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Posts posted by Tangerine

  1. That actually doesn't bother me and I don't have too much of a problem with it. It's the fact that the story doesn't give you a choice of not being involved in the slaughter. You can choose to skip the scene, but if you play through the game completely there will always be this tainted blood on your hands.

    Imagine how this scene would be received if it was a movie, and the player the main character.

    Maybe that's not a good comparison, even without this scene the ridiculous and unrealistic plot of the game in a movie would cause a diplomatic incident!

    So you don't think it's wrong itself, you think it's wrong that you don't get to choose to do it? Sounds worse than the topic creator <_<.

  2. Have you ever seen the game Custer's Revenge? Check that out. And also check out Postal 2. And it's a damn good thing your whiny ass can't do a thing. Activision knew what the reaction would be for this sort of scene. So they prepared for it. And idiots like you still ignore their warning. *Sigh*

    Again, when compared to all of gaming's history, this scene is a moderate rift in violence. Before you go any further about this, then tell me this:

    When did he ever say he thought it was okay in those games? You're missing the entire point; he isn't singling out one game, YOU singled the game out and then listed other offenders.

    Him:"I think it's wrong that you're able to kill innocent civilians"


    Utter ignorance.

  3. I sell machines that I don't need. This is what I own right now:

    PlayStation 3

    PlayStation Portable

    DS Lite


    I sold my 360 because there was no point in having it when the PS3 was getting all of the games I bought it for with extra content. I sold my PS1 and PS2 because my PS3 is a launch model. I sold my GBA because my DS Lite can play the games anyway. I sold my Wii and GC because they didn't have any games that warranted they be hooked up.

    Those four are all I'll need until the next generation, unless something unexpected happens, like 360 actually getting an interesting game. Even then I doubt I'd buy it again.

  4. Expect more like 40 hours from DQVIII. 60-80 if you go for full completion.

    Really? DQVIII was more like 70~ hours for me on my first playthrough. It should take any DQ fan that amount of time, 'cause we're all crazy about exploring! I would hope so anyway, ESPECIALLY in DQ8, considering how much better the world map in DQ8 is than any other RPG I've played. Seriously, I dare anyone to find a prettier, better designed world map <_<.

    That said, I love Dragon Quest :o. VIII is my favorite, which is a pretty big accomplishment; it beat my nostalgia for the older games!

  5. I already friend requested and left a comment on your profile. Even if I was just joking, you earned it. You ended up trolling 6 people :o. I'm surprised nobody realized that as soon as they hit "nay" they were instantly inducted into the hall of shame.

  6. I know Mori from gamefaqs.

    And I know (s)he "posed" as a gay DieckxKlein fanboy there.

    Ask him(her?)

    Actually, I pretended to be Klein/Dieck. See, I was Dieck in the tier topics and Klein in social topics. I miss those guys :(.

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