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Posts posted by Geriba

  1. It isn't that absurd when you can just level forever, though.

    It will be for efficiency plays. Besides, I'm not sure I buy this argument. Final Fantasy Tactics, for example, has random battles, meaning that you can grind for JP if you'd like. Would you really argue that an item which gives you infinite JP with the press of a button isn't a "big deal"?

  2. I just noticed something. Marth's voice actor isn't even trying to hide that she's a woman voicing a guy. Could it be that this Marth imposter is female?

    I've heard this theory elsewhere, and I really don't buy it for a minute. Plenty of young adult males are voiced by female VAs, and frankly, I don't know where you're getting the idea that she's "intentionally" trying to make things seems gender-ambiguous.

    You know what does make sense? Marth being a zombie. Red eyes -> mask -> suspicious.

  3. Seems like it also has ways to speed it up from there, so you can have the fast battle while still seeing the stats. So where exactly is this problem?

    Finding new and unique ways to complain about things is a pastime of the internet.

  4. I just notice something. Anyone notice how they highlighted the weapons to show that when you equip different weapons, it actually looks different? I find it hilarious simply because it seem like they're saying: "Hey look, our animation's not as shitty as the GBA games!" I still hate the back and forth shit though. It's a waste of time and looks very awkward.

    There's reasonable hope that they'll do something like FE4 did: long battle animations, but map animations are somewhat detailed and not just people running into each other. Plus, the FE13 map sprites look gorgeous so far.

  5. FE10 Night Tide, which gave +5DEF/RES and also didn't require you to use a command. And yet Kurthnaga is useless trash. Or Charisma, which gives a solid avoid bonus that's arguably just as potent as +4DEF, but for everyone in 3 spaces and all the time rather than activated. Or supports, in any game. It might be that this game is set up so that this skill will actually be useful, but it seems rather a stretch to call it broken or ridiculous.

    Now, if there were a Strength Cry or a Speed Cry, that would be good.

    I was never big on FE10, so I'll take your word on it. As for Strength Cry... yeah, that's in the game apparently.

  6. Defense Cry and Magic Cry don't seem that useful to me, given that stronger skills have existed in the past without even being particularly good, let alone broken.

    +4 defense and magic to up for 4 units every turn seems absolutely ridiculous. What "stronger skills" are you referring to? Because none come to mind.

  7. Updated the Skills list.


    EDIT: I was a little worried at first when I saw a whopping five skill slots per character, but upon seeing these translated descriptions (thanks again Vincent!), they actually appear pretty balanced. The only skills I feel will be truly broken are Defense Cry/Magic Cry (seriously, +4 def/mag to all adjacent allies on command? dafuq), Magic Expert, and maybe Strength Cry depending on what it does. omfg generals might actually be useful this time

  8. I've noticed something else that I'm not liking. In the cutscenes, Liz always looks like her eyes are crossed. :p

    Liz in general is probably the worst thing about the game so far. Mediocre character design, and that annoying stereotypical kawaii~ voice ugh

    Also your sig disturbs me.

  9. Have there been any updates on what exactly the trickster class does? I'd assume that this video would be the most likely place for info, as it had a whole bunch of skill descriptions one after another

    Hm...hard to tell, but during the section highlighting weapons was it talking about each weapon gets a different attack animation? I doubt it, but that seemed like the only reason to highlight them specifically...

    Dear god, tell me about it. Going to be an absolute field day.

  10. Just so you know, TC, you can mod your Super Nintedo console to play international games fairly easily. If you need instructions, just ask, and I can link you to some places (although it does involve some reassembly).

    The work's totally worth it, though, since you can play games like FE4/5 and Terranigma.

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