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The DanMan

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Posts posted by The DanMan

  1. 14 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Sounds wayyyyyyy too good to be true. S4 had only seven, including three oldies (albeit Mewtwo and Roy had to be rebuilt from the bottom up).

    If we are getting 15, I'd expect some Echoes thrown in there (half sounds too high though). And who even would be the other 14? Hopefully a new Xeno rep.

    3 seasons would sound about right; that's what Killer Instinct got, and SFV is on it's 3rd season and is winding down.

    Ultimate has also sold 12 million/6 times as much as those games and Nintendo's president is pretty open about releasing more DLC for well-selling games (see: Captain Toad expansion half a year after it launched). The only obstacle I'm seeing would be Sakurai himself, but he's also enough of a workaholic that he'd probably go through with it.

    While this could be a placeholder, there were already 30 placeholder slots before; as-is, it feels like they're definitely considering more at this point in time.

    I wouldn't be shocked of Monolith Soft's next game gets promoted in a theoretical second pass.

  2. On 3/7/2019 at 9:27 PM, TheGoodHoms said:

    If this is what Sakurai has to do to keep making these games then I don't want another Smash Bros ever again. No one deserves to live like that.


    On 3/7/2019 at 10:25 PM, Florete said:

    Thing is, that's likely just Sakurai, not Smash. Meaning he'd probably do the same thing on any other job.

    The interview even says that it's because of his dedication; he isn't even required to show up regularly to work by virtue of being a outside contractor (even mentions that as long as development goes relatively smoothly, he could feasibly only show his person once a week).

    Sakurai's just a workaholic, really.

  3. 12 hours ago, Fenreir said:

    i liked that edit, however that also made me question what the hell is wrong with this new artist.

    it's like the art direction is costantly trying to sabotage itself in a way or another, be it drawing style or composition.

    Don't blame the artist; the fact there's shading underneath Claude's arms pretty clearly tells that this is just several illustrations edited together instead of one coherent drawing. This is on marketing.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Book Bro said:

    the battle music isn't too exciting.

    It's an early game map theme; I think it does it's job.


    >Way too many colors all over the place-- you got the blacks of the uniforms but the other colors look even brighter and then there's the glowing background which is ???

    >Why is Claude upside down and why is the lowest part of his bow seemingly disconnected and off to the side?

    >Dimitri looks like he has no pupils at all.

    >The perspective makes Edelgard's axe look funky and really small.

    >For the characters that have pupils, they're still tiny and dead-eyed looking (granted, that's been a persistent part of the art)

  5. 3 hours ago, Etheus said:

    I'd be disappointed if Mementos was the stage choice. It is very much the weakest aspect of Persona 5. 


    Also quite baffling that in a game that offers such insane possibilities as a government building cruise ship, a burger company in space, a casino, a mafia bank, an art museum, a sex castle, and an Egyptian techno-pyramid, they went with Mementos. 

    As if Smash doesn't have a track record of mostly picking bland earlygame stages in the first place, there's Atlus' draconian spoiler policy to consider as well; it's very possible that they vetoed the stage choice.

  6. Something I just saw pointed out on gamefaqs and grabbed a couple screens of:


    Petra needs 110 experience to advance to level 3.


    And gets 48 experience from the kill.

    Kinda funny that it was right in front of us but it took this long to be noticed.

    Seems like the traditional 100 EXP per level and EXP scaling is gone.

  7. In the screenshot with Akihiko Caspar, you see that he's fighting a Western Church Soldier.

    The trailer also talks about the students and knights fighting insurrectionists.

    So, here's my theory: said "Western Church" are heretics that you're tasked with dealing with. But of course, the "heretics" actually know the truth of the matter and that's what will kick off the plot in earnest.

    Rather straightforward and simple, but that's what has come to me.

  8. 6 hours ago, Cysx said:

    That's what I thought originally, but this is somewhat contradicted by there being two more characters visible in the Blue lions classroom(if it really is that):


    That doesn't guarantee anything but it's worth considering.

    I'm also not sure the two girls we see from the back in the Golden Deer scene will necessarily be playable(I think they will, I'm just not sure), because we see way more unidentified backs throughout the trailer than the reasonable amount of unrevealed student units could be, I feel:


    As a result, as long as they're not put in focus, I feel like it's unsafe to assume someone will be a part of the playable roster. Which goes for the two I pointed out above as well I suppose, though at least they have models.

    Finally there's also this character in the back to consider:

    ...Which I just realized could be Mercedes, but eh.

    I've seen the first two, and I think they might be generics. Could very well be wrong, though.

    Huh; never realized that the characters who were practicing magic don't line up with anybody else.

    I'd say considering this image:

    8 is probably at least our starting number for each House; maybe you'll end up with one or two more before everybody joins together.

  9. 4 hours ago, Othin said:

    Some relevant talk on Reddit: 

    I think the most noteworthy part is the implications of each house having just 8 units. That's a lot more sane than it had sounded, and fits well with the hopes that they'll be a small trainee component of a larger army. Whether or not that larger army includes students from the other houses, it does suggest there will be non-student units: the smallest previous roster was FE2's, with 32 units divided into two armies of 16. (Or rather, one army of 16 and one of 15, since you can only pick one of Deen/Sonya.) I think Three Houses will have a roster at least that big: a minimum of 32 characters total and 16 per story, but probably more than that minimum. That suggests at least 8 non-student units, one of them being Byleth.

    The non-student units will probably have some level of status that justifies them commanding their own soldiers, but as @Etheus pointed out, there are all sorts of ways to do that. In particular, one thing that came up in the Reddit discussion is the Knights of Seros, who seem to qualify.

