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Posts posted by Geriba

  1. Come now, Bartre isn't that awful. 10/1 stats:

    HP: 38.8

    Str: 14

    Skill: 9.8

    Speed: 6.2

    Luck: 6.4

    Def: 9.4

    Res: 5

    Con: 15

    Only notable problem there is speed, which is admittedly very poor. If you're playing NM, then throw the Speedwings from Pirate Ship on him; otherwise, either hand him a Brave axe or use him with a little caution. He's highly usable; his rough earlygame is the only real knock against him.

  2. Well, I don't much like the idea of units like that, either. I don't understand why we should accept units with so little to redeem them in actual gameplay, when they could have easily been better and not really have hurt anything. Even if she was just left unchanged and given to us earlier, that would have made some sense to me. The way she was put in, it just feels like the game's messing with us.

    When a unit is very nearly a carbon copy of another statistically, but worse, and comes later, that almost seems insulting to me. She's near-exactly Karel with 2 fewer points in the most relevant stats and 3 levels lower. It's like they didn't really care about her when she was made a playable unit. I may know that there are gonna be a lot of characters in FE game and they can't all be winners, but I think they should all be worthy of some respect both in story and in play.

    It's a fine line. We all know gameplay and plot don't always line up, but making Karla better than Karel right out of the box (whereas Guy requires training, at least) would've been silly. My solution: replace Karel with Karla, have Karel be the "special recruit" of Battle Preparations, and then beef Karel's stats up to absurd levels.

  3. When going to recruit Karla, have the first item in Bartre's inventory be an item (like Elixir or Iron Rune) or a weapon that Bartre can't use (pretty much anything except for an axe or bow), and glory at the way the game crashes.

    Fascinating. Can this be fixed via reset, or does it require starting the chapter over a la the Devil axe glitch?

  4. ...and FE7 (despite being the best game ever) has a number of them. Script errors, typos, glitches- anything not intended by the game creators, in other words- is fair game. I may make a separate category of errors that arguably improve the game despite being accidental. Let's start things off:

    Script Errors

    -In Ch.17H, Bernard's description calls him the Knight Commander of Bern, not Laus.

    -In Chapter 24H, Legault shows up and speaks during the chapter introduction even if he's been unrecruited/killed off.

    -If Lowen recruits Harken in Ch.27H, he refers to Isadora as "Isabella."

    -During the Ch.32x intro, "quickly" is misspelled "quicky."

    -When Renault fights Nergal in any version of Hector's mode, "eking" is misspelled "eeking."

    -During the final turn count roll, "Imprisoner of Magic" is misspelled "Imrisoner of Magic."

    -When one gives Afa's Drops to a character, he or she will appear in Battle History and comment on one's performance. Jaffar's S/A Rank dialogue has a typo, replacing "hear" with "here."

    -The Wind sword and Dragon axe weapons, both acquired through the Double Dash!! bonus disc, have glitchy descriptions, likely caused by the text being too lengthy to fit inside the description box.

    -The French version thinks Forblaze is a pastry

    Graphical Errors

    -In Ch.18x/19x, there is a mysterious but perennially referenced glitch where an enemy mage adopts Eliwood's map sprite. I've never heard a clear explanation, but it seems to have something to do with a) the mage being on a fortress tile, and b) being within the magic seal.

    -During the scene where Eliwood mistakenly kills Ninian, his mug sometimes changes to a black shade; happens randomly, and the cause is currently unknown. [EDIT: Just played through the game again on an emulator, and surprise surprise, the black mug showed up. I'll be considering this one an emulator-only glitch unless more evidence is provided.]

    Gameplay Errors

    -The mine trick, in all its glitchy glory.

    -Devil axe glitch. Not too sure how it works; someone can volunteer to type up a better description. Note that this leads to a game crash which requires the chapter be restarted to progress.

    -In Ch.4, the brigand reinforcements from the southeast inexplicably have a C-rank in swords.

    -In Ch.5H, Erk will occasionally kill the archer via critical during the scripted battle, but the enemy archer's sprite will remain. Once attacked, however, the sprite disappears.

    -During the transition from Lyn Mode to Eliwood/Hector mode, Rath's constitution always drops from 8 to 7.

    -During Ch.28E, a mounted unit can perform a "console-style" canto, i.e. move after attacking a la FE4/5, when attacking atop one of the fire tiles.

    -If Bartre talks to Karla during Battle Preparations with anything that isn't an axe or a bow in the first slot of his inventory, the game will crash. Note that this can be avoided if one presses "Start" to skip the battle scene altogether.

    Errors Needing Confirmation

    -In Lyn Mode, "abilities" is spelled "abilties" twice in reference to Erk and Serra. [NOTE: I found this on a GameFAQs topic, but can't confirm its credibility. Someone want to jump in?] (Script Error)

    -At one point, Raven mistakenly refers to Lucius as a "she." [NOTE: This was listed in the trivia section in one of the many Fire Emblem wikis, but no source was given. It's not in any of the support conversations.] (Script Error)

    Please, add more!

  5. Though she's a poor unit, I feel Karla "makes sense" just fine. She's like Renault: a late recruit who adds a lot to the story/characters of you're willing to work for the supports. As for why her stats are low? She's supposed to be weaker than Karel.

  6. I think that we should've rated efficiency and ranked separately with casual as a third category, so that people would know the expected contributions of each unit in three completely different play styles rather than just one whole indicator. (my votes tend to be more efficiency based since I'm not too familiar with ranked, so that skews things in the efficient direction at least by a little) They wouldn't be averaged together, or anything, since that'd defeat the purpose of separating, but eh, I thought of that like, on the Nino vote. So kinda too late to implement

    I like that idea. No rush, of course, but maybe in the coming months or years, we'll get around to a more specified ranking system.

  7. I'll always defer to dondon on issues of efficiency, but I can't imagine three fliers doing a whole ton, and the numbers of turns shaved off likely doesn't compare to costless full-game deployment. But who knows; I've been wrong on issues of efficiency before.

    Ranked, though? Pretty awful. And I'm not sure how fair it is to dock Hector for being your main lord, effectively. Needing to get ferried around is just a part of the gig.

  8. Heath's recruitment situation is atrocious. Both the chapter he comes in and the chapter immediately following are filled with mages and archers, and Pure waters can only do so much. On ranked, he's somewhat helpful in regards to experience, but I can't imagine him doing next to anything in efficiency, what with having two superior fliers already.

    As for Hector, he's got the best HHM availability, is required to complete chapters (aka is always fielded without penalty), has access to a wonderful Prf. weapon, has a best-in-game support with Eliwood; late promotion means little when he gets free deployment from the beginning of the game until the end. Hector >> Heath should be a no-brainer.

  9. Did someone really just invoke Silencer as an argument for Jaffar > Vaida? Silencer is completely useless except for the minor experience boost. (And yes, it does work on Nergal.)

    Onto Vaida. Comes late, yes, but is arguably your best flier while you have her (so long as the Aid issue doesn't hold you back; if it does, she's top two). She's certainly better than Heath, who comes too late and too underleveled, and Farina, who's too pricy.


    EDIT: Wow, Heath > Hector according to these lists. Heath is completely subpar.

  10. where did it say that Elbert took every knight?

    It didn't.

    1) Elbert took a troop of his "finest knights"; all were killed except for Harken. Marcus, presumably, was left behind to protect his wife and child.

    2) Lowen and Marcus were NOT the only Pherean knights left behind. In Ch.11 EM, Marcus specifically questions Eliwood's decision to bring so few troops, to which Eliwood responds that he'd rather not deprive his mother of "a single knight."

    Allen probably just comes from a nameless Pherean knight. And for the record, FE6/7 have pretty good continuity; I can't think of any real errors (beyond Rebecca's ability to die in 7, which is a little odd).

  11. Well if you don't do LHM before hand due to that whole Nils at level 7 thing, it's impossible to get. So I've seen a lot of ranked runs just skip over 19xx.

    Haha, I meant the opposite: NOT all gaiden chapters are assumed. Some can be detrimental in certain circumstances.

  12. Also, if Mekkah had watched the cutscene after chapter 20, the game would've frozen due to Eliwood not being able to get to the stairs at the back.

    Wow, this is actually really interesting. Is there video that shows this?

  13. lol this is so ridiculous. That Kent is absurdly good, btw

    And here's a little fun fact that you can test for yourself via warping around: in Chapter 17, if you warp Lyn up to the Caelin soldiers and have her open the door, it'll initiate a conversation that you're not normally supposed to see.

  14. I think you would need to give an absurd amount of weight to efficiency in order for Wil's killing 1 pegasus knight to outweigh Nino's EXP rank contributions.

    lmao well-said

    And Wil's potential for chip damage isn't nearly as high as Nino's, regardless of mode. Just to be 100% clear, on any kind of ranked run, Nino > Wil.

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