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Status Replies posted by Tangerine

  1. Admit it, you are too bored to change your avy

    1. Tangerine


      I've not changed it in years, Red Fox used to make me change it lol. Maybe one day I'll stop being lazy.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. ...life needs a casual mode... Or maybe a tutorial... Make things much less painful. :\

    1. Tangerine


      Life has a pretty good tutorial in the western world - it's the forced promotions that really suck!


    1. Tangerine


      It takes 20 messages to complete a sentence, profile feed is officially for happy birthdays only.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)


    1. Tangerine


      s. Maybe we can take credit for molding them? Yes? Maybe? No..? Okay..

      also i am admin why does this chat box not recognize it has no power over me and stop cutting off my messages

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)


    1. Tangerine


      Aha, I actually removed my birthday 'cause I used to get spammed with happy birthday profile messages and I have notifications turned on for staff reasons, so the piles of notifications became a bit annoying. Sadly it doesn't let you only fill in one field, or I could keep the age without having to deal with the messages on a date!

      I know how you feel! A lot of us grew up here, haha. Thankfully the newer generation of FE fans seem to be a lot better behaved than our...

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  6. Feel better soon. I recommend lots of vitamin C!

    1. Tangerine


      Will do, I hope you guys have been handling things fine without me! You, in particular, are a troublemaker.

  7. Guess who's back!!

    1. Tangerine


      You're welcome!

  8. who are you and why are you stealing my trademark of "avatars of girls nearly kissing"

    1. Tangerine


      I've had this avatar since before you joined, Christmas hats and all! So there.

      I should probably change it some day.

  9. That didn't last long

    1. Tangerine


      What didn't last long?

  10. Merry Christmas!

    1. Tangerine


      Happy late Christmas! lol

  11. Merry Christmas~

    1. Tangerine


      Merry Christmas to you too. Late though, sorry :P.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. Hi Red Fox! I've been wanting to know, do you have any say in who gets banned, or "exiled"?

    1. Tangerine


      Most of the time she just bans people who look at her funny though. Without consulting anyone else.

      She's especially likely to ban people who ask her questions about banning people.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. I made you green because I knew when you logged on you would think that you were retired.

    1. Tangerine


      Well I'm sure you thought something! So I succeeded in making you think something.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. I don't know how status messages even work anymore. Test?

    1. Tangerine


      I was never gone! Just stopped posting very often, lol!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. I missed wishing you happy birthday. Shit! Well happy late birthday.

    1. Tangerine


      I shut my birthday off ahead of time to avoid spam, it's not your fault. Thanks lol.

  16. Happy Birthday~! Yours is the easiest to remember~!

    1. Tangerine


      Haha, I noticed the spam I was getting and turned off my birthday thing! You're unstoppable though, too good of a memory.

  17. Now you're purple to match the bruises you're going to get trying to fight the Bad Post Horde.

    1. Tangerine


      I'll take looking like Jabba if it means you'll start wearing a schoolgirl outfit.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  18. Now you're purple to match the bruises you're going to get trying to fight the Bad Post Horde.

  19. Hey Tang! hope things are going well~

    1. Tangerine


      Thanks, I'm doing alright. How're you?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  20. If you don't change your avatar for a month and a few days it'll be Christmas in July! 8D

    1. Tangerine


      It's Christmas all year round for me this year.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  21. You haven't been on IM in a while. When will you be again?!

  22. I've been vaguely back for a while, but I can't believe I forgot to greet you. Hello! o:

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