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Posts posted by Tangerine

  1. Are you seriously suggesting that from an efficiency standpoint you'd get 5 stars in Tactics normally? You can't be serious. I know we don't assume the player makes stupid mistakes, but I also don't think we should assume the player is some God of strategy either. Even when I don't turn spam to build supports fast (Which I only did to fill my support library anyway) I usually get 3 or 4 stars in Tactics. The Tactics rank isn't too lenient itself, especially with 0 requirements.

    If the only ranks you take into account on the efficiency tier list is Tactics, Survivability and Combat, all you have to worry about is moving quickly. If all you're focusing on is Tactics (Because you can 2 round the entire game and A combat), you don't need to worry about slowing yourself down. EXP and Tactics fight eachother, there's no getting around it. You end up moving slower if you need to worry about the EXP rank too.

    You know, I never even suggested "throw your Paladins out there" in the first place, aka stop putting words in my mouth.

    ..Paladins are the only things Priscilla can reach that Serra can't if they use max movement. Very rarely will your units be so far apart that Serra can't reach them, especially when you have Physics available (Before either of them promote). Priscilla's move allows her to get into a safer position sometimes.

    And if the Paladins end up getting blocked as a result of simply having weak weapons, I don't see how units who can't even get as far (or restricting the Paladins) would make things go any faster in the first place.

    If you get blocked by enemies, your Paladins may have to move to let 1 range units get to the weakened enemies, effectively wasting their move. If you let the enemies attack your EXP sponges instead, you get much more net EXP, especially if they 2 round.

    but now that you're having one unit weaken to have another kill for maximum experience efficiency, it's hurting tactics too much.

    That isn't maximum EXP efficiency, letting the unit kill the enemies itself by using them as lures is. I never said it would result in maximum EXP gain to do it that way.

    God damn it, I hate ranked.

    Don't debate ranked then :P?

    She does not lose BIG time because Serra does not promote that much sooner than her if you want maximum experience efficiency and will still likely end up with more experience in the end. I don't know what level your Serra was coming out of LM from before, but if it was anything 10+, which it would probably have to be to have such a lead, she didn't gain as much experience as Priscilla, and Priscilla still had further to go.

    Serra comes out at 8~9 if you abuse her and Nils as much as possible. She wouldn't be able to do it without Nils. You also have to let yourself get hit as much as possible, and heal every point of HP you can.

    That's not even that true. Sure, she wins against individual enemies (to what extent I don't know, but since this game's enemies suck so badly it probably isn't even much), but Priscilla can reach any enemy 10 spaces away while Serra can only reach 8, a number that is contantly increased every turn.

    Of course, promoting Prissy at 13 is questionable when you can still get 700 points of free staff EXP from her. The extra levels before promotion is a big help when it's all FREE EXP, especially when you have Ninian at this time. May as well get as much EXP out of her first tier as you can with boons like that.

    Promoting the Healers before they hit 20 is just a waste. An even bigger waste than promoting a combat unit early, since the EXP is completely free. Barrier/Physic/Torch spam with Ninian/Nils to level 20 is much nicer.

    And it's a big one at that, especially with all the healing the team will need. I think you underestimate just how useful +2 move and a horse/Canto really is.

    Or you could be overestimating it. The move doesn't matter for healing at this point, Physics are available to both of them as early as chapter 20. Not that it was really a huge deal in the first place.

    EDIT: I don't mean Serra's getting to level 8-9 in Lyn mode, I meant she should be at that level by the time Prissy joins.

  2. Didn't you also once say you get your healers to 20/20 anyway? In which case, Priscilla would benefit the Experience rank more. And it's not that much sooner because Serra shouldn't have too big a level lead anyway.

    I got Serra to 20/20, Priscilla was 20/14. I just checked; I assumed I had both at 20/20.

    This is simply untrue. What happened to Tactics? You definitely need to go at a decent speed, I don't get how you can even use the word "slower." And even if Serra doesn't generally have trouble sticking to the team, there will always be pinch situations that require the extra move, or it might just allow her more flexibility on positioning. Also, she can Rescue and move again, which dondon can help explain is a very helpful ability.

    It IS true. EXP and Tactics work against eachother, EXP is harder to S rank. HHM S rank is going to move slower than on an efficiency tier list. You need to make sure nobody is getting TOO many kills if you have units available that can get much more EXP from it. Throwing your Paladins out there is a waste of EXP when they'll be killing everything on counters. Or if you give them really weak weapons and you end up getting blocked or having to move them to feed the kills, you hurt Tactics even more than just by moving a bit slower.

    Priscilla is the last unit you want rescuing someone anyway. If you're going to employ a rescue strategy, using Paladins/Fliers is better. Priscilla spending turns doing things other than healing isn't a good thing for her or the EXP rank. It's worth note that she has the option, but it isn't worth much compared to what she can do when she isn't rescuing someone.

