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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Yeah, I'm fine he getting hit/attacked/taken with Shanice/something as long as it isn't death. >_> I did it on purpose actually. >_>
  2. He should steal something even if there isn't anything stated. :/
  3. Rita: "What do you mean progress? Did they realize that mage did it yet? I'll be right back." Rita hurried into the cave to see what was going on.
  4. Pary under Charlotte, Irina up. Rita's had (Eric, Esphyr, Derek, Aiya) 4 battles. But I'm not sure...>_>
  5. Cess: "I still don't get what's going on." Cess stood in front of Katie, examining her face for any give aways.
  6. He's been talking to Viveka quite a lot. The cooking wear, the cave, the camp. And Charlotte too. Unless you want me to go make an "I hate the bandit" post?
  7. Because gathering thousands of gold is oh so simple? >_>
  8. I kinda explained his goals. >_> Get money to save refugees, and kill the goddess.
  9. Pary has been doing stuff, and a lot. He's been talking with Viveka, and back at the manor some of his back story was explained. I suppose I do need to talk to Charlotte more, or have Iso finally confront him about the tome or something...
  10. She's better than Cess, Pary, Low Tier, Dani. I'd say Derek should go up. Reika is still leaning "Stabby stabby stabby, I hate Esphyr, Blah blah blah, Slave" Still sorta flat.
  11. Interupting flow is also not bad. Between Heinz and Irina then.
  12. Annoying =/= bad character. She showed character talking with Esphyr about her sword and it's honor, she's afraid of earthquakes, and other stuff too.
  13. I'd say Rita between Heinz and Alf. >_>
  14. Psych

    Sweet Tooth

    I have nothing for dessert except a can of icing. >_> Decisions, decisions.
  15. Cess: " Why is everyone whispering? Is there something wrong with Katie?" He walked up to her, and looked her straight in the eye. ----------- Rita: Seeing Arrin and Tessa walk outside, she walked over to them. "Is this investigation over? What happened?"
  16. Cess: "So what is our decision?" ------------ Pary: Pary walked over to Viveka. "Do you believe most of this hogwash? I doubt Derek has done anything, and Katie is a mute. This is rediculous."
  17. Actually, your stats seem good. Maybe when you level you'll want a Skill and some Luck though to help with Avoid. Other than that, there doesn't seem to be any glaring weaknesses to him.
  18. Cess: "Well, if we don't have a why, or a who, we could try a when. When was the last time these three were seperate from the group?"
  19. I just realized something.....He seems a lot like Fiona. In charge of a city, coming late, a cavalier....>_>
  20. Cess: "Actually, Cards aren't pulled that way Morgan. They have no order that I know of. Cloud could mean he's going to cause us a storm of some kind, or your idea."
  21. Cess: "Don't forget. Derek has Maze, like he's hiding something. But Katie also had Erase. And Heinz with Cloud doesn't make much sense either."
  22. >_> Whoops, already did the fortune. Have someone ask, and I'll try and say what they mean.
  23. Cess: "I already gave a general reading, but I guess I can be more specific...." Cess rearanged his cards again, and prepared the fortune. "Hmm. So Derek's cards. Fly, Sheild, Love, Hope, and Maze. Katie's cards, Love, Illusion, Voice, Fire, and Erase. Heinz's cards, Dash, Money, Jump, Truth, and Cloud." Cess held the cards to his face, trying to examine them, and see what they were pointing to. "I think....no, never mind."
  24. I live in a major tobacco producing state. >_> It's been around as early as the Ottoman empire, and there are different styles and methods to produce tobacco products.
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