    Someone from the FEW discord server put this image together of everybody so far from each house and their name:

    So it does look like each House has only 8 characters.

    I do think that you will get the characters from other Houses later but customization will be more limited for them; also agree with the notion that the Knights of Seiros could easily function as neutral characters who are in the same "state" regardless of which House you pick.

  10. 4 hours ago, VincentASM said:

    Doh, I keep finding new things. Please stop me.

    It seems both of the teachers introduced appeared in the first trailer.

    Mustached man is here:


    Lady teacher is here:


    Obviously, you can spot many of the other students on the map. But I thought it was cool that teachers can fight too.

    Also interesting to note is that in the first screen, the stern dark-haired guy is shown using bows, yet the most recent trailer has him with offensive magic.

    EDIT: Actually, wait that's a shot from slightly later on. Here's what I was thinking of:


    Either he specializes in both or they changed things mid-development (this gives hope that the Golden Deer isn't just a hunting club, what with Claude, Leonie, Hilda, and purple-haired guy all having been shown with bows at one point)

  11. 1 hour ago, colossus86 said:

    I'd bet good money that the choice of house is a sacred stones esq thing that only largely effects one act of the game (in this case the first act) and then the game's main conflict causes things to converge

    That's what I'm expecting as well; it'll effect the early game and who chimes in the most in plot scenes but you still end up with everybody eventually.

  12. 38 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

    Wasn't the story in FE Warriors considered bad by most people? If so I wonder what this means for the story of Three Houses. 

    It was a crossover game, those stories tend to be sub-par by their very nature.

    Mainline Warriors games have their moments, and regardless they're likely just assisting with grunt work with little say over the actual direction of the game and writing.

  13. Didn't see much of the plot, but I mostly liked what I saw.

    Bit bumbed by the lack of pair-up and the pseudo-route split, but it's nice to see info at least.

    Just now, Flygunn said:

    I know everyone keeps referencing Harry Potter from the houses, but I am getting more of a Valkyria Chronicles 2 vibe with the school strategy setting and the aesthetic

    Pretty much.

    Which is why I'm going to love it and reddit will treat it like the devil's spawn.

  14. 2 hours ago, Dai said:

    Aw, nutbunnies. I think they fixed Olimar in Spirit Board/World of Light. Either that, or they've nerfed spirits in general. I'm not one-shotting anything with him anymore.

    Multiple people have said they fixed him. As well as the Isabelle AT glitch.

    Meanwhile, actually harmful glitches with DHD and Mii Swordfighter got added alongside the plant and its deal: https://nintendowire.com/news/2019/01/30/smash-ultimate-update-2-0-0-causing-save-data-corruption-with-certain-characters-and-modes/

  15. A full translation of the most recent Sakurai interview from Nintendo Dream: https://nintendoeverything.com/sakurai-on-smash-bros-ultimate-why-decidueye-wasnt-chosen-piranha-plant-character-changes-online-much-more

    Interesting tidbits besides what we already know, with Sakurai acknowledging that online seems to be "unreliable". 

    Of course, a quote that really sticks out to me is this:
    "For instance, differentiating the sword users’ individual characteristics is quite difficult – them seeming similar isn’t unlikely. Protagonists sure do love their swords – you’d think using an axe from time to time would be okay, wouldn’t it? (laughs) "

  16. 2 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

    And Fusion. You only acknowledged Samus Returns and Other M, which you can't seem to bring up without placing "the divisive" in front, as if every Metroid game isn't divisive except for Super and maybe Prime 1.

    Anyway yeah, if  you move that goal post from "last twenty years" to Between Prime 1 and Prime 3 and conveniently forget the two mainline titles released between them somebody in that era would possibly say "hey when can we get a sequel to Super Metroid?". Solid argument.

    You say the "gaming public" only thinks of Metroid games as being the Prime series? That's a bold claim when the classic series had invented a genre that has only grown in popularity. I think when people say the words "Metroidvania" they often remember classic style Metroid is a thing. As for why did Nintendo decide the next Metroid game needed to be Prime 4? I don't know, there's plenty of potential answers. Maybe they thought they could alternate between a classic and a prime game like they did in the early 2000s. 2017 gets a classic style game, 2019 gets a prime game, 2021 gets another classic style game, etc. Your case for the Prime series dominating the public consciousness seems to conveniently forget Samus Returns happened recently.

    Fusion itself got overshadowed by Prime 1 and released in extremely close proximity to it in most regions. And Other M is a whole other level of controversial-- on top of being a weird midquel, very different in gameplay, and in general unlikely to ever get a follow-up.

    Sure, people haven't forgotten that 2D Metroid's a thing-- but the fact you were complaining earlier in the thread about the past two 2D Metroid games being remakes honestly pretty much answers your own questions. Classic Metroid is Classic Metroid. It's not going anywhere, and that includes going forwards in a meaningful fashion (IIRC at least one company tried to pitch a new 2D Metroid to Nintendo and got shot down, with MercurySteam themselves initially pitching another remake-- I believe it was Fusion? Either way, the company who wanted to do a remake got roped in while attempts at something new got shot down). 


    Heck, your original complaint was:

    7 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

    I'm more than a little hurt with the lack of care shown towards the classic series. Several times over the past year I've asked for a Metroid 5, only to get a response like "why would they make 5 when they haven't finished 4 yet". Implying that they thought I must have been talking about Prime 5 or that the Prime series IS the main series.

    ...yet you're trying to argue with me that Prime hasn't thoroughly overshadowed the 2D games and done so for a long time.

    When it's the entire crux of what you said.

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