    Sounds like what Serra did with LM leveling in the first place. Think about it. You get Serra from LM at level 10 because you spammed or something and promote her at 20, 1,000 experience (Probably less since she'd come in with some experience already). You promote Priscilla at level 13 instead of waiting longer, 1,000 experience (Probably more because she'd go a bit past 13). Serra will very likely have the statistical advantage, but Priscilla will still be the superior healer and can still fight anyway with her boosted experience and 1-2 range. Since healing is still the biggest help they can provide to the team due to drawing from their own experience pool, Priscilla is still pulling her own advantages. Only she can wait a bit to promote and provide as much as 700 more experience to the rank.

    If Priscilla waits to promote, she loses BIG time because Serra's EXP boost makes up for Priscilla's extra first job EXP and several chapters of combat. If she promotes at 13 like you suggest, Serra wins combat and they tie EXP. Priscilla's move is the only "big" win she has on Serra.

    For the record, I think Prissy and Serra are close enough that Priscilla should be just below her in top.

  3. 1. Their recruitment times are TWO CHAPTERS SEPARATE. Three at most.

    Priscilla can't do much in the chapter she joins.

    2. Their levels are two apart, but then again, it makes no difference since you'll be pouring EXP into other units before you get Priscilla.

    Serra has Lyn mode. She can very easily get a level per chapter in it, apart from the one she joins in.

    3. Their bases are very similar at base. Same with their growths. In fact, the only thing Serra has over Priscilla is Affinity and a support with Osw1n. Then again, Priscilla has extra MOV because of her horse and she can just support Erk since she'll be in the backlines anyway with him. And Thunder gives Priscilla AVO and Wind gives Erk jack shit. Okay, a CRIT bonus.

    Serra promotes much sooner, which gives her a huge boost in EXP gain. Priscilla will very rarely use that move, especially when you're moving slower in a ranked run in the first place. Your Paladins aren't going to charge ahead when you need to make sure you get the most EXP possible.

    The choice seems obvious, since they'll be doing the same exact job anyway until promotion. Even then, Valkyrie gets the superior Anima magic while Bishop gets Light.

    Except Serra has a big level lead, so she'll promote much earlier. Prissy will never close the level gap because they get the same EXP from healing no matter their level. Attacking with boosted EXP for longer > attacking with boosted EXP and a better magic type for less time. If you promote Prissy early, Serra STILL helps the EXP rank more. In fact, Prissy hurts it by promoting early because now you lose a bunch of levels of free EXP.

  4. I'm gonna play devil's advocate and say 'no'. All we need is enemy levels to be able to figure it out ourselves. The averages are all I care about. Enemies generally only vary by 1-2 points above or below the average. It's easy to find the chances of that happening if we have enemy levels. HM boosts are easy to figure out as well just by looking at an enemy and doing the same thing you'd do for normal mode.

  5. Pervy isn't the word for it.

    You should change your age in your profile to 65 (I *think* he's 65, I'm not a huge Ben Stein fan so I wouldn't be surprised if I was wrong) if you're gonna have that username and display picture. That would be awesome.

  6. I'm saying that validating a market that was thought dead and hated, no, even despised (Test players hated the NES, but Minoru Arakawa decided to plow through anyway) is a bigger and more impressive feat than competing against a few other consoles in a relatively healthy market.

    Console gaming itself wasn't hated, the companies previously involved were. The NES' launch sales are proof enough of that.

    Yes, I can.

    Arcade gaming =/= console gaming.

    And the Wii has sold more than those numbers combined. It's not even opinion anymore; as long as you use your fingers, eyes, and brain, you can easily find that out.

    No it hasn't..

    The Wii has sold 51 million units to date. The PS2 has TRIPLE those sales and the DS/PS1 double them. The PS2 is the best selling console of all time. If the Wii were selling that well, Sony and MS would have given up already, considering they're at 27 million and 32 million respectively.

  7. Thanks for the list. :)

    No problem :o.

    Just a question... Does this ranking list bases itself only on anglo-saxon magazines and gaming websites, or does it take on account other countries' magazines and sites, such as Japan with Famitsu, France with Jeuxvidéo.com, or Germany, for example ? Because, unless I'm blind, I can't seem to see foreign reviews in it.

    It takes all NA and UK magazines/reviewsites into the average. It doesn't take Japanese gaming magazines or sites into the average. All that would really change from that is an increase in JRPG ratings and a decrease in all western game releases that don't have Sony's name on it (InFAMOUS, Uncharted, Ratchet etc). The Japanese really don't like anything western when it comes to games.

  8. Those weren't actually demos : they were the commercial released versions of those games put on stand (so if you wanted to go on a big playthrough, as long as there weren't other people waiting, and that's common in little shops located in Tokyo's suburb, you could do it). When you don't own the console and eventually wanna see what it's has in the gut, it's always better to play at a stand than not playing at all.

    Besides, all magazine reviewers don't always have the time to play all games deeply enough, either. I've seen several times readers of popular French gaming magazine Consoles + rightfully complaining in the Readers' Mail section, about some of the game reviews not giving a correct note (and the reviewers later admitting the problem), all because due to time constraints, they couldn't go in the game deep enough to see some of their best fortes.

