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Everything posted by Psych

  1. I'm sorry, but other than, "ARRIN MUST BE RESCUED AT ALL COSTS" Kelas doesn't have much. >_> She's developing things with Charlotte, but for now, I think under Lev would be good for her.
  2. She's your dancer. And Ayra is your Generation 1 thief. >_> I think I forgot a 2nd generation thief. I might just flip Leaf to that.
  3. Ethlin is awesome now. I was gonna up difficulty later. >_>
  4. Well, as far as I've gotten; Arden is actually good, and probably Lachesis's best pair. >_> Ethlin is a beast with a Slim Sword. She got to level 10 in Chapter 1. Azel is a losing hope. <_< Midir is pretty good, but having trouble keeping up. Noish is decent. Lex can decimate almost everything. Cuan has been nerfed to almost sucking levels. >_> Just a tip to people. Give Aideen Diadora's Aura, then in Chapter 6, capture Isaac. Aura, and Resire!
  5. Nope, something else I felt like working on. Luminescent Blade might be disappoint when Lakche shows up though. >_> *Soup Nazi voice* Oh, and no first gen dancer for you!
  6. So, Tables gave me an idea. He just switched the kids' classes. But I did everyone~ Some items may not be in place, or there might be duplicates. I haven't gotten to 2nd Gen yet, but I played through most of the 1st one. Go ahead and tell me any glitches or anything that show up. I know Lex has an Iron Axe, and that Midir's death is messed up. The axe is for the Hero Axe. Skills have been changed too by the way. [spoiler=Parent Classes] Noish Axe Armor Alec Wind Mage Arden Lance Knight Azel Cavalier Lex Swordfighter Cuan General Ethlin Dragon Kider Finn Swordfighter Midir Priest Ayra Thief Dew Bowfighter Aideen Shaman Jamka Thunder Mage Lachesis Pegasus Knight Sylvia Princess Levin Bard Beowulf Cavalier Fury Mage Holyn Bowfighter Claude Mage Knight Tiltyu Priest Briggid Bow Knight If you want to play through it, I'm gonna keep the kids classes secret for now, but every mother except one can pass things down to their daughter. Including Ethlin and Leaf. One has to promote to pass things down though. >_> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BULTIFFA
  7. ....You mean enforced....>_> HMxanyone les yay has already been established.
  8. That's sorta what I meant by the second one. The city's name is different though. Well, pronouced at least.
  9. Wait, if it's the Ukrainian capital...his name is pronouced Kee-ev? I thought it was like Kee-vh
  10. No, not yet. I heard it's got some canon errors with the game, like Rita knowing about the Aer Krene when she doesn't learn about it till Kiev Moc, and other things like......WAIT A SECOND. Are you sure you didn't get his name from there Phoenix? <_<
  11. Gauche and Droite is where it's at Ether.
  12. Well, sama alone makes it weird. >_> And kun seems to plain. So, yeah.
  13. Whatever. I don't care any more Pheeny-sama-kun. <3
  14. My air conditioning is still broken. I'd post something, but no one commented on Cess or Rita, and Charlotte or Tessa haven't seen Pary's unconcious body.
  15. Well, when you're bizzy at work.... >_> I call for more bad puns!
  16. WEEEEEEEEEEEE! *cough* A NL would be best I suppose? ##Vote No Lynch
  17. , yet also We can always edit text. Lucy and Jasmine are Garcia and Ross by the way.
  18. >_> I'll do mugs later. If I have this down, I can hack the rest of the stuff in the mean time.
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