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Posts posted by Geriba

  1. Very general question... since it seems like you've had the game for a while now, how do you think it stacks up with the rest of the series? I'm not going to put down the hundreds of dollars necessary for an import, but assuming it does come over to the States, is it worth a day one purchase?

  2. Don't feel bad about falling short on the experience rank. Given that funds are your main priority in ranked NM play, it's easy to lose track of high experience requirements in certain chapters, especially the last few. If you opted to use a lot of prepromotes and/or Athos down the stretch, this could have easily knocked a full star off your rating. How much did you use the arena? Seeing as you can get both gold and experience from arena battles at a relatively quick pace (especially with smart rescue/drop/dance strategies that allow for 3-5 battles per turn), in the future, try and plan so that any expendable turns you've accrued (and are likely to accrue) are spent arena abusing on Four-Fanged Offense.

    So I'm sure you realize now that despite what you may have heard, ranking runs in this game can be tough. Very tough. It's a totally new way to play that demands close attention to detail. If you're in a particularly masochistic mood one of these days, give S-Ranking HHM a shot.

  3. Hector Normal Mode is actually slightly easier than Eliwood Normal Mode. Its only with the hard modes where Hector's mode is beefed up.

    How so? The only difference is that the main lord is superior, but then that means Hector promotes later. Fairly sure enemy stats are higher in HNM compared to ENM as well, and the HNM-exclusive chapters can be tricky.

  4. Both Karel and Karla are said to be in their 20s in the character ages' page, which was from the FE6/7 official guide or something. Jaffar's age is never mentioned. (For some reason, I think I recall hearing somewhere that he's 16, but I cannot confirm this. ._.)

    From what I understand, all of the talk about Jaffar's age is speculation. He certainly looks like he's in the range of 18-21, but there's been no confirmation. A fitting ambiguity.

  5. Why wasn't he knocked unconcious?

    Because he was being held in a high-security prison guarded by Ephidel and Jaffar, soon to be Nergal, and the huge Black Fang force that was supposed to stop Eliwood & Co.? Plus, the ritual was coming up.

    Why didn't he kill them?

    Nergal is hubristic. As he states explicitly, he wants to see Eliwood & Co. in a state of abject fear, desperation, and failure. Common antagonistic trope.

    Shut up. This is a FLAW, games should not be content in settling with the mediocre.

    If this is a flaw, then every RPG in existence is equally flawed. Why can Cloud take bullets and receive 5 damage in FFVII, but Aeris can't take swords? Why do units in Fire Emblem survive after being impaled by spears and having their heads twain by fighters?

  6. Yeah, I always felt it wasn't well explained what the hell Elbert was up to. And the scene with Jaffar is ridiculous. He blocks their way, but doesn't kill anyone (for some reason) and Ephidel is all like "Good work, now scram".

    Elbert was opposed to the rebellion, but was kidnapped and used for the ritual.

    Jaffar's role was to keep Eliwood & Co. at bay until Nergal showed up.

    Nergal is an all-powerful shaman rivaling Athos, one of the Legendary Heroes, in power; if Jaffar can handle these guys from a plot perspective, then so can Nergal.

    Not seeing the problem here :Santhos: \

    IS must have felt that, unlike with Pent, having Jaffar roflstomp everything nearby (except on HHM where they give everyone swordreavers for some dumb reason) while he waits for you to arrive wasn't enough to convey how awesome he's supposed to be, so they had to hype him up in a couple of cutscenes, too. Except they didn't really think about the logical ramifications.

    And then there's Legault's hype, which is on a whole other tier of ridiculous. Funny, I'd have thought the one "second in ability to none but the Four Fangs" would be, you know, Jaffar.

    There has always been, and will always be, an essential distinction between plot and gameplay in RPGs.

    At this point, Jaffar is one of the Four Fangs.

    Not seeing the problem here. :Santhos:

  7. Hey Othin, I was wondering, do you know who Tiamo's crush is? Also how many songs are in the sound test and does it give you the option to hear their voice clips? Thanks in advance.