    I know what you meant, but I seriously doubt you played for long enough to truly be able to judge a game. If you borrowed a PS3 or knew someone who would let you play one, you'd be able to find games you like much easier than 20 minutes of play time. RPGs are proof enough that you need more than 20 minutes to see if a game is truly for you.

    May I have a peek on that list, if possible ? I'm interested in seeing all the results, not just the top ones, for my gaming culture.

    Here's the link I posted earlier in the topic

    The top 50 highest rated games ever released. This generation holds three of the top five and four of the top ten.

  9. 390 US Dollars, you call that "not expensive" ? What's the point of churning out that much money, when you can get a PS2 for 110 US Dollars with a wider and more interesting library of games than the PS3 can offer for now ? Seriously, if choosing a next gen console in terms of price / interesting games ratio, I would definitely go for the Wii, it would be a better investment. But that's besides the point.

    I'm looking at a 60GB PS3 with 14 games installed on Ebay for $380 with shipping right now. A PS3 ($299 USD) and around $100 worth of games. That's a PS3 that plays all PS1 games upscaled, all PS2 games upscaled and all PS3 games with 14 games already installed for $380. If you don't want any of those games, you could easily get a 60GB online for $299 just like the on-shelf PS3s. Most likely even less since they're used.

    $110 on a PS2 when you only have to pay another $190 to play PS1, PS2, PSN and PS3 games on one system? Unless you REALLY need a videogame system (in which case you probably shouldn't own one), it's much better to save up for a PS3. $299 is hardly expensive when you consider it's a DVD player, Blu-Ray player, videogame player and all around multi-media device. Heck, it's not expensive just as a videogame player. The Wii is only $50 cheaper and playing games is literally all it does.

    Meh, I've seen and played quite a few PS3 games last year (Japanese video games shops have a LOT of VG demo stands, most of them being dedicated to PS3, and I haven't shyed on playing them. Result : most games were a graphic-trying-to-dazzle borefest, at least to me. Guess it's the retro gamer inside me who's speaking.

    You're judging games based on a demo? If reviewers only had to play 5 minutes of a game before they could review it, I assure you all games would have very low scores.

    Also, the fact a series has moved on an another console, or that a game has a similar gameplay does not mean I'll automatically like it. Take for example the Star Ocean games : I like SO1 (SNES), I love to death SO2 (PS1), but SO3 (PS2) never clicked on me. The unremarkable characters, the simplified and less deep Item Creation system, the 3-man Battle Party mode and the lameass plot twist were killers IMO. Same with Splinter Cell compared to Metal Gear : granted, they have their own differences, but the basic ideas are the same. I've never clicked on Splinter Cell. Doesn't help that, while I do like Metal Gear, I'm not an uber duper fan of it either.

    SO3 is very different from SO2, so that isn't exactly a good example. Series' like Ratchet and Clank only improve the already existing gameplay. You can't like one Ratchet and not like the other, unless it's a spin-off or something. Same with Gran Turismo, God of War, etc. People who liked the PS2 will most likely enjoy the PS3 as well. Those are some of the most popular series' on PS2.

    But all that aside, my point is : I do not think getting a PS3, or any next gen console for that matter, is worthwhile for the time being, their narrow and unremarkable overall game library, as well as their price being the problem (the Blu-Ray too is too in advance for its time, give it some time so the DVD market dies, before investing in it). Now, give it two years, once their game libraries will be wider and the prices will go down, and we'll talk again. There's already enough awesome games on last gen consoles to keep up occupied for a while, and at a reasonable price at that.

    Considering this gen already has much higher average ratings than last gen, I'll have to disagree. The PS3 has two games in the top five games of all time list based on average scores from all reviewers and the Wii has one. That's three spots held by current generation consoles. Can't really argue with numbers.

    If it doesn't appeal to you, that's fine; it's your opinion and they just can't offer you enough to warrant a purchase. That doesn't mean the systems aren't worth the money though.

    EDIT: I also see an $80 broken 60GB on ebay. It costs $110 to send the PS3 in to Sony and get it fixed when the warranty is expired. That's $190 for what I just listed. $80 more than a PS2. $80 for a PS3 when you consider it vs PS2, since you're still getting a PS2 with the PS3..

  10. I'm not rich

    The PS3 isn't expensive <_<. In fact, it's the same price as the main 360. The Arcade 360 is pretty overpriced considering what you're getting, so I'll leave that one out.

    and when I buy consoles, it's for playing, not for reading movies or listening to music

    Well, it sounds to me like you haven't even bothered looking into any games and immediately wrote it off. Any fan of the PS1 or PS2 would easily find a home on PS3 with all the series' that moved to it. Not really sure how you read a movie either <_<.

    Besides that, you said MGS4 appealed to you..which means Uncharted 2 should also appeal to you. Their gameplay is very similar, but Uncharted 2 isn't nearly as focused on hour long cutscenes.

    I'm not a graphic whore either, I play for fun.

    It isn't just about graphics. It fixes lots of problems when you play them on PS3; games with frame rate problems are improved, which should be important to anyone playing a game.

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