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Posts posted by Geriba

  1. Seeing as my request is somewhat related to this thread, I'm just going to ask before I go into the painful process of ripping them myself, is there any FE5 animations (Leaf's critical in particular) out there?

    I made one with a background, but I want a transparent background.


    ^ A bit like this (I saved the images as .BMPs which slowed down the animation a lot, I believe. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

    But with a transparent background like this:


    If there isn't a site for these, I'm sure I can take up the chore of ripping the battle animations from FE5...

    (Leaf's crit animation is 152 frames .__. )

    This is awesome. If you do decide to take one for the FE community and rip these, be sure to keep us updated!

  2. That's because Nils and Ninian are massively superior and assist extremely well in both ranked and efficiency runs.

    Merlinus is superior to most units in terms of utility, and assists extremely well in both ranked and efficiency runs.

  3. That much is true, however he does not take up a slot from any other units.

    Neither do Hector or Athos, and they were ranked. Again, the list is just a big conglomerate of competing standards.

    Merlinus gets a 10/10 from me. He doesn't dmg enemies though, so he wasn't considered .

    So if we had a prepromoted staff-only user, would he not be rated? Besides, Ninian/Nils WERE rated.

    btw, Merlinus is an easy 10/10

  4. Hm. That sucks. A separate tier list including the US could be made.

    Again, this is addressed in the OP. Given that a) there is only one US available, and b) any given team is likely to have two or more lance users, bunching all lance users in a separate top tier does little to compare characters or classes. Under your proposal, for example, Paladin units- who will almost never get the US, since there are plenty of superior candidates- would likely be at the level of, or above, Warriors or Berserkers. There's also the issue of "proportional quality" among lance users, which (again) is addressed in the OP.

    In other words: read the OP.

  5. My only main gripe is that I can handle Pent > Raven, that is debatable. However, Pent > Florina?

    This place is nuts.

    Best not to take these rankings too seriously. As an unusual hybrid of incompatible standards, it's just a fun list.

  6. Not sure what to make of this just yet, but it's fascinating.

    The exact number would be subject to change based on the number of enemies on the average map, of course. 10 Steel is too few if there's usually a ton of enemies around.

    I feel the easiest way around this problem is increased deployment numbers, not variable weapon uses. A 5-use Silver Lance should remain that way over the course of the game, instead of tying it up with some cumbersome algorithm.

  7. Yes, since a player will typically plan ahead and try to ensure a healthy buffer for EXP so he doesn't have to do really really stupid stuff like kill Brendan with a 20/1 unit.

    Not fielding an underleveled unit in Light means you've fielded an underleveled in some other chapter (multiple chapters, really, since Light's all promoted units). All I'm suggesting is that you don't assume some unrealistic experience buffer. Speaking of which...

    EDIT: Okay, it's more like 3000 experience, so yeah, impossible. You simply can't assume that the player doesn't go into Light without an EXP buffer.

    No one's assuming that. I am assuming that the player doesn't have a 30-level buffer.

  8. Well, yes. You're assuming that the player is going to fail EXP, because there's no way anyone is going to get 3000 EXP in the final chapter alone. Your assumption is also relatively inflexible compared to the broad scope of possible assumptions for the final chapter.

    2 turns is significant. Many characters in the game yield a net savings of 0 turns because what they do is copied exactly by another unit. In an LTC setting, Athos's contribution is likely more than 2 turns because there are literally no other units who can ORKO bosses or reliably cause them to kill each other.

    1) No, I'm not assuming the player will fail to S-Rank. The experience rank is high for the final chapter, which the player will know ahead of time; instead of needing 3000 experience, then, let's say he needs, as I said, a modest but important experience gain.

    2) Berserk utility has been noted. As for the rest of your post, you're opening up the Net-versus-Gross argument all over again, which is not a path worth going down. We'll just agree to disagree.

  9. 1) S-Rank weapons cost an absolute fortune, so they won't be getting used.

    2) My "standard" is to assume that the player is right around the expected requirements going into Light, which means he'll need a modest but important performance in experience to end the game. Is that really a controversial position?

    3) Even if Athos is fielded, he does next to nothing. How many turns does he save, exactly? 2?

  10. The player needs to fall exactly in that 2000 EXP window in order for Athos's participation to be actively detrimental. That's extremely unlikely.

    This is where I feel our disconnect lies. I'd say that a player proactively trying to maximize experience gain in Light (without taking too long, since that would impact Tactics) can realistically expect 1200-1500 experience. If Athos kills a promoted unit, that's a potential 100 down the train. All I'm arguing is that, for the purposes of ranking, it's odd to assume that the player has over-prepared. Don't you agree that the best system is to follow ranking requirements up to that point?

    Athos can staff-spam (expendable, but he's the best at it aside from movement) and he can weaken certain enemies in Light for your weaker units (again, not at all unique in this regard); all this while only being available for one chapter.

  11. no it's not

    also if you haven't finished exp by the final chapter, you must be cutting it extremely close, which means that you've spent a thorough amount of time figuring out how not to use athos

    excellent endgame unit who can easily handle over half of the final chapter. really wants that chapter 31 body ring 4/10

    You know better than that, dondon. If you've already accounted for the experience rank in full, that means you've been pulling unnecessary weight for far too long. Remember that one late chapter where you needed to bodyguard an underleveled unit, feeding it kills with great caution and frustration? How about that early game chapter where you could've shaved off a couple turns if only you could've gotten the experience at a later time? Say, Light?

    Bottom line, it's unfair to assume for the purposes of ranked ratings that the player has over performed, making Athos artificially useful; I could assume that just the opposite has occurred, and that the player is UNDER prepared, making Athos' use drop from little to nothing. This has nothing to do with personal experience.

  12. For ranked exp is done already so feel free to spam him and his awesome beard in final

    Please. Light is one of the best places to acquire tons of experience is a short amount of time, and I'll point out that experience is without question the toughest rank to 5* in HHM. If you've already finished the experience rank by Light, then that means you've gone through a whole lot of unnecessary trouble to farm experience just to use Athos in the final chapter. I hardly think that's a point in his favor.

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