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Everything posted by Geriba

  1. I'd be surprised if there was, since it's not like anyone's enforcing a universal standard. Some people rate based on looks, others personality, others on how the unit helps with a given set of runthrough conditions. Live and let live imo
  2. lol so mad. You're missing the point anyway, so no reason to continue this "discussion."
  3. Only time experience matters is in ranked play, where Farina's extra movement is hardly relevant. You're not exactly rushing through chapters, although I will agree that Crazed Beast is a nice little farming chapter.
  4. Thanks. Got my Eliwood/Hector chapter numbers mixed around. Still, if you're really hankering for an experience sponge, there are probably better units. Just pull someone off the bench.
  5. The Serenes community tends to overthink- and, as a result, overestimate- Fire Emblem 8. At the end of the day, it's just a horribly broken and imbalanced mess with an awful story and a complete lack of any character development. Every unit is a superhero, and the lack of a ranking feature basically means that the only way to enjoy the game is to go for breakneck efficiency runs. Just no redeemable features whatsoever. 6 and 7 are both great choices, however. I'm partial to 7, but 6 has difficulty and unit variety in its favor.
  6. Nino comes one chapter later. And for free!
  7. Not very useful on ranked, not very useful on efficiency. Fun unit with solid bases, and the triangle attack can be a fun little side-show, but ultimately Farina's too little, too late. 3/10
  8. And you'll go out of your way to do so, because the Linus version of that chapter is about fifty times superior in a ranking run, fifty levels or not. Influence is rarely explicit, brah
  9. Something can be both tongue-in-cheek and still true, you know. Look, this is an irrelevant discussion that's derailing a dead topic. Bottom line, it's silly in my eyes to seriously evaluate a unit based on one narrowly-construed set of criteria.
  10. Exactly right. In efficiency, Geitz never exists; in ranking, he always exists; and in "basic" (i.e. casual) play, he exists 50% of the time. I just feel it's silly- and even a bit condescending- to seriously imply that Geitz never exists in "proper" FE7 play.
  11. Not complicated, but here's a second attempt at explaining it for you. dondon's made one particular way to play Fire Emblem stylish and relevant, but that doesn't preclude other ways to play. Of course, dondon himself realizes this, so his "Geitz doesn't exist" comment was obviously a playful one. I was simply pointing out that, since people tend to gravitate towards greatness, they've adopted those same standards as the only "relevant" ones, which is indeed mindless. Not that I'm completely against donny emulation, mind. SF is always in need of more thoughtful posters and discussion. EDIT: If you want some evidence that what I'm saying is 100% true (as usual), look no further than the dondon defense force (DDF) flaring up after my obviously sarcastic remark.
  12. Doing the playthrough yourself =/= adopting the conditions of the playthrough for character evaluations. Proof's in the pudding: why else would everyone be jumping aboard the Geitz Dun Exist bandwagon? Besides, dondon was being facetious, as was I. Time for some R&R, everybody.
  13. What we know for sure: 4 -> 5 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 6 -> 7 9 -> 10 lol 8 I'm tempted to put the Tellius era at the very beginning, as it deals with the origin of the world at greater length and features the Laguz, who are never seen again. The Elibe saga can really take place anywhere, even between 4/5 and 1/2/3. 8 is just irrelevant.
  14. Didn't you hear? All the cool kids mindlessly emulate dondon and his hyper-specific runthrough conditions. Get with the program
  15. I'll hazard a serious response this time around. Very solid pre-promo. Quality bases, and B-rank bows means instant access to the Brave bow (and without real competition). @dondon: He never exists in efficiency play, but always exists in ranking play, so that might as well be a wash. Numbers are arbitrary, but I'll go with an 8/10.
  16. Are we talking ranked or efficiency? Either way, the only changes I can see happening compared to the HHM lists are enemy-first recruits (Raven, Guy, etc.) potentially going down due to lower base stats, and fliers going up a bit, as the weaker enemy stats make flight objectives much easier.
  17. All true, but I feel the inclination to mistrust Marcus is a natural one. There's a cardinal rule in gaming that applies especially to RPGs: if something is too good to be true, then it probably is. From personal experience, the first time I played FE7 (which was incidentally my first SRPG) and observed Marcus rolling over the early chapters, I simply assumed that his performance wouldn't last. Still didn't keep me from using him throughout the game, but I made sure to train a handful of other units.
  18. Then you don't deserve a knight ring.
  19. One of the few places where save abuse is acceptable. Save after your Turn 1 arena responsibilities and, if the dice don't roll in your favor, have Ardan burn some RNs in the arena.
  20. The best advice I could give you would be to not overthink things. FE4 is not a particularly difficult game to beat, especially given its save function. Just use the pairings you like and make sure to squeeze every drop of experience out of the arena. In your case, it might be helpful to check for new dialogues between characters after every seized castle. Your Holsety problem, for example, would've been spelled out for you in Ch.4 had you engaged a conversation between Levin and Sigurd after capturing Silesia.
  21. Bingo. There are other situational uses for the Light Rune, but this is the one that jumps out the most.
  22. Well yeah, but Japan's preferences aren't exactly... normal. EDIT: Apparently Japan's moved on to bigger and brighter things. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29886
  23. Fantastic link. /hipster glasses To be fair, it's easy to overlook the "optimal" way to play Fire Emblem, and I'm sure each of us has felt the don't-use-Marcus sentiment at one point or another. But still, this article is pretty embarrassing (and hilarious). Yet I still can't bring myself to call this the worst "guide" out there, because that one by IGN still exists. I'll see if I can find it. It's an unholy abomination of terrible advice and Nino dry-humping. EDIT: http://boards.ign.com/fire_emblem/b5750/56493522/p1/?68 Also, who the hell likes Mystery of the Emblem the best? First time for everything I guess.
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