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Posts posted by Geriba

  1. Yeah, AO games are like X-rated movies: nothing illegal about selling them, but most major chains have policies against selling them in order to promote a particular image.

    I can't see this game getting higher than a T, but I'd suspect E10+.

  2. So is the Mark = Mark the tactician from FE7 talk just speculation? I mean, it'd be great if true, but evidence would be super.

    And I'm surprised we haven't received more word on potential crossover characters. I certainly hope it's more than just Masked Marth + Tiki!

  3. I am a history major focusing on medieval and early modern Europe. The main concern I have with the 2000+ years time gap is that in FE4 they already seem to have plate mail. This means that people would quickly start focusing on other technologies to pierce through said plate mail (In our world it was the long bow and then the gun). The castle style from the guide books also indicate a high medieval style, because they are fully stone walled and are not based on the idea of creating a mound or just one tower. Maybe magic would mean less focus on gun powder, but military technology is bound to change over 2000 years.

    And magic and flying beasts wouldn't stop them from having agricultural revolutions, and those are really what would have caused the technological outbursts.

    The entire argument here boils down to "iron mail led to technology in our human history, so it must lead to technology in all histories!" Which is just silly circular hindsight.

    As a history major, I'm sure you know that one of the big reasons we even have "advanced technology" today was a series of very fortunate developments in the world of science, specifically with Baconian inductivism (i.e. the cornerstone of modern science) taking the reigns over the Scholastic "science" that was dominant at the time. Those developments don't inevitably follow from LOL DEY HAV IRON SWORS

  4. Wait, if this game takes place 1900 after the events in Arkanea, which is hundreds of years after the events in Jugdral, how on earth aren't the people in Jugdral super technologically advanced?

    I... what? I'm not sure if you're aware, but mankind went for longer periods than 2000 years without becoming "super technologically advanced." Technological progress isn't exactly inevitable with time, especially if you've got magic and shit.

  5. are you trying to say that the mechanic that is strictly better than Rescue in every conceivable scenario won't be abused

    Kinda. Normal rescue-drop strategies will still apply, and they'll be much better and safer (no more having to worry so much about frail PKs), but I was just suggesting that it won't be completely game-breaking. This wouldn't make your Nino or Ewan move up much on the tier list, in other words.

  6. Two units = two actions. One Double = One Action. If you have a lot of stuff to cleave through, and you're strong enough to effectively one-round a decent amount of the time, you're wasting potential by doubling up.

    Good point. I can imagine that, for efficiency runs, this won't be a particularly effective tactic, although it will certainly be a great boon when it comes to raising weak units and taking on bosses.

    Any word on a potential Ranking system? I'd imagine it's not included given the Gaiden/SS nature of the game, but you never know!

  7. It's honestly a little odd how little info's come out, especially for a big release like this one. I'd be expecting streams at this point, let alone basic info about length/character recruitment/etc.

    But I guess I should be patient, since I don't have near enough money to import :facepalm:

  8. Currently, Rivera is FE13's only confirmed male character to have a voice as feminine as Marth II's. When Marth II's voice is matched by a confirmed male character who's not supposed to be mistaken for a girl, I'll believe that Marth II might be a guy.

    It seems to me that Marth II's female and feminine voice must be purposeful. This is the only thing I can think of that would indicate the contrary.

    I know nothing of Japanese VA customs, so since you're obviously very knowledgeable about this sort of thing, can you comment on the claim that Marth's VA is somehow "intentionally" hiding his/her gender? I've heard from others that there are ways to tell that the VA is someone intentionally "suppressing" the true gender, going over the top to make it sound like a boy while retaining feminine qualities... probably not describing this too well, but you get the idea.

    Since there has to be a reason for wearing the mask, I still buy into the Marth = zombie theory, but I wouldn't be surprised if (s)he was an impostor.

  9. ...I don't know what to make of this. Other than the fact that I'm frustrated.

    Masked Marth's design is really great, and I was looking forward to playing as him. While the feminine style for Marth I does help dispel the Marth II-is-a-girl talk, it also indicates that Marth II may not actually be playable. Moreover, the Marth II-is-zombie theory probably just got thrown out the window.

    At this point, I'm just sort of hoping that Marth I is simply a cash-in and that Marth II remains playable (and somehow related to the original).

  10. 2) Athos in mid, sure he comes late game but he is invaluable in the last two chapters:

    a) The two magics he comes with and being the only other candidate besides Canas for the Gespenst make him invaluable as a low resistance boss killer (effective on Lloyd and Linus)

    b) Effective Nergal killer (Eliwood and Hector being too slow for the job and Lyn being too nondurable against Nergal's insane magic stat)

    c) Effective Dragon killer for the same reasons specified above

    Didn't you just hype up Nino for contributing to the experience rank? Using Athos for anything other than chip damage could potentially cost you hundreds of experience. He's useful, especially against the Dragon, but how much token contributions for one chapter matter is questionable.

    As for Oswin, he's invaluable during the earlygame, which is universally considered the most difficult part of an S-Rank HHM run. The pace of HHM is also slowed down comparatively, making his lower move less of an issue.

  11. Maybe I'm underthinking things, but I'd imagine that the Backup command, when used with multiple Cry skills equipped, would simply open up a sub-menu that would require a choice as to which Cry is activated. As you said, +4 for four different stats is absurd.

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