    I'd also like to know about the number of songs available. So far, what we've been provided musically has been pure gold, but I'd like to have some guarantee of quantity as well as quality.

    Also, does this track here sound like a mellow remix of Chrono Trigger to anyone else?

  8. All chapters have the objective as either defeating all enemies or killing the boss. Tiki's chapter functions as a Defend chapter, however, due to its setup, and a damn good one: you're getting swarmed by enemies from three directions, and they'll only attack your characters if they're blocking the path to Tiki. You have no cover, and on the player phase, you can't kill the enemies as fast as they appear; you just need to surround her with your own units and stay alive until the reinforcements stop. It was quite a challenge even on Normal; I'm scared to imagine it on higher difficulties.

    Wow, custom AI for what is likely a tough defense map? This game really is going above and beyond.

  9. I'm still a little bit confused about the available difficulty options. I know we have Normal, Hard, and Lunatic, and I'm assuming there's an Easy mode too, but then there's apparently Lunatic+? I heard that Lunatic itself was ridiculous, so I can only imagine what a potential L+ looks like.

  10. I'm trying to prove here that there were indeed signs that the two were in different games of the same series in their SSBM trophy bios. Sadly, not many people would look at those signs, like you say. But they were there. I happened to notice those signs when I was experimenting around with the language options. So even if I was a typical SSB fan trying to get in the FE series at this point, you'd never catch me asking "Are Marth and Roy in this game?".

    I will note, however, that I did wonder if either Eliwood was Roy's son or not instead of the other way around at one time.

    That's fair, but I feel you may be giving the average 13-15 year old Melee gamer a bit too much credit. I doubt they'd think to themselves, "Hm, let me make sure that I've perused these trophy bios before asking this question about Fire Emblem."

  11. Seriously confused here.

    Young kids bought Super Smash Bros. Melee en masse. People unlocked Marth and Roy. Marth and Roy are both from some weird game called "Fire Emblem." The trophy descriptions- for those who actually bothered to read and reflect upon those descriptions, i.e. less than 10% of the kids playing the game- are unclear as to whether or not the characters are related. As a result, people mistakenly believe they're from the same game. So when a GBA title called "Fire Emblem" is about to be released in the states, questions get raised about whether or not the Melee duo will be in the game.

    Like, is this really so hard to grasp? What the hell is going on

  12. Already have that achievement.


    ...Damn, looks like you wrote the book on that game for English audiences. Mad respect.

    Although BS =/= Fire Emblem, so you know, still gotta chart out that new territory.

    EDIT: Well, if you can't upload the music, then how about a few more comments? From what I heard, they ebb and flow when you enter/exit battle, and I'm wondering how well this works out in practice. Other things- the type of music that's common (orchestral, rock, mixed, etc.), the composition quality, music variety- would be awesome to know too.

  13. Okay. Even if we ignore the DLC, there's still the fact that Krom is heavily based off Ike,

    No. The artist who designed the characters for Kakusei began before realizing he was designing for a Fire Emblem title. You can find this info in the "Iwata Asks" interviews.

    Is it possible that Krom was designed after the fact? Maybe. Was Krom designed after Ike? Almost certainly not. If Krom was designed after Ike, was this to cash in on Ike's imaginary "Smash appeal?" lmfao no

  14. That's terrible logic. All that means is that the RPG fans are going to stay away from the 3DS.

    It's great logic, actually, if you look at how games released for RPG-starved systems have fared in the past. Remember Golden Sun? The GBA had no new RPG IPs at that point, at once GS was released, it sold like crazy and was highly critically acclaimed despite being terribly mediocre.

  15. Erm. Consider this:

    There are 10 preceding non-remake Fire Emblem Games. Of those, Marth has stared in 2, Ike in 2, Roy in 1, and Lyn in 1.

    That's 6 games. Even if you ignore Lyn for not being playable that's still half the games. It's not possible to not show SSB favoritism since it already spans half the games.

    I was wondering when someone was going to bring this up. I don't remember the last time I read a topic this stupid.

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