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Posts posted by Blasied

  1. http://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/dsp_content.cfm?cat_id=683 Fire map. Zoom in to the red ones. I live a bit west of the Springwood one. If it moves to the highway our evacuation routes will become a bit limited. Living in a heavily forested area kinda bites in fire season.

    Evacuations are usually quite successful though, the main worry is about property and posessions.

    We're mostly just preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. I've calmed down a bit since I removed some shrubs that were close to the house.

  2. Well, I literally can't see the sky through all the smoke. And my boyfriend had to evacuate a few days ago and a significant amount of his town doesn't exist anymore (luckily his house only had some superficial scorching).

    Being told about reality can lead to fear.

  3. As you may have guessed, I live in Australia. The area I live in is having some serious bushfire troubles right now with over 300 homes already lost or damaged. My town has not been hit but a good wind could change that very quickly.

    Tonight I have to pack my bags in case we need to evacuate within the next few days. Fires happen a lot around here but I've never felt this panicked by them before.

    Just felt like something that people in my situation would talk about, I guess. I'm new to this whole "talking about myself" thing.

  4. Oh god, have a cry, everything will pretty much run the exact same as it did before. It's just that you'll be seeing someone else's face in the newspaper instead.

    It's sad because it's true.

    Well, maybe not the newspapersd bit. You know what Murdoch press is like.

  5. I'm going to be bold (or stupid) and guess that this takes place after Lyn leaves.








    And guessing that new guy is a bishop.

  6. This is your meatshield. You probably already have a better one by now. Taking damage for you is the only thing he will be good at mostly, given his low offensive capabilities. He entered the battlefield you find him in on a suicidal whim. He is no longer sure that he wants to die but he's too gutless to leave the group, even though he suspects that no one would notice anyway. If someone does want to find him, try looking in a cool, shaded area, away from other people. He doesn't like the noise they make. This antisocial nature combined with an inability to initiate a conversation, even when he wants to talk to someone, makes his support pool somewhat small. Do not approach if you cannot handle heavy amounts of sarcasm, pessimism or cynicism. He is the most frequent napper in the army and carries a pillow everywhere he goes, in case of emergencies.

    Name: Blaise

    Class: Knight

    Reclass: Thief and Dark mage

    Gender: Male

    Affinity: Light

    Lvl: 12

    HP: 32 (75%)

    STR: 12 (35%)

    MAG: 6 (30%)

    SKL: 14 (70%)

    SPD: 10 (40%)

    LUK: 4 (15%)

    DEF: 17 (65%)

    RES: 8 (40%)

    Lance rank: B

    Join Equipment: Killer lance, Short spear, Pure water

    Join time: A bit too late

    Death quote voice: "Not... now...

    Death quote text: "And I was almost... thinking I'd survive..."

    Level up (bad to great):

    0-1: "That was pointless."

    2-3: "At least I'm getting somewhere."

    4-5: "So effort DOES pay off. Sometimes."

    6+: "I'm almost proud of myself. That's new."

    0-1 (Most capped): "I don't even know what I was expecting."

    Promotion: Great. Now people are going to have expectations of me.

    Reclass: All right, let's review the basics.

    Battle assist:

    "I'm awake, I'm awake."

    "*Sigh* Not again."

    "Settle down..."

    Dual strike:

    "Let's finish already."

    "If I have to."

    "You forgot about me."

    Support block:


    "Not going to happen."

    "Stop trying."


    "Sit down and shut up!"

    "Die you bastard!"

    "Get out of my way!"

    Enemy killed:

    "And stay down."

    "Are we done now?"

    "*Sigh* I need a nap."

    Enemy killed by ally:

    "You could've asked."

    "Oh. Uh, thanks."

    "That was underwhelming."

  7. [spoiler=Animefan8451, Heal Luminescent Blade]Jyosua 11

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