?
  19. Rita: Climbing back up the cliff, she grabbed her sword and saw someone on a horse. She hurried and struck him. Roll Rita vs Axe Cavalier #X Hit! Damage dealt, 3! Cavalier 6/9! Enemy Roll Hit! Crit! Damage dealt, 16! Miracle activate! Rita 1/9! ------- Cess: Galloping over to Rita, he attack the Cavalier. Roll Cess vs Axe Cavalier #X Hit! Damage dealt, 9! Cavalier KO'd! "You need to be more careful. You could have gotten yourself killed!" Rita walked up to him and hugged him. "I know. ;_;" ------- Pary: Seeing the swordfighter get hurt, he ran over to her. He lifted his staff. Rita 6/9!
  20. Well, you outing it that way makes me want to keep it.>_>
  21. Psych

    Mafia HQ

    Would that be mine as well?
  22. Wait, when you say Crusader, do you mean the Heroes like Holsety, Baggi, those people? Or playable characters like Fin, Cuan, them?
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