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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Cynthia has turned into a robot! Eric is now Noish, and Pary is Finn. Would that work?
  2. Okay, Rita is Tiltyu, Alf is Claude, Reika is Holyn, and I ned a Noish, and an Esphyr lover. Then I could start and think of bloods.
  3. It's his evil twin half brother! Gogogo soap opera. @Kai Cause no one likes him, and want to keep him at the castle. Because it fits.
  4. Okay, now I need a Holyn, a Noish, and a lover for Esphyr.
  5. Actually, I changed it. Here's the list. Sigurd Esphyr Noish Ardan Helios Alec Tessa Lex Kelas Azel Arrin Cuan Damian Ethlin Aiya Fin Eric Midir Chase Aideen Morgan Dew Irina Aiya Derek Jamka Iso Diadora Lachesis Cess Beowulf Heinz Sylvia Dani Levin Charlotte Fury Viveka Holyn Briggid Conrad Tiltyu Alf Claude Reika But I need three people for early, and a lover for Esphyr....
  6. Oh yeah, Iso is Jamka, and Irina is Dew. Then Viveka is Fury, and Conrad is Briggid.
  7. Some of these are hard to put into FE4. I gave Sigurd (Esphyr) a magic ring for Arcanium.... Blood might be confusing too. Aideen is now a Shaman, and Morgan. Lex is Kelas, and Azel is Arrin. Cuan is Damian, Ethlin is Aiya, and Fin is........Helios? Eric is gonna be Aiya? And Derek is Holyn..... I guess Dani is Sylvia and Levin is....Cess? Heinz is Beowulf.
  8. What are: Alf's skills Reika's skills Snike's character's skills Ether's character's skills Phoenix's character's skills Charlotte's skills Conrad's skills Helios's skills I will explain momentarily.....>_>
  9. @Sage I thought something like that. Indian-indian though right? Not native american? @Lightning
  10. @Sage Do I? DO I? And post as Alf or something man.
  11. @Ether Is Esphyr getting a really big chicken for her birthday?
  12. Uh, no. Helios is more like Forde or Kyle or something. Conrad could be Innes, and Viveka could be like Tethys. (We need a dancer soon by the way... ) Shanice would be Valter, and Berry would be Callaech. Marry and Verry would stand near her too, and Verry would be recruited if you don't kill her or something.
  13. Who would Ephriam be? Helenos would be Lyon.
  14. Cess would be......Tana? And Rita would probably be Knoll..... FE6 would be a better hack. But Kai could pull something and make 3 people join in the prologue. @Snowy No! Bad! The final boss is the fightmaster! And we might be aiming towards a new chapter soon.....
  15. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    Well, if you would all follow my power blindly, this would finish much more quicker. My vote stands.
  16. @Sage Could you or Snike post as Alf or something? I TS'd them so stuff could move. Oh by the way, I suppose the minor group is in the future! But when the other TS too, everything will be caught up.
  17. What does that have to do with anything?
  18. @Kai You could do it with FE6 better. Like if you used Eric and Dani more, you'd go Altia, and if you used Chase and Viveka more, you'd go Septimus. (Example) You could replace Zelgius's class, the Mamkute's classes, Idoun's classes. FE6 has nomad for Kelas, female thief for Reika/Naelia, female druids and shamans for Morgan. You could use Idoun for Helenos as well. You might need to put in Skeletons for the graveyard battle, and insert tomes and animations, but it could work. Thieves might be stuck with swords though. You could ask Arch about using some of the things from the FE4 thing. And you'd need a solider promotion.
  19. @Kai FE6 would be smarter. Since we've had two splits. The caves, and Altia.
  20. @Phoenix Someone has to be stabbed first. That's what consitutes a Reika support Stabbing = C, Dismemberment = B, Disability = A, Death = S @Sage or Snike TS occured. Dani, Eric, or Alf can talk again.
  21. @Kai That looks nothing like Lex. Wait, now I see it. @Phoenix The red! Magnificent!
  22. Psych

    Advance Wars Mafia

    .....Can people stop pointing out my flaws? I am tempted Cheezperson, but Bizz seems like it could pay off.
  23. OOC: Snowy said Minor Group's TS was okay. So....yeah. (And they didn't attack Reika because she has like OMGWTF avoid) ~~~~~~~ Rita had paid for the group's rooms, and proceided to take the group to the buffet. There were dozens of dishes, and the group heftily filled their bellies. Eventually, the sun had set, and the group retired to their rooms. Alf and Eric in one, Dani and Charlotte in another, and Rita in the last one. Morning soon came, and the group well rested and full set out. The sun was above head, and Rita was already outside with Dani. "So where are you guys heading anyway?" --------- Berry stood with her sisters inside the room. "Our disguises are perfect. We look nothing like ourselves. They're coming soon. You'll come wait with me outside Verry, Marry, prepare the traps